Will be taking concealed carry class Oct. 5th.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This stupid ass thing?

Used one. Hated it. Just one more solution in search of a problem. Every one I know, the thing had to go back to the shop almost right away and I can't remember what it was...

Buddy of mine went full in to the Saiga VEPR thing (see one in my Joe Biden meme). He has one all tricked out with all the "evil features" money can buy. But boy does that thing blow when it comes to reliability. I gave half a thought to buying one before the "big ban" but he talked me out of it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Buddy of mine went full in to the Saiga VEPR thing (see one in my Joe Biden meme). He has one all tricked out with all the "evil features" money can buy. But boy does that thing blow when it comes to reliability. I gave half a thought to buying one before the "big ban" but he talked me out of it.

Ain't a heck of a lot of good if it goes 'click' when it is supposed to go bang. Now, take that 'reliability' and then go actually train with the thing, stress drills, etc. The "WTF???" factor goes to 11

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I used to think my .45 Springer would be my main go to but, one full hard day with Z7 http://www.z7tactical.com misfire drills, off hand, it got me 'killed' several times. I learned to keep working it no matter what but, I don't really wanna have to be working it. I want it to go BANG. Month later, went back with my Taurus 92 which isn't near as accurate, doesn't fit my hand as well, is no fun conceal, and it was, as always, flawless.

That's why DR oughta look at the hammerless smith revolver. #### up Factor of maybe 1.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This guy might still have some of the concealment specialty items that he sells....


"At first glance, this looks like a normal party cup. However, if you look close enough, you will see that it is really a fully automatic Glock 18C. You will be able to pour your enemies a nice warm cup of lead with this fine purchase. Asking $900 for the gun/cup combo."


And here at first glance, I thought it was an innovative party holster...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I used to think my .45 Springer would be my main go to but, o.

I've taken similar courses, once with my .45 Springfield, and once with a standard issue Beretta 9. I had zero actual malfunctions with either one (then or since)...and really didn't experience much of a difference between the two with the simulated ones. But, for me, that full-frame Springfield 1911 is just plain accurate..far more so than most anything else I've ever shot, long-barrel revolvers excepted. I just have to like the gun that requires, for me, the least amount of practice for the highest degree of accuracy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I've taken similar courses, once with my .45 Springfield, and once with a standard issue Beretta 9. I had zero actual malfunctions with either one (then or since)...and really didn't experience much of a difference between the two with the simulated ones. But, for me, that full-frame Springfield 1911 is just plain accurate..far more so than most anything else I've ever shot, long-barrel revolvers excepted. I just have to like the gun that requires, for me, the least amount of practice for the highest degree of accuracy.

I'm jealous.

You wanna have some fun put a spent casing in a mag, like 3rd or whatever, and give it to a buddy and just as soon as that thing stove pipes start screaming "Contact!!!! CONTACT!!!" ####ing pain in the ASS to clear.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'm jealous.

You wanna have some fun put a spent casing in a mag, like 3rd or whatever, and give it to a buddy and just as soon as that thing stove pipes start screaming "Contact!!!! CONTACT!!!" ####ing pain in the ASS to clear.

LOL..no thanks. I've had enough fun trying to extract telescoped 7.62x54R jams. Happens with positive flange ammo sometimes. Where the casing ruptures radially and the front "half" the casing stays put whilst the rear "half" is ejected....then the next round is rammed in. Spent the better part of an hour clearing one of those...thankful that the targets we were shooting at were wholly incapable of shooting back.
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I used to think my .45 Springer would be my main go to but, one full hard day with Z7 http://www.z7tactical.com misfire drills, off hand, it got me 'killed' several times. I learned to keep working it no matter what but, I don't really wanna have to be working it. I want it to go BANG. Month later, went back with my Taurus 92 which isn't near as accurate, doesn't fit my hand as well, is no fun conceal, and it was, as always, flawless.

That's why DR oughta look at the hammerless smith revolver. #### up Factor of maybe 1.

I believe I will go with this one.
My missus had one of those. She liked it. I only fired it once - maybe 10 rounds total - so never got a chance to form my own opinion. Nice thing about that gun is you can save money and wrist abuse by shooting .38 Special through it.

Yep. Seem hard to come by here though. They will need to order it for me. Guy says they go fast and he only gets one in per week.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Yep. Seem hard to come by here though. They will need to order it for me. Guy says they go fast and he only gets one in per week.

I can believe that. The one my gal had didn't have the laser grip nor the matte finish...those details probably make the one you want a real popular item.

But heck, come to think on it...the Kimber she got to replace the S&W was hard to get too. Took about 2 months to get the model she wanted...production was lagging that far behind.
I can believe that. The one my gal had didn't have the laser grip nor the matte finish...those details probably make the one you want a real popular item.

But heck, come to think on it...the Kimber she got to replace the S&W was hard to get too. Took about 2 months to get the model she wanted...production was lagging that far behind.

Yeah, I could always add the laser grip assuming I could get one without it. I drool over Kimbers. The .45 especially.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, I could always add the laser grip assuming I could get one without it. I drool over Kimbers. The .45 especially.

Kimbers rep slid for awhile there. I don't know anyone who has bought one in the last several years. Same old story; took off, great out of the box guns, demand picks up, quality drops to meet demand. Maybe they've settled down to a nice steady thing? Check that. My cousin has one. Probably a year or so old. Solid. Stream of consciousness typing...

You need to shoot them, though because they come pretty tight. That's where the accuracy comes from and they simple need to be shot to loosen up a bit. There is also the limp wrist thing. And they are solid, heavy things. That's why I would not get one for conceal carry;

1. weight
2. Not, in my view, the 'go bang every time' choice in my book. Limp wristing and 'tightness'.

Again, that's why I like the spur-less titanium revolver; bang, every time. It's gonna kick with that short a barrel but, it ain't a target gun so, you shoot it enough to trust it.
Kimbers rep slid for awhile there. I don't know anyone who has bought one in the last several years. Same old story; took off, great out of the box guns, demand picks up, quality drops to meet demand. Maybe they've settled down to a nice steady thing? Check that. My cousin has one. Probably a year or so old. Solid. Stream of consciousness typing...

You need to shoot them, though because they come pretty tight. That's where the accuracy comes from and they simple need to be shot to loosen up a bit. There is also the limp wrist thing. And they are solid, heavy things. That's why I would not get one for conceal carry;

1. weight
2. Not, in my view, the 'go bang every time' choice in my book. Limp wristing and 'tightness'.

Again, that's why I like the spur-less titanium revolver; bang, every time. It's gonna kick with that short a barrel but, it ain't a target gun so, you shoot it enough to trust it.

Nope would just like one to shoot for fun.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And screw a laser. It's a conceal carry piece. Less is more. You think you're gonna actually need to shoot something more than 20 feet away, I'm still digging on the MP5!!!!