Why the regulative principle in worship

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Quite frankly, I'm speechless. Your interpretation of what God wants of Christians is, well wrong.

Good luck. With all due respect, based solely on your postings here, you are not being called to minister. You appear to be more suited to creating anti-Catholic YouTube videos.

He, IS, and StarDude will be the next ones arrested for destroying statues of Mary!


New Member
He, IS, and StarDude will be the next ones arrested for destroying statues of Mary!

I dont have any issues with lawn ornaments! Unless you bring them inside a church.

Mary never did anything wrong, she never exaulted herself, in fact she realized she was a wretch in need of a savior.

It was the Catholic church very late in the history of the church that exaulted her. Prior to that she was nothing more, than what she is, the mother of Jesus.


Bead mumbler
It was the Catholic church very late in the history of the church that exaulted her.

A "pastor" without a church with a "degree" from a "seminary" which has only been "approved" to confer "degrees" in the last 40 years with not one leg to stand on to judge the Catholic church. Some Forumites even gave you a chance to preach and you threw up all over yourself.

Let me give you an assignment. This is easy and yes rather elementary. I won't debate the scriptural basis for Marian adoration with you--you are not capable. But, look through your Bible and make me a list of people who 1.) had an angel appear to them, AND 2.) were greeted with the salutation beginning with "Hail" followed by "Blessed" or any other exalted term Just do it--no commentary. When you have your list we will move on to the next assignment.

Late in Church history? Fail!


New Member
A "pastor" without a church with a "degree" from a "seminary" which has only been "approved" to confer "degrees" in the last 40 years with not one leg to stand on to judge the Catholic church. Some Forumites even gave you a chance to preach and you threw up all over yourself.

Let me give you an assignment. This is easy and yes rather elementary. I won't debate the scriptural basis for Marian adoration with you--you are not capable. But, look through your Bible and make me a list of people who 1.) had an angel appear to them, AND 2.) were greeted with the salutation beginning with "Hail" followed by "Blessed" or any other exalted term Just do it--no commentary. When you have your list we will move on to the next assignment.

Late in Church history? Fail!

"Forumites gave you a chance to Preach"

Did I miss an invation to come to your church? :)

Seriously, why would I want to waste my time doing that in here?

The Gospel is as far as it goes in here, and you have heard that more times than I care to remember.
If I wanted to talk to myself, I certainly dont need to come here to do it.

Thanks for your kind offer of an assigment, but I have more than enough proffitable things to do, without investing/wasting that kind of time here.

Much like everyone else I come here when I am board out of my mind for a few minutes, and when there is nothing of value here to read, (the norm these days) I jump right back out again. You know as well as I do that no one is serious or interested in a real discussion. Its mostly a collection of flamers that have nothing better to do than attack each other and pat themselves on the back.

1854 is when Mariology was offically scantioned by the church. If you count the centuries the 1800's is late. Pass!


Thought pirate
I'm not a Protestant or a Catholic, so let me replay this the way Tonto has read it:

ST hates the Catholic Church

ST says he is a man of God

Every other single religion in the entire history of the world is wrong.

That would include Judaism, of which Christ was one.

ST hates the Catholic Church

Statues of Mary are lawn ornaments, so therefore so are the Jesus on the crucifix hanging in other churches.

They do not teach English composition at Lancaster Bible College.

ST hates the Catholic Church


New Member
I'm not a Protestant or a Catholic, so let me replay this the way Tonto has read it:

ST hates the Catholic Church (Yes)

ST says he is a man of God (I desire to be)

Every other single religion in the entire history of the world is wrong. (Yes!)

That would include Judaism, of which Christ was one. (Yes, on Judism, no thats not what Christ/Holy Spirit taught read Hebrews)

ST hates the Catholic Church (Already answered)

Statues of Mary are lawn ornaments, so therefore so are the Jesus on the crucifix hanging in other churches. (Only Catholics leave him on the cross, protestants dont, as He is risen)

They do not teach English composition at Lancaster Bible College. (No by the time you get there your past that!)

ST hates the Catholic Church
(Yes, and any other false religion)

Why do you think we sent missionaries to the indians?


New Member
And for those who haven't gone to StoneThrowers illustrious institution.....

Here's a wiki definition of the Regulative Principle.

I think they are discussing church government here.... but to tell you the truth I don't have a clue.... :killingme



amen! I think that we all must develop our own relationship full of our failings and our successes. I believe we are called to have our individual knowledge and understanding to be truly christian! Thanks for being you! One of my favorite verses is Mark 11:24.


Thought pirate
Really??? How could he be of a religion that was named after him and wasn't an actual named religion until many years later?

Pretty sure he taught in the temples and synagogues, so yeah, that would make him practicing his faith.

Maybe I'm confused, which happens often.


Really??? How could he be of a religion that was named after him and wasn't an actual named religion until many years later?

Pretty sure he taught in the temples and synagogues, so yeah, that would make him practicing his faith.

Maybe I'm confused, which happens often.

Does something have to have an ‘official’ name in order to exist? I was born on a certain day in 1962 and wasn’t named until several days later. Based on your logic, I didn’t exist until several days after I was born.

Jesus taught in the temples and synagogues of a new Gospel. He often referenced Old Testament passages, but in the framework of either the old becoming something new, or fulfilling the laws that were prescribed in the Old Testament; fulfilled in the sense that all the things that were required of Old Testament law were no longer needed. But Jesus made it clear that he didn’t just come for the Jews; He came for everyone. He essentially disassociated himself from the old Jewish faith. This is why the Jews had Him crucified.


Thought pirate
Does something have to have an ‘official’ name in order to exist? I was born on a certain day in 1962 and wasn’t named until several days later. Based on your logic, I didn’t exist until several days after I was born.

Jesus taught in the temples and synagogues of a new Gospel. He often referenced Old Testament passages, but in the framework of either the old becoming something new, or fulfilling the laws that were prescribed in the Old Testament; fulfilled in the sense that all the things that were required of Old Testament law were no longer needed. But Jesus made it clear that he didn’t just come for the Jews; He came for everyone. He essentially disassociated himself from the old Jewish faith. This is why the Jews had Him crucified.

Ahh, I see what you're saying now. Yes, you are right, he did preach of a new way. I got it now. Thanks for your patience with me.


To spread disease, rape our women and steal our land.

This is something that has authentically always pained me; the theft of this land from its Natives. It truly does trouble me knowing I am viewed as a class of people who are thieves and murderers of the worst kind. Native-Americans didn’t ask for, nor did they deserve, to have their land taken from them.

But, I’ve always wondered what this world would look like today if it hadn’t happen. It’s easy to conclude we wouldn’t be here right now having this internet discussion. I wonder if the internet would even exist; and so many other great inventions. With the abhorrent acts of the European white man (slavery, the plight of the Natives, disease, etc…), do you see something greater – a free nation – coming out of this or do you hold some deep resentment and anger over the selfish theft of this land? I ask this in complete honesty, because despite what I view as the birth of a great nation out of a horrible past, it wasn’t ‘ours’ to take. These were so-called ‘Christians’ that butchered, raped, and pillaged the people of this land. Very unChristian behavior. But they did it to escape tyranny. Was this ‘freedom’ they sought a greater good, more so than the land and people they violated? Are you, as a native-American, proud to be part of this country, or are you angry that your people were so horribly desecrated?

I have to say, as a white guy, I routinely find myself wanting forgiveness – even though my ancestor had nothing to do with it – from the Natives of this land.