Why I Carry A Gun ...

Novus Collectus

New Member
Program on National Geo right now, cop says:

"Only reason I have a gun is because I'm a police officer, other than that I don't think I have a need for one..but unfortuately people have the right to own guns, and they're going to exercise that right".

This is coming from a man who was shot in the line of duty.

Yeah, I was watching it. They got a whole lot of data and figures wrong and a few events were misrepresented.
They had a few good things though.

I bet when that cop retires he continues to carry a gun.


I wasn't accusing them of committing crimes.

I supplied several links to sites with crime statistics and data for states that instituted CCW compared to states that haven't. They showed that crime significantly decreased when CCW was allowed and that CCW holders committed significantly less (or no) crimes compared to the general population, yet Xaquin44 seems to not have taken the time to look at the real numbers.

Why is this? If we challenge your pre-concieved notions on gun ownership are you going to just ignore the data?


New Member
Program on National Geo right now, cop says:

"Only reason I have a gun is because I'm a police officer, other than that I don't think I have a need for one..but unfortuately people have the right to own guns, and they're going to exercise that right".

This is coming from a man who was shot in the line of duty.

so .... he's dumbbecause he doesn't need a gun?

how does that work?

I've -needed- a gun a total of zero times in the last 29 years ....


New Member
I supplied several links to sites with crime statistics and data for states that instituted CCW compared to states that haven't. They showed that crime significantly decreased when CCW was allowed and that CCW holders committed significantly less (or no) crimes compared to the general population, yet Xaquin44 seems to not have taken the time to look at the real numbers.

Why is this? If we challenge your pre-concieved notions on gun ownership are you going to just ignore the data?

sorry my real numbers and your real numbers are different =(

I think if I looked hard I could find a million different real numbers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

so .... he's dumbbecause he doesn't need a gun?

how does that work?

I've -needed- a gun a total of zero times in the last 29 years ....

...I've 'needed' a fire extinguisher the same amount of times. I have 4 in the house. One in the car.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

good for you!


If we're playing the need game we'd be here all day though.

also, I wouldn't call you dumb for not having one.

...I don't call anyone dumb for not wanting a gun. It's a choice in my view and it is not for everyone. Fire extinguishers, however...


New Member
This discussion is well on its way and a very interesting read. I will only add that to me it is interesting that our own Sen. Roy Dyson will not bother to return my e-mails to answer questions on this topic. Wonder why?


sorry my real numbers and your real numbers are different =(

I think if I looked hard I could find a million different real numbers.

My numbers come from the FBI and DOJ crime statistics (2007 numbers is what the links I supplied used). I think they are more "real" than what ever you are quoting (which I believe is probably the Brady Campaign's numbers).
So in other words you are staying closed minded about this?


"Typical White Person"
so .... he's dumbbecause he doesn't need a gun?

how does that work?

I've -needed- a gun a total of zero times in the last 29 years ....

He is dumb because he is a police officer that is sworn to uphold a Constitution he does not believe in.

That is great that you haven't needed a gun in 29 years, however, you are dumb if you can't see that at any given time and at any given place the need may arise where having a gun could save yours or another persons life.

I have no problem with people not wanting to own guns or carry guns, but don't tell me I can't when it is my RIGHT to.

I carry a gun for a living, I have yet to have to use it, except to train and to put down a couple deer. Guess I will tell my supervision that I won't be needing to carry a gun anymore since I have yet needed it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

He is dumb because he is a police officer that is sworn to uphold a Constitution he does not believe in.

That is great that you haven't needed a gun in 29 years, however, you are dumb if you can't see that at any given time and at any given place the need may arise where having a gun could save yours or another persons life.

I have no problem with people not wanting to own guns or carry guns, but don't tell me I can't when it is my RIGHT to.

I carry a gun for a living, I have yet to have to use it, except to train and to put down a couple deer. Guess I will tell my supervision that I won't be needing to carry a gun anymore since I have yet needed it.

...NO! I insist. You stay armed! We got plenty of wolves so, the more shephards, the better. Whenever I see folks around that carry open, cops, some townships, it makes me feel better. Whenever I can 'make' someone, it makes me feel better.

My feelings are important to me. :lol:


This was a nice excerpt from a piece written by Benedict LaRosa for the Freedom Daily:
According to a 1995 study entitled “Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun” by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, published by the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology at Northwestern University School of Law, law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year.

That means that firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to shoot with criminal intent. Of these defensive shootings, more than 200,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse. About half a million times a year, a citizen carrying a gun away from home uses it in self-defense. Again, according to Kleck amd Gertz, “Citizens shoot and kill more criminals than police do every year [2,819 times versus 303].” Moreover, as George Will pointed out in an article entitled “Are We a Nation of Cowards?” in the November 15, 1993, issue of Newsweek, while police have an error rate of 11 percent when it comes to the accidental shooting of innocent civilians, the armed citizens’ error rate is only 2 percent, making them five times safer than police

Other studies give similar results. “Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms,” by the Clinton administration’s Justice Department shows that between 1.5 and 3 million people in the United States use a firearm to defend themselves and others from criminals each year. A 1986 study by Hart Research Associates puts the upper limit at 3.2 million.

What now Xaquin?

Novus Collectus

New Member
I've -needed- a gun a total of zero times in the last 29 years ....
And statistically you likely never will, but out of ten people, one person in twenty years will be the victim of a violent crime using national stastistics. Using MD the likelyhood is higher.
The odds of being a victim of a violent crime is just about the same as being in a serious car accident every year. Do you wear a seatbelt even though you may not have been in a car accident in 29 years?
Don't know about you, but just because I haven't been in a car accident in a long time, I will continue to wear my seatbelt.
People that wear a gun or a seat belt for protection don't do it because they were attacked or in a car accident in the past, they do it because they may be attacked or in a car accident in the future.


New Member
I have not used/needed my automobile insurance policy in the last 29 years either, but I still have one and not only becasue the law requires it...I'd have it even if they didn't.


And statistically you likely never will, but out of ten people, one person in twenty years will be the victim of a violent crime using national stastistics. Using MD the likelyhood is higher.
The odds of being a victim of a violent crime is just about the same as being in a serious car accident every year. Do you wear a seatbelt even though you may not have been in a car accident in 29 years?
Don't know about you, but just because I haven't been in a car accident in a long time, I will continue to wear my seatbelt.
People that wear a gun or a seat belt for protection don't do it because they were attacked or in a car accident in the past, they do it because they may be attacked or in a car accident in the future.

I needed a gun once during a violent crime on me and did not have it. Luckily my neighbors came out with guns and chains.

Both indecents occurred while living in South FL

The second time both my father and I had the guns on a fella, called the police and they picked him up.


Just a thought, but if the entire country was allowed open or concealed carry, how much crime do you think there would be? :whistle: Obviously, I'm not talking about convicted criminals, mentally disturbed, etc. I know Xaquack would say everyone would be shooting each other in the streets, but that is nonsense. I think the crime rate would drop, dramatically.
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I needed a gun once during a violent crime on me and did not have it. Luckily my neighbors came out with guns and chains.

Both indecents occurred while living in South FL

The second time both my father and I had the guns on a fella, called the police and they picked him up.
