Watch some of Jay Leno's street interviews, same thing different accent!
Riiiiiight. A *comedian*, who must have scientifically selected his sample, because that would be funny.
I'd sooner believe Hannity's Man In the Street stuff proves all liberals are morons.
They used to have a show called "Street Smart", where they picked a handful of really stupid people in the street, and contestants would bet on whether they actually knew the real answer. So who were the real Americans, the carefully selected idiots on the street, or the smarter contestants on the set?
Right after 9/11, they did a poll of several nations to determine how Americans were perceived. They found that on several levels - intelligence, morals, education, etc - Americans were perceived to be inferior.
What they also found was that the overwhelming majority of those polled had never ever met a single American in their life - not even a tourist. They based their concept of Americans on American TV shows. Can you imagine? Your average American TV dad is the world's stupidest creature. Imagine if we only based our opinions of Brits based on their TV.