Why so mean spirited?


Well-Known Member
I've been here in the forums since 2003. Most of the "flaming" I have seen has occured because some reject from Springer who watches too much Oprah comes on here with a :drama: sob story looking for vindication for their point of view. When they don't get the reaction they were looking for, or better yet, get ridiculed for their stupidity, then everyone who points out their lack of adult behavior is being mean-spirited and downright rude. What you drama queens need to do is GROW THE FORK UP!!!! and realize that this is the real world and sometimes despite what your mommy and Barney told you; you are NOT all that special.

PS: Elaine, will you marry me? :flowers:


New Member
K_Jo said:
Everyone was mean to me at first, except kwillia and BadGirl and otter and catt and Dems and Sockgirl and Pixie and Halfshell and Barbra and Prep and CMC and Kain and Jazz and Jabba and Tigger and Pete, but I stuck around and now I am the most popular and most loved poster of all time! :diva:


All Up In Your Grill
vraiblonde said:

Not every newbie is met with ridicule and flaming. I think of it like going to party where everyone knows everyone else, and you don't know anyone. Do you walk in, announce yourself and start telling them how much you hate the party, can't stand the house it's being held in, and complain that the guests are all a bunch of jerks?

Or do you smile, introduce yourself and try to find some people you have something in common with, while avoiding the drunk with the lampshade on his head?

Beautifully said Vrai. I am a newbie. I enjoy the forums; there seems to be a lot of cool people on here. I'm not going to say I've been ridiculed or flamed, because I don't feel I have; I've made bonehead comments and been called on them, I've made comments that some thought were funny and others chose to give me Red Karma for, and I've seen posts that I didn't necessarily agree on. The posts I didn't agree with, I chose not to read, or comment. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and it is not my place to try and changes one's opinion.

So stop trying to change the forums.


New Member
vraiblonde said:

Not every newbie is met with ridicule and flaming. I think of it like going to party where everyone knows everyone else, and you don't know anyone. Do you walk in, announce yourself and start telling them how much you hate the party, can't stand the house it's being held in, and complain that the guests are all a bunch of jerks?

Or do you smile, introduce yourself and try to find some people you have something in common with, while avoiding the drunk with the lampshade on his head?
:mad: I can read between the lines.


New Member
Homesick said:
LOL. Oh God. I was so here once.

Bless ya, but believe you me, you're fighting a loosing battle.
Hey TP, meet Homesick, ex self appointed, forum police officer . Take Homey's advice. Homey finally "got it" and is now accepted. :huggy:

P.S. TP, thought you were leaving this thread.


Originally Posted by vraiblonde

Not every newbie is met with ridicule and flaming. I think of it like going to party where everyone knows everyone else, and you don't know anyone. Do you walk in, announce yourself and start telling them how much you hate the party, can't stand the house it's being held in, and complain that the guests are all a bunch of jerks?

Or do you smile, introduce yourself and try to find some people you have something in common with, while avoiding the drunk with the lampshade on his head?

VRAI, I thought you weren't going to tell anyone about me wearing that lampshade!!! :whistle:


Nothing to see here
nomoney said:
alright, who's being an ass? Who do I have to put in time out??

Took you long enough to butt into this tread, were you reading everyones PMs again?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nachomama said:
I've made comments that some thought were funny and others chose to give me Red Karma for,
The other night I was PWD and I made the comment, "Quick! Pandora! Has my karma gone down???"

I checked the next day and there was a red karma for that post that said, "Yes :lol:"


If I were a different type of person, I might have gotten on and started ranting about red karma, demanding to know WHO gave it to me, and being a whiner in general. But, unlike some, I find that stuff highly amusing and don't get my knickers in a twist over dots on a computer screen.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
vraiblonde said:
The other night I was PWD and I made the comment, "Quick! Pandora! Has my karma gone down???"

I checked the next day and there was a red karma for that post that said, "Yes :lol:"


If I were a different type of person, I might have gotten on and started ranting about red karma, demanding to know WHO gave it to me, and being a whiner in general. But, unlike some, I find that stuff highly amusing and don't get my knickers in a twist over dots on a computer screen.
:yeahthat: For as often as I'm on hear, I's got some red last nite fo' usin' a for syllabol werd. Obviously from someone who don't know me. Cause all yous that matter no I'm edumakated. No skin of my ... um... nose, because some folks had to get a dickshunairy.