Why you're invisible on a bike

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are not invisible. They just don't care. Same people who say that, say the same thing when they hit a tree or an 18 wheeler... "I didn't see it"... Same answer when the moron slammed into the BACK of my over-sized Dodge Ram Quad-Cab pickup...

I've had them make eye contact with me and still try to merge into me... I've been on the ground staring at the sky while the woman is yelling... "I'm sorry I didn't see you!"

My answer? "Lady, WTF does that have to do with you running that stop sign? If you had STOPPED as the law states, I would have been through the intersection."

We are at risk because cagers are pricks by nature, care about nothing but themselves, rarely drive with courtesy and are too self-important to actually follow the traffic laws...

Ok, but, how do you REALLY feel? :lol:

The whole point of the tread is that, often times, physiologically, they simply do NOT see you. People can run stop signs all day long as far as I am concerned IF they are scanning properly and know, because they are paying attention, I ain't in their gun sights.

And lord knows, there are plenty of us who are pricks by nature, :diva: care nothing for anyone or anything or the rest of your description of cagers.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah? Try a hoodie sometime. :lol:

I got home one night last summer, black bike as you know, and noticed my garb; black leather jacket, black jeans under black chaps, black gauntlets, black riding boots and a black 3/4 face. :lol:

I was like, huh. Good thing I have nice teeth.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I got home one night last summer, black bike as you know, and noticed my garb; black leather jacket, black jeans under black chaps, black gauntlets, black riding boots and a black 3/4 face. :lol:

I was like, huh. Good thing I have nice teeth.


Thre is another color to ride in except black? oh..wait..there is denim, of course.


Salt Life
That's like people who walk or jog with thingees in their ears (music or whatever). They must be oblivious to whats going on to their rear and sides. I'm sorry but I just think thats dumb.

When I run outside I wear my ear phones but I keep the music low enough to hear outside surroundings. I want to know when someone (or something) is approaching me. As I get closer to another person, I usually turn off my music completely. I want my full attention to be on the other person in case I need to take them out if they come after me. :biggrin:
I got home one night last summer, black bike as you know, and noticed my garb; black leather jacket, black jeans under black chaps, black gauntlets, black riding boots and a black 3/4 face. :lol:

I was like, huh. Good thing I have nice teeth.

It's true... snapped this pic of Larry two years ago while I was traveling in my cage in the lane next to him...:yay:


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Ok, but, how do you REALLY feel? :lol:

The whole point of the tread is that, often times, physiologically, they simply do NOT see you. People can run stop signs all day long as far as I am concerned IF they are scanning properly and know, because they are paying attention, I ain't in their gun sights.

And lord knows, there are plenty of us who are pricks by nature, :diva: care nothing for anyone or anything or the rest of your description of cagers.


My wife says I have anger issues when it comes to cages... :blushing:

I've been riding on the streets for 34 years... I've gone years without even owning a cage... I ride every day unless there is ice on the roads (on my route)... I treat every cage on the road as if they are intentionally going to come after me... I scan constantly because I know they are not... Which is why they run into things, including scoots, stop signs, dead critters, utility poles, branches in the road and each other...

Less and less I see the 'inattentiveness' as the issue and almost 'criminal' behavior as the cause... The pickup who decided to pass the line-up on Rt 2N this morning on the shoulder, then dive back all the way to left and slam on his brakes for the stoplight... nice... the Prius who decided he had to go around everyone and pass on the right at the 260 light... brilliant... The truck in front of me almost pushed him off the road...

Let's not even get into the dozen or so, I see every single day either texting or holding and talking on their cell phones...

Motorcycling is dangerous... Unfortunately 99% of that danger comes from cagers....


New Member
When I run outside I wear my ear phones but I keep the music low enough to hear outside surroundings. I want to know when someone (or something) is approaching me. As I get closer to another person, I usually turn off my music completely. I want my full attention to be on the other person in case I need to take them out if they come after me. :biggrin:


I run in Wildewood. Those drivers be crazy and inconsiderate. They scare me so I stay as alert as I can and as far away from them as possible. And I, too, like to keep track of the other pedestrians, you know - just in case.