Did Appyday have here annual snipe hunt this past fall? I didn't hear a thing about it... You'd think she would have forgiven me for what happened at the last one by now...![]()
I was wondering about that myself. Fresh rope, will travel!

Did Appyday have here annual snipe hunt this past fall? I didn't hear a thing about it... You'd think she would have forgiven me for what happened at the last one by now...![]()
Hey Bob, do the math, did you just say that BG was 65?We were watching family movies last year (BG's family) when they first paved Rte 235 past the base.
It was a HUGE deal apparently as they pulled out the vi-DAY-O camera to record it.
I think this was about 1955 or so, BG was about 10 at the time looking at the fotage.
Hey Bob, do the math, did you just say that BG was 65?
I'm positive that is true.Might be exact same sentiment the Yaocamicoe Indians had shortly after the arrival of the Ark, and Dove in 1634.![]()
Pssst. Beta was the one who posted that. Apparently Lance didn't quote him properly.
Beta, I have it on good authority that you are a nice guy and I'd be happy to invite you next time I have a gathering!
Beta is NOT a nice guy, he's a total douche!<--the REAL evil smilie!
It's kind of flattering how obsessed you are with me.
But I still won't swing that way. Sorry.
Tons of places to eat!Lenny's is good, Cafe De Artist, Tides, Chefs American Bistro, Red Robin, Olive Garden.
Well, the two chains mentioned are still here.My how times have changed. Still a ton of places to eat in SOMD. Way more than in 2011. But many of the old places have been shuttered long ago.
Chain restaurants are the cockroaches of the hospitality industry.Well, the two chains mentioned are still here.![]()
Indeed they are.Chain restaurants are the cockroaches of the hospitality industry.
Could be worse, you could have lived in Easton.I love it here, but then again, we moved here from Allentown, PA so I may have a skewed view...![]()