Why is she sad?


New Member
Not defending him, but:
When the person in J.S. gave alcohol to a minor, he was 22. Could have been his friends. Not gonna bust his balls about it without knowing if #1 it's him and #2 the circumstances of the conviction.
i never said it was even the right guy :shrug:


New Member

I am obviously a man. In that I may make bad decisons, by gender. Some of you feel that this post was bad decision, mildly stated. You may be right. I posted this seeking the advice of the fairer sex, hoping to get a deeper understanding as to the conflicting emotions displayed by the woman I love, displaying behavior that is unlike her. To those who responded in kindness, compassion, and understanding-- Thank you. To the other who responded in a less than, uh, social fashion-- Thank you as well. No hard feelings.

And yes we have sought medical attention..I beleive that was addressed.
And yes I furnished alcohol for a minor, my wife was twenty at the time.....now that was a bad decision.


New Member
I am obviously a man. In that I may make bad decisons, by gender. Some of you feel that this post was bad decision, mildly stated. You may be right. I posted this seeking the advice of the fairer sex, hoping to get a deeper understanding as to the conflicting emotions displayed by the woman I love, displaying behavior that is unlike her. To those who responded in kindness, compassion, and understanding-- Thank you. To the other who responded in a less than, uh, social fashion-- Thank you as well. No hard feelings.

And yes we have sought medical attention..I beleive that was addressed.
And yes I furnished alcohol for a minor, my wife was twenty at the time.....now that was a bad decision.
so what was the second degree assault for :popcorn:

and more importantly, how is she doing?


New Member
I am obviously a man. In that I may make bad decisons, by gender. Some of you feel that this post was bad decision, mildly stated. You may be right. I posted this seeking the advice of the fairer sex, hoping to get a deeper understanding as to the conflicting emotions displayed by the woman I love, displaying behavior that is unlike her. To those who responded in kindness, compassion, and understanding-- Thank you. To the other who responded in a less than, uh, social fashion-- Thank you as well. No hard feelings.

And yes we have sought medical attention..I beleive that was addressed.
And yes I furnished alcohol for a minor, my wife was twenty at the time.....now that was a bad decision.

Wow this was a nice explanation actually! I understand that you may be coping with the grief differently than a woman would. I commend you for trying to understand your wifes feelings. But sometimes it is just better to confront it and talk to your wife vs going to the internet. Best of luck to you!


New Member
I believe that I charges were dropped there-- but for full disclosure: Got into a shouting match with my girlfriend at the time, morning/afternoon after our mutual birthday. She was kissing her ex-boyfriend I confronted him/them; told them where to go, and what to do with it, she slapped me I let it go, she tried to go for the other side and I grabbed her hand. Her mom called the cops. They came, and to Leonardtown I went. Got to court, situation explained in full. Exonerated/charges dropped.


New Member
I believe that I charges were dropped there-- but for full disclosure: Got into a shouting match with my girlfriend at the time, morning/afternoon after our mutual birthday. She was kissing her ex-boyfriend I confronted him/them; told them where to go, and what to do with it, she slapped me I let it go, she tried to go for the other side and I grabbed her hand. Her mom called the cops. They came, and to Leonardtown I went. Got to court, situation explained in full. Exonerated/charges dropped.

thats when you let the indian side come out..



New Member
I believe that I charges were dropped there-- but for full disclosure: Got into a shouting match with my girlfriend at the time, morning/afternoon after our mutual birthday. She was kissing her ex-boyfriend I confronted him/them; told them where to go, and what to do with it, she slapped me I let it go, she tried to go for the other side and I grabbed her hand. Her mom called the cops. They came, and to Leonardtown I went. Got to court, situation explained in full. Exonerated/charges dropped.


Well-Known Member
I am obviously a man. In that I may make bad decisons, by gender. Some of you feel that this post was bad decision, mildly stated. You may be right. I posted this seeking the advice of the fairer sex, hoping to get a deeper understanding as to the conflicting emotions displayed by the woman I love, displaying behavior that is unlike her. To those who responded in kindness, compassion, and understanding-- Thank you. To the other who responded in a less than, uh, social fashion-- Thank you as well. No hard feelings.

And yes we have sought medical attention..I beleive that was addressed.
And yes I furnished alcohol for a minor, my wife was twenty at the time.....now that was a bad decision.

I give you credit for owning up to your mistakes.

as I stated before, I think her "behavior" is normal. Afterall, she has given birth to 5/6 (can't remember how many you said) children, I can imagine if this is her first lost of a child that would affect her greatly as she knows what she has lost. Many women feel inadequate or blame themselves when they lose a child, even though this is not usually the case.

I hope you can and will be very supportive of her. She's going to need it. And don't be surprised when she tells you very soon she wants to have another baby. I've seen this happen, many times.


New Member
Physically, she is fine. The OBGYN, that delivered all of our kids, saw her and checked her off as GTG. I was worried about something serious, more serious, had occurred than a miscarriage-- (Caveat: Not making light of miscarriages, they are a serious medical condition and can cause, or be caused by, serious medical issues.)-- just worried about more substantial maladies. Her spirits are down, and she just keeps crying-- maybe hormone levels were disrupted-- and not wanting to talk. I wish that she would talk to me; that is kinda why I turned to the ladies of somd......


Well-Known Member
Postpartum Depression??

Physically, she is fine. The OBGYN, that delivered all of our kids, saw her and checked her off as GTG. I was worried about something serious, more serious, had occurred than a miscarriage-- (Caveat: Not making light of miscarriages, they are a serious medical condition and can cause, or be caused by, serious medical issues.)-- just worried about more substantial maladies. Her spirits are down, and she just keeps crying-- maybe hormone levels were disrupted-- and not wanting to talk. I wish that she would talk to me; that is kinda why I turned to the ladies of somd......

After the birth of a child, it is common for women to experience some type of mood disturbance. Typically, it is relatively mild (postpartum blues). However, about 10-15% of women experience a more severe and disabling illness, postpartum depression. It has been suggested that women who develop postpartum depression may be more sensitive to the hormonal changes that take place after delivery and that these hormonal changes may contribute to emergence of depressive symptoms during the postpartum period.

With respect to depression after miscarraige, it is thought that some women may experience similar, although less dramatic, hormonal shifts. Whether these hormonal changes can directly precipitate an episode of depression is still unclear. However, we do know that most women report some degree of psychological distress after a miscarriage, and that about 1 in 10 women actually meet criteria for major depression. Risk factors for depression after miscarriage include a prior history of depression, having inadequate social supports and being childless. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad or blue, loss of interest in one’s usual activities, and hopelessness. If any of these symptoms emerge after a miscarriage, further evaluation is necessary.

Can Women Suffer from Postpartum Depression After Miscarriage? | MGH Center for Women's Mental Health


New Member
Thanks..I know what I have to do.

After the birth of a child, it is common for women to experience some type of mood disturbance. Typically, it is relatively mild (postpartum blues). However, about 10-15% of women experience a more severe and disabling illness, postpartum depression. It has been suggested that women who develop postpartum depression may be more sensitive to the hormonal changes that take place after delivery and that these hormonal changes may contribute to emergence of depressive symptoms during the postpartum period.

With respect to depression after miscarraige, it is thought that some women may experience similar, although less dramatic, hormonal shifts. Whether these hormonal changes can directly precipitate an episode of depression is still unclear. However, we do know that most women report some degree of psychological distress after a miscarriage, and that about 1 in 10 women actually meet criteria for major depression. Risk factors for depression after miscarriage include a prior history of depression, having inadequate social supports and being childless. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad or blue, loss of interest in one’s usual activities, and hopelessness. If any of these symptoms emerge after a miscarriage, further evaluation is necessary.

Can Women Suffer from Postpartum Depression After Miscarriage? | MGH Center for Women's Mental Health

Will seek counseling services. Know anyone local?


New Member
Will seek counseling services. Know anyone local?

In my opinion I think thats a HUGE step when this JUST happened... its obvious you love your wife and you are worried but maybe just take a step back and breath yourself...

Give her a little bit of time before you say its time to go to counseling...

Just me thinking is all...


Well-Known Member
Will seek counseling services. Know anyone local?
I'd call the OB/GYN that took care of her. Explain your concerns. Make sure to let them know you ARE concerned. You aren't a first time dad, you've had experience with what happened in the past with her other children. Go from there.

I think you are doing the right thing.
In my opinion I think thats a HUGE step when this JUST happened... its obvious you love your wife and you are worried but maybe just take a step back and breath yourself...

Give her a little bit of time before you say its time to go to counseling...

Just me thinking is all...

I thought about telling him to give it some time as well, but in this case she has several other children that she is trying to take care of as well. I don't think she can afford to take the time she needs to possibly feel better in a few days/weeks/months.