A "pastor" without a church with a "degree" from a "seminary" which has only been "approved" to confer "degrees" in the last 40 years with not one leg to stand on to judge the Catholic church. Some Forumites even gave you a chance to preach and you threw up all over yourself.
Let me give you an assignment. This is easy and yes rather elementary. I won't debate the scriptural basis for Marian adoration with you--you are not capable. But, look through your Bible and make me a list of people who 1.) had an angel appear to them, AND 2.) were greeted with the salutation beginning with "Hail" followed by "Blessed" or any other exalted term Just do it--no commentary. When you have your list we will move on to the next assignment.
Late in Church history? Fail!
"Forumites gave you a chance to Preach"
Did I miss an invation to come to your church?
Seriously, why would I want to waste my time doing that in here?
The Gospel is as far as it goes in here, and you have heard that more times than I care to remember.
If I wanted to talk to myself, I certainly dont need to come here to do it.
Thanks for your kind offer of an assigment, but I have more than enough proffitable things to do, without investing/wasting that kind of time here.
Much like everyone else I come here when I am board out of my mind for a few minutes, and when there is nothing of value here to read, (the norm these days) I jump right back out again. You know as well as I do that no one is serious or interested in a real discussion. Its mostly a collection of flamers that have nothing better to do than attack each other and pat themselves on the back.
1854 is when Mariology was offically scantioned by the church. If you count the centuries the 1800's is late. Pass!