

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was talking to a friend and making fun of my mother for having three closets full of clothes and shoes, most of which she hasn't worn or even seen in years.

Then I realized that I have clothes and probably a dozen pairs of shoes that I haven't worn in years. Why do I keep this crap around? I clean out closets twice a year and take everything to Vintage Values, so why don't I just go whole hog and make a clean sweep?

My size 4 jeans will most likely never be worn again. If I ever get back to that size (ha) I'll celebrate by buying new jeans. And those little tiny Barbie doll slings that looked so cute but hurt my feel - I will never wear those.

WHY?? I don't think of myself as a packrat, but clearly I have the tendency. Yet I had the nerve to mock my poor mother...


John Z

if you will
Hope, sentimental value, and a general tendency to collect stuff. Also, don't you just *hate* when you need something and threw it away last week?


I made a teenage girl in my neighborhood VERY happy after I cleaned out my closet. I got rid of EVERYTHING that didn’t fit. There is something very cleansing about getting rid of the excess and also facing the reality that there wasn’t much left. Since then, I’ve lost 2 sizes and personally believe the shredding of the excess motivated me to do so.


Well-Known Member
When I left the "rat race" I donated all my suits, dresses, shoes, etc to the YWCA-Women in Transition program.
I smiled, walked away and never looked back…a true feel good moment. :yahoo:

Sweet 16

I admit that I am a clothes packrat. I have my closet (which hubby shares), plus two other small ones jam-packed full. Some are winter clothes that I rotated out of our closet to make room for summer stuff but most of it is older stuff that I just can't part with for some reason. Some of it has sentimental value but mostly it is this irrational fear that if I get rid of it, it will eventually come back into fashion or I'll lose 20 pounds and be kicking myself. I think I need an intervention. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
seriously considering moving everything out of the closet and only putting it back in as I wear and then wash it. ONly stuff that has been through the laundry goes in the main closet. after 6 months, if it's not back in the closet it goes to goodwill


Well-Known Member
I've been cleaning out one of my closets this week. Everyday I come home from work, take 3 or 4 things out of the closet that I havent worn in months, years, centuries, and throw it in the " V V" bag. At the end of the month, I'll take the bag to V V and be done with it. I just cant take a day to devote to cleaning out closets. Rather do a little daily.


24/7 Single Dad
:yay: Vintage Values = tax deduction.

My boy has grown over 6" in the last year. I need one of those rotary clothes hangers like the dry cleaners use
I did a major purge a few months ago. Amazing how much extra space you gain. I could really do it again.


I have a lot too Vrail, as you found out. :lol: I have to have a few different wardrobes, two for work - dressy or business casual depending on where I work, then seasonal and then grubby clothes for grubby hobbies. Also factor in I lost 40 lbs last year, I now have a weightlost wardrobe and also my fat clothes because I'm not sure if i can keep the weight off or not. :crazy: I can relate :yay: :lol: (Have I justified this enough?) :lol: Shoes - I'm soo NOT a shoe-girl. :lol:


Happy Camper
I was talking to a friend and making fun of my mother for having three closets full of clothes and shoes, most of which she hasn't worn or even seen in years.

Then I realized that I have clothes and probably a dozen pairs of shoes that I haven't worn in years. Why do I keep this crap around? I clean out closets twice a year and take everything to Vintage Values, so why don't I just go whole hog and make a clean sweep?

My size 4 jeans will most likely never be worn again. If I ever get back to that size (ha) I'll celebrate by buying new jeans. And those little tiny Barbie doll slings that looked so cute but hurt my feel - I will never wear those.

WHY?? I don't think of myself as a packrat, but clearly I have the tendency. Yet I had the nerve to mock my poor mother...


You weren't talking to :gossip: were you???? We both know she has a TON of clothes!!! :lol: My standard rule is if I haven't worn it in a year, it goes! Except for a few items you normally don't wear. You know, funeral and wedding type of stuff.


aka Mrs. Giant
I have a personal rule:
For every one new thing I buy and bring into the house, I have to get rid of two old things.

Exceptions are food, cleaning products, dogs, and the husband.

It works on my end, but my husband doesn't follow the same rule, so he collects a lot of clutter. :smile:


Dream Stealer
I get attached to my clothing for some reason. I even have pretty much brand new stuff that I never wear, and probably never will, for whatever reason. My entire wardrobe needs to be tossed and start over because I am too skinny and none of my clothes fit now..it'd be nice to have a clothing swap and maybe gain some new things and see my stuff get a new home. I just don't know how to go about it.


Obama destroyed America
I get attached to my clothing for some reason. I even have pretty much brand new stuff that I never wear, and probably never will, for whatever reason. My entire wardrobe needs to be tossed and start over because I am too skinny and none of my clothes fit now..it'd be nice to have a clothing swap and maybe gain some new things and see my stuff get a new home. I just don't know how to go about it.
Oh crap! Now you've gone and done it!!


You weren't talking to :gossip: were you???? We both know she has a TON of clothes!!! :lol: My standard rule is if I haven't worn it in a year, it goes! Except for a few items you normally don't wear. You know, funeral and wedding type of stuff.

I'm feeling *paranoid* now. :lol: