Why I Carry A Gun ...


Florida and Texas are shall issue states and they're (The data I found was from 2006) the second and third most violent states in the country.

(unless something drastic happened for good in 2 years, I'd wager they still are)

And crimes by CCW holders in those states are almost non-existent and definetly way below the averages. Plus studies using FBI statistics have shown that crime in these states have decreased at a greater rate than the national average once 'shall-issue ccw' was institutedhttp://www.guncite.com/gun_control_gcdgcon.html http://archive.anomalies.net/index.php?dir=Fringe-Political_Belief/&file=CCWSTATS.TXT Texas CHL Analysis.

Everyday there are stories on gun rights sites about someone defending themselves or a love one with a gun (see Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment Supporters for one), most of those self-defence situations the defender didn't even have to fire the weapon, just drawing it was enough to stop the criminal from acting.
There are estimates of millions of self-defence use of firearms every year. You don't hear about the majority of them because shots are never fired.

You are being disingenuous if you try to say that carrying a gun will not protect you or a loved one. Read about Luby's cafe in Texas Luby's massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as an example of what can happen without CCW.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

. Read about Luby's cafe in Texas Luby's massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as an example of what can happen without CCW.

...if memory serves, there was a woman there who was just in agony because she'd left her pistol in the car because Luby's didn't allow guns. She lived, but I'm not sure if the people she was with were hurt or not.

The anti's support most every imaginable scenario where even if it's one in a million that this or that or the other thing would have saved someone then it should have been done and will darn well be done in the future. Until they get to self defense. Then, one in a million doesn't count.


I wasn't accusing them of committing crimes.

Read the articles. It also states that crimes rates dramatically decreased when CCW was instituted in those states. So concealed carry did alter the criminal's actions by reducing the rates that they committed crimes. Who knows if the person you are preying on is going to turn the tables on you.

In short, armed citizenry works! :howdy:


"Typical White Person"
...if memory serves, there was a woman there who was just in agony because she'd left her pistol in the car because Luby's didn't allow guns. She lived, but I'm not sure if the people she was with were hurt or not.

The anti's support most every imaginable scenario where even if it's one in a million that this or that or the other thing would have saved someone then it should have been done and will darn well be done in the future. Until they get to self defense. Then, one in a million doesn't count.

Yes, watch the link I posted in the thread earlier of her testifying to that MF'er Shcummer and others.


...if memory serves, there was a woman there who was just in agony because she'd left her pistol in the car because Luby's didn't allow guns. She lived, but I'm not sure if the people she was with were hurt or not.

The anti's support most every imaginable scenario where even if it's one in a million that this or that or the other thing would have saved someone then it should have been done and will darn well be done in the future. Until they get to self defense. Then, one in a million doesn't count.

Suzanna Hupp. Her parents were both killed right before her eyes in the massacre. The law at the time in Texas forbid CCW and there was no shall-issue permit. She had a legal handgun out in her car that she could not carry into the restaurant. She petitioned for and got a CCW shall-issue law passed in Texas. She has been a gun rights advocate ever since. :buddies:


And I can't carry a cop on my belt. I'm of two minds about open/concealed. I perfer concealed in a more urban environment so as not to frighten the rubes, but in the small towns and big sky places open carry would be fine.

I love the malls and such that have signs that say no concealed weapons. I always think oh so I can strap a shotgun to my back and be ok.


I bowl overhand
I love the malls and such that have signs that say no concealed weapons. I always think oh so I can strap a shotgun to my back and be ok.

yes, because breaking tha malls rules about concealed weapons is going to stop someone hell bent on killing as many people he can..

Just ensures the law abiding people are even less able to protect themselves and their families from some lunatic going on a rampage amongst the sheep.


"Typical White Person"
...his best move, with a handgun, would have been to advance, close the distance before the shooting started but I'll bet he's told not to, not allowed to in training.

Stunning what we humans will and won't do under intense stress.

Yeah, not sure what I would of done, I just know that cop was in a bad spot once the bad guy decided to exit and really engage the deputy with the AK.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Yeah, not sure what I would of done, I just know that cop was in a bad spot once the bad guy decided to exit and really engage the deputy with the AK.

...AK or an M1 carbine? I couldn't tell. Either way, he's in deep kimchi.

Closing the distance, sitting here behind a keyboard, seems to me like his only practical tactical move; get on him and get close BEFORE he can bear arms.

Once the guy started fumbling inside the truck that is, to me, cause enough to consider hostilities may well be about to commence and move in, right now. I can not see, given that video, anyone finding fault with him AT LEAST approaching the guy aggressively. It seemed pretty obvious that the guy was arming himself.

And he can't retreat. What if it's just a baseball bat? If it is a long gun, retreating means he has to totally give himself up and trust that retreating will de-escalate an already white hot situation.

You can just feel the deputy, his voice, his actions "Oh my God, what do I do? What do I do?" He was outside the loop pretty early and that was that.



"Typical White Person"
...AK or an M1 carbine? I couldn't tell. Either way, he's in deep kimchi.

Closing the distance, sitting here behind a keyboard, seems to me like his only practical tactical move; get on him and get close BEFORE he can bear arms.

Once the guy started fumbling inside the truck that is, to me, cause enough to consider hostilities may well be about to commence and move in, right now. I can not see, given that video, anyone finding fault with him AT LEAST approaching the guy aggressively. It seemed pretty obvious that the guy was arming himself.

And he can't retreat. What if it's just a baseball bat? If it is a long gun, retreating means he has to totally give himself up and trust that retreating will de-escalate an already white hot situation.

You can just feel the deputy, his voice, his actions "Oh my God, what do I do? What do I do?" He was outside the loop pretty early and that was that.


You're right, it sure would of been nice if he'd of had a patrol rifle slung at the low ready while giving them commands and ready to engage him once the threat could be determined.


but if you're using 'people being able to carry guns' as the catalyst for lower crime rates, no shall issue state should be in the top 13.
I look at it as an extension to my life insurance policy. :shrug:

I'd like to find the "statistics" (if there are any) on the relationship of violent crime involving handguns in relation to the amount of CCW owners per state.

Novus Collectus

New Member
I'm not sure why people think carrying a gun will really help them.

I mean, I assume criminals don't let you know they're about to rob you right?

Most robberies (granted, not all) take place in the darker seedier more secluded areas specifically so no one else gets involved.

I mean, the odds of it actually being useful have to be astronomical.


edit: or the home (where you have guns anyway)

The odds of them being useful is astronomical, but not the way you are thinking.

Guns are used successfully against attackers a hundred thousand times, to millions of times a year.

If a criminal attacks without warning, they have to make sure their victim is going down and cannot shoot back. There are many cases where the victim was able to shoot the attacker even after being attacked.....there was even a case in MD just two years ago on a permit holder in a mall parking lot in broad daylight.
1:52 p.m.. Mark Beckwith, a 57-year-old Caucasian man from Bel Air, parked his car in the upper lot at the Village of Cross Keys shopping center off Falls Road. Beckwith owns several gas stations and was there to make a deposit. As he was parking, two men approached his driver-side door, opened it, began beating Beckwith, and tried to rob him. One of the men had a handgun. Beckwith grabbed his own gun and started firing at the two men from inside the car, shattering his passenger-side windows. Beckwith fired all 16 rounds in his gun, hitting Keith Love, a 22-year-old African-American man, four times in the back. A white car pulled up, the other man jumped in, and the car drove away. Love was taken to Sinai Hospital, where he died half an hour later. Later that day, Corey McLeaurin, a 29-year-old African-American man, showed up at Maryland General Hospital with a gunshot wound in his left hand. McLeaurin matched the description of the second robber, and a warrant was obtained for his arrest.

Beckwith had a permit for his gun. Police say that this is a justifiable homicide, so Beckwith will not be charged with murder. According to police, this incident will likely be removed from the homicide rolls, as the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting does not count justifiable homicides as criminal homicides.
Baltimore City Paper - News+Features: Murder Ink

Also about that time an off duty Baltimore was being robbed at gunpoint. He was shot, but he was still able to pull his own gun and kill an attacker.
And about that time ANOTHER off duty Baltimore police officer was being robbed at knife point right in front of his row house and even though it was three of them and the knife was at his throat, he got his gun out and also killed one of the attackers.

So the odds of a surprise attack on someone they think has a gun are not all that much in their favor and the odds of an innocent victim with a gun being able to use it is way far from being "astronomical".

Novus Collectus

New Member
Florida and Texas are shall issue states and they're (The data I found was from 2006) the second and third most violent states in the country.

(unless something drastic happened for good in 2 years, I'd wager they still are)

In most of the states that passed shall issue, violent crime fell.


"Typical White Person"
Dumb cop on guns in America

Program on National Geo right now, cop says:

"Only reason I have a gun is because I'm a police officer, other than that I don't think I have a need for one..but unfortuately people have the right to own guns, and they're going to exercise that right".

This is coming from a man who was shot in the line of duty.