Larry Gude
Strung Out
You are not invisible. They just don't care. Same people who say that, say the same thing when they hit a tree or an 18 wheeler... "I didn't see it"... Same answer when the moron slammed into the BACK of my over-sized Dodge Ram Quad-Cab pickup...
I've had them make eye contact with me and still try to merge into me... I've been on the ground staring at the sky while the woman is yelling... "I'm sorry I didn't see you!"
My answer? "Lady, WTF does that have to do with you running that stop sign? If you had STOPPED as the law states, I would have been through the intersection."
We are at risk because cagers are pricks by nature, care about nothing but themselves, rarely drive with courtesy and are too self-important to actually follow the traffic laws...
Ok, but, how do you REALLY feel?

The whole point of the tread is that, often times, physiologically, they simply do NOT see you. People can run stop signs all day long as far as I am concerned IF they are scanning properly and know, because they are paying attention, I ain't in their gun sights.
And lord knows, there are plenty of us who are pricks by nature,