Why the regulative principle in worship


New Member
Yes, but they had a great teacher!

The "strip-mall" preacher are not so fortunate.

Who are these people?
Has anyone in here ever said they pastored a church in a strip mall? If thats just your endearing term, even if they had, why would the building disquallify them? Most pastors have the min of a masters degree.


Bead mumbler
Most pastors have the min of a masters degree.

Some even from ACCREDITED seminaries and not off of TV.....Woopdeefreakingdoo!

I know a Navy Petty officer (HS graduate) who is a pastor and well, there's of course IS who pastored various churches.....so be careful with the word most.

Be honest--you were away from religion for a long time and only recently have "come back" to God, right?
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mama to two
Some even from ACCREDITED seminaries and not off of TV.....Woopdeefreakingdoo!

I know a Navy Petty officer (HS graduate) who is a pastor and well, there's of course IS who pastored various churches.....so be careful with the word most.

Be honest--you were away from religion for a long time and only recently have "come back" to God, right?

Do you know how ItalianScallion is doing? I wonder why he disappeared off this forum. He was one of the few members I have met. I liked him, and hope he is doing well.


New Member
Who are these people?
Has anyone in here ever said they pastored a church in a strip mall? If thats just your endearing term, even if they had, why would the building disquallify them? Most pastors have the min of a masters degree.

There are a lot of preachers out there, good ones, that got their "degrees" like the Reverend Jim on Taxi did.

If you're called to preach.... a master's is only time consuming.


Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
So am I supposed remain silent and rob God of his honor and glory for saving me from my depravity? The fact that God saves anyone is a miracle when it happens. The fact that God use broken people what can I say, Jesus came from a human line of broken people.

Santification is a process of becoming more Holy until the day we die and become glorified. I am just a begger pointing another begger to bread.
I think you see just the oppsite, a wretch that knows they are a wretch and others that have yet to see theirself that way.

Until a man understands his total depravity, he will more than likely just accept Jesus into so closet of his heart or banty his name around like a fashion accessory, without ever dying to self at the foot of the cross.

No, but do not come out of your gutter and condemn the Catholic Church.
Jump back into that gutter and save the others with knowledge you have found.

That is the Blessing.

P.S. I think I agreed with most of what you just said.
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Soul Probe
If people think we believe the same thing it harms the gospel. When it comes to salvation there is only one way.

Nothing can harm the Word of God, because it is the Word of GOD, so what you really mean to say is it harms your interpretation of it and you think that interpretation is the one and only way.

Its not about being right or getting in the last word in,

Au contraire. I do believe you think it is about being right lest you wouldn't have written what you did above.

it’s just a constant reminder to those unsaved, and to those of the church of Rome or any other religious cult. You’re outside the camp and lost. I'd rather you hate me and my ilk rather than be a friend that silent allows you to die in your sin.

So you say. If you'd rather me hate you, then congratulations you've succeeded.

If you want to continue in it fine, that’s your choice, God saves people man doesn’t, but you can’t say no one ever told you the truth and your blood is on your hands not ours.

You're right, God saves people man doesn't. So stop trying to save me. I'm quite confident I'm where God wants me to be, thank you.

You're right, my "blood" is on my hands, and as much as you might like to think so it's not dependent on what you have or have not said. And btw, your "blood" is on your hands. Get a clue.

No its not, I love people, and to have a religious organization like the RCC decieving people and being an agent of Satan bothers me! People are going to go to hell believing her lies, some none the wiser.

There are plenty of Christians, Catholic or not, who are going to go to hell, wouldn't you agree? And, "agents of Satan" come in many and numerous guises, wouldn't you agree?

Some people never study the history of the church, and take everything they are told on faith, trusting in men for their souls. Some never study their Bibles or try to without the orignal languages.

I've studied the history of the Church as well a scripture, umpteen and numerous times -- before I became Catholic. What's your point? Are you asking me to take what you say on faith?

My faith calls me to seek and save the lost those who are humble and truely seeking are approached with humility, those that are prideful with the 10 cannons of the law.

And here I thought God did all the saving, go figure, prideful indeed. :eyebrow:


New Member
Some even from ACCREDITED seminaries and not off of TV.....Woopdeefreakingdoo!

I know a Navy Petty officer (HS graduate) who is a pastor and well, there's of course IS who pastored various churches.....so be careful with the word most.

Be honest--you were away from religion for a long time and only recently have "come back" to God, right?

I became a Christan in OCT 2006, but God started persuing me in 1999, between those years I was seeking after God but had not fully turned over Lordship of my life. I graduated with my degree in ministery in Aug 2010 and just this year actually stared serving in ministery as a pastoral apprentice and hope to be ordained by the end of the year, but I still have some ruff edges, I am working on. I felt for a long time that Gods called me to a full time vocation and has guided my steps in that direction, but have been reluctant. I honestly dont know if I want to subject myself to that. Being a good pastor that loves his flock is a 60+ hour a week, that comes with a lot of heartbreak and disapointment. A lot of people just want to play church or just be a part of an organization. So for now I am leaving it in Gods hands and his timing.


Bead mumbler
I became a Christan in OCT 2006, but God started persuing me in 1999, between those years I was seeking after God but had not fully turned over Lordship of my life. I graduated with my degree in ministery in Aug 2010 and just this year actually stared serving in ministery as a pastoral apprentice and hope to be ordained by the end of the year, but I still have some ruff edges, I am working on. I felt for a long time that Gods called me to a full time vocation and has guided my steps in that direction, but have been reluctant. I honestly dont know if I want to subject myself to that. Being a good pastor that loves his flock is a 60+ hour a week, that comes with a lot of heartbreak and disapointment. A lot of people just want to play church or just be a part of an organization. So for now I am leaving it in Gods hands and his timing.

So in the interest of full disclosure:

1: What is the name and city of degree granting institution
2: If you are unwilling to answer 1, what is the denomination the degree-granting institution is affiliated with?
3: Is your disdain for the Catholic church or cult as you have called it based on your own opinion, your denomination's opinion, or your degree-granting institution's opinion?


New Member
Since I don't have the intellect to have an intelligent conversation, I shouldn't have to be the one to spell this out for you...

You got divisiveness, and as long as your faith is dependent upon anti-Catholicism, or "Romanists" if you prefer, you will continue to get it.

I want to appologize for that crack, I cant speak to your intellect.
You got up my nose with your twisting, of words, pretzel logic and condensending attitude.

So I dont plan to respond to any of your further questions, as they lack sincerity are are just meant to provoke a negative response knee jerk reaction.

An as to your other post on page 7 about hating me, thats very Christian of you!


New Member
I want to appologize for that crack, I cant speak to your intellect.
You got up my nose with your twisting, of words, pretzel logic and condensending attitude.

So I dont plan to respond to any of your further questions, as they lack sincerity are are just meant to provoke a negative response knee jerk reaction.

An as to your other post on page 7 about hating me, thats very Christian of you!

You are really, really rough around the edges there buddy....

You will need to take some public speaking courses because your monotone is very hard to sit through. [that's part of the reason I didn't come back]

You will need to take some courses in writing as well because most of what you say is cut and paste sounding. [a lot like my cut & paste, but I'm not claiming to be a preacher working for ordaination.]

Other than that.... good luck

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I want to appologize for that crack, I cant speak to your intellect.
You got up my nose with your twisting, of words, pretzel logic and condensending attitude.

So I dont plan to respond to any of your further questions, as they lack sincerity are are just meant to provoke a negative response knee jerk reaction.

An as to your other post on page 7 about hating me, thats very Christian of you!

Get some stones.

If you really believed as you state, you would have a higher authority on your side.

We do not condemn you, just grab a few souls up from your gutter, and you are OK with me.

Leave the RCC, we are OK.


No its not, I love people, and to have a religious organization like the RCC decieving people and being an agent of Satan bothers me! People are going to go to hell believing her lies, some none the wiser.

Perhaps a lot of people are going to hell for being so judgmental.


Soul Probe
I want to appologize for that crack, I cant speak to your intellect.
You got up my nose with your twisting, of words, pretzel logic and condensending attitude.

I fully admit to a condescending attitude but that's because you are so far beneath me. I'm sorry you can't handle the discussion. You might need to work on that if you're going to be a minister. Not everyone will be your blind follower.

So I dont plan to respond to any of your further questions, as they lack sincerity are are just meant to provoke a negative response knee jerk reaction.

Any question I asked was rhetorical. You're not someone I would come to for answers unless I'm inquiring of the lunatic fringe. In fact, the last two rhetorical questions I asked should have provoked some serious thought on your part. I suspect this is why you now refuse to answer.

An as to your other post on page 7 about hating me, thats very Christian of you!

Oh, I don't wish for you to burn in hell or anything, but if you were to have a case of flesh-eating disease I wouldn't bat an eye or shed a tear over it. In fact, I'd probably consider that justice. You said you would rather I hate you; again, you got what you wanted.


New Member
So in the interest of full disclosure:

1: What is the name and city of degree granting institution
2: If you are unwilling to answer 1, what is the denomination the degree-granting institution is affiliated with?
3: Is your disdain for the Catholic church or cult as you have called it based on your own opinion, your denomination's opinion, or your degree-granting institution's opinion?

1. Lancaster Bible College BS in Ministry... and continuing education with Masters Seminary's GAMA program.
2. Non Denomination
3. God’s word, my opinion, and any Protestant evangelical institution (school or church) unless liberal would say that the RCC is apostate and its doctrine will lead people to hell. That’s how huge the divide is between Protestantism and Catholicism. Only through GAMA/Masters was anything ever said about Romanism. John Macarthur has spoken on it before and I took an evangelism course there on witnessing to RC’s that basically just taught the apostate beliefs that Rome teaches directly from your catechism.

My disdain is not for those in the church, but the church its self for naming the name of Christ, but teaching or promoting doctrine that will lead people to hell and that applies for JW's, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hare Krishna’s and any other works based religious system or system that names the name of Christ and is outside of Orthodoxy.

I don’t have an axe to grind solely against Catholics, it’s just this forum likes to constantly debate it, and I have no problem standing firm for the truth and drawing the line in the sand, it’s a good thing.

We’re not all Christians and here to get along and stroke each other. There is a war for minds and the souls of men and were called to the battle. We can agree to disagree, but we can never pretend that we are all just Christian and believe the same thing.
Someone accused me of being divisive, praise God! There is a huge divide and we can’t emphasize that enough. That doesn’t mean we can’t respect each other though.

There may even be some Catholics that are born again here, but its not because of what there church teaches, its because of an outside influence and if they are born again it must be really hard to remain in that religious system.


New Member
Get some stones.

If you really believed as you state, you would have a higher authority on your side.

We do not condemn you, just grab a few souls up from your gutter, and you are OK with me.

Leave the RCC, we are OK.

Who's a higher authority than God and his word?


New Member
You are really, really rough around the edges there buddy....

You will need to take some public speaking courses because your monotone is very hard to sit through. [that's part of the reason I didn't come back]

You will need to take some courses in writing as well because most of what you say is cut and paste sounding. [a lot like my cut & paste, but I'm not claiming to be a preacher working for ordaination.]

Other than that.... good luck

That was the first time I ever spoke publically, and it wasnt a sermon, it was a seven minute gospel presentation. A carry over from the former church that we have since dropped.

It takes time to get comfortable speaking in front of people. Also it was an isolated occurence my taking part of the service. I was nervous being up there, nervous having you there. I am over it. If you want to listen a sermon I did recently its on the church web page under media and its my first, so its nothing great, but its theologically sound and constructed correctly.

Learing to be a better orator would be great, but if it never happens, so be it. Its not about me, or having oratory skills. People should be there to hear the word of God, be obident to it, and transformed by it.


Bead mumbler
1. Lancaster Bible College BS in Ministry... and continuing education with Masters Seminary's GAMA program.
2. Non Denomination
3. God’s word, my opinion, and any Protestant evangelical institution (school or church) unless liberal would say that the RCC is apostate and its doctrine will lead people to hell. That’s how huge the divide is between Protestantism and Catholicism. Only through GAMA/Masters was anything ever said about Romanism. John Macarthur has spoken on it before and I took an evangelism course there on witnessing to RC’s that basically just taught the apostate beliefs that Rome teaches directly from your catechism.

My disdain is not for those in the church, but the church its self for naming the name of Christ, but teaching or promoting doctrine that will lead people to hell and that applies for JW's, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hare Krishna’s and any other works based religious system or system that names the name of Christ and is outside of Orthodoxy.

I don’t have an axe to grind solely against Catholics, it’s just this forum likes to constantly debate it, and I have no problem standing firm for the truth and drawing the line in the sand, it’s a good thing.

We’re not all Christians and here to get along and stroke each other. There is a war for minds and the souls of men and were called to the battle. We can agree to disagree, but we can never pretend that we are all just Christian and believe the same thing.
Someone accused me of being divisive, praise God! There is a huge divide and we can’t emphasize that enough. That doesn’t mean we can’t respect each other though.

There may even be some Catholics that are born again here, but its not because of what there church teaches, its because of an outside influence and if they are born again it must be really hard to remain in that religious system.

Quite frankly, I'm speechless. Your interpretation of what God wants of Christians is, well wrong.

Good luck. With all due respect, based solely on your postings here, you are not being called to minister. You appear to be more suited to creating anti-Catholic YouTube videos.