Why so mean spirited?


New Member
cecelia0613 said:
Just out of curiosity...

Why is it that when people ask questions or make comments in these forums that others don't take them serious or seem to be making fun of the people. It seems that people on this forum board are the meanest, self-centered group of people in the state of Maryland.

I know I'll be told to take a hike, move if I don't like it here, or whatever, but I don't give a hoot. Play nice, especially if you are adults. Or, maybe what I'm seeing on this board is the future of our great country!



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NOT Politically Correct!!
cecelia0613 said:
Just out of curiosity...

Why is it that when people ask questions or make comments in these forums that others don't take them serious or seem to be making fun of the people. It seems that people on this forum board are the meanest, self-centered group of people in the state of Maryland.

I know I'll be told to take a hike, move if I don't like it here, or whatever, but I don't give a hoot. Play nice, especially if you are adults. Or, maybe what I'm seeing on this board is the future of our great country!


<img src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b31/chernmax/Funny%20pictures/tiggaplease.gif">


Set Trippin
cecelia0613 said:
Just out of curiosity...

Why is it that when people ask questions or make comments in these forums that others don't take them serious or seem to be making fun of the people. It seems that people on this forum board are the meanest, self-centered group of people in the state of Maryland.

I know I'll be told to take a hike, move if I don't like it here, or whatever, but I don't give a hoot. Play nice, especially if you are adults. Or, maybe what I'm seeing on this board is the future of our great country!

cecelia0613 said:
Just out of curiosity...

Why is it that when people ask questions or make comments in these forums that others don't take them serious or seem to be making fun of the people. It seems that people on this forum board are the meanest, self-centered group of people in the state of Maryland.

I know I'll be told to take a hike, move if I don't like it here, or whatever, but I don't give a hoot. Play nice, especially if you are adults. Or, maybe what I'm seeing on this board is the future of our great country!

What you see on the forums is the true person. No social rules to keep them for being their mean spirited selves. No chance of getting punched out if you tell someone to eat sh8t and die. Everyone isn't like that though, there are lots of nice people, lots of funny people and people like yourself, the dumb a$$es. Have a great day! :lmao: :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cecelia0613 said:
Just out of curiosity...

Why is it that when people ask questions or make comments in these forums that others don't take them serious or seem to be making fun of the people. It seems that people on this forum board are the meanest, self-centered group of people in the state of Maryland.

I know I'll be told to take a hike, move if I don't like it here, or whatever, but I don't give a hoot. Play nice, especially if you are adults. Or, maybe what I'm seeing on this board is the future of our great country!


...there's a test we all have to take before we can run wild;


Not everyone makes it.


Well-Known Member
princess73 said:
That was just wrong... No one did anything to deserve that. :shutup:

Slotted wished death on somone and thats ok. But when I wish disease on him that was just un called for.

Go figure.
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NOT Politically Correct!!
pingrr said:
Slotted wished death on somone and thats ok. But when I wish disease on somone that is un called for.

Go figure.

The best part is, you'll live... :coffee:
pingrr said:
Slotted wished death on somone and thats ok. But when I wish disease on him that was just un called for.

Go figure.
No, he just said jump off a bridge. Didn't specify how high.