Will House Dems impeach Trump?


Well-Known Member
You do realize the impeachment proceedings are still ongoing don't you?

Beyond that there is another Whistel Blower who alleges Trump intervened in the treatment of his tax returns with the IRS

Trump is also being investigated for lying to Mueller in his written answers after Roger Stones testimony.

Igor and Parnas also allege they have tapes, documents and video of Trump related to his dealings with Ukraine

Why would they move ahead with charges the all of the information and the investigation is still not complete
You do realize that no matter how many new allegations come out, no one with any sense will come close to believing it because of how many lies and distortions have already been made, right?


Ever hear of Richard nixon?

Not even a close comparison. Nixon refused to hand over tapes and other information related to an actual crime that was committed. He also compelled those involved in the Watergate break-in to lie and not answer certain question.

Information Schiff is demanding from Trump isn't attached any criminal act. It's like police demanding I turn over my firearm when no shooting had occurred. It's called a "witch hunt". Since Schiff has nothing criminal to hang on Trump, he is searching for something criminal.

How about we let the courts decide, hmmm?


You do realize the impeachment proceedings are still ongoing don't you?

Beyond that there is another Whistel Blower who alleges Trump intervened in the treatment of his tax returns with the IRS

Trump is also being investigated for lying to Mueller in his written answers after Roger Stones testimony.

Igor and Parnas also allege they have tapes, documents and video of Trump related to his dealings with Ukraine

Why would they move ahead with charges the all of the information and the investigation is still not complete

Did you know Trump is also being investigated for not wiping his ass after he craps? :rolleyes:


Active Member
Not even a close comparison. Nixon refused to hand over tapes and other information related to an actual crime that was committed. He also compelled those involved in the Watergate break-in to lie and not answer certain question.

Information Schiff is demanding from Trump isn't attached any criminal act. It's like police demanding I turn over my firearm when no shooting had occurred. It's called a "witch hunt". Since Schiff has nothing criminal to hang on Trump, he is searching for something criminal.

How about we let the courts decide, hmmm?

Trump refuses to hand over documents and transcripts related to Ukraine including the phone call in questions. He has also compelled those involved to ignore subpoenas.

The criminal acts are extortion, bribery, abuse of powers and obstruction of justice.

What courts are you talking about? That's not how an impeachment works.

It's almost like a version of watergate were everyone involved is inept and then turns on one another,


PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Trump refuses to hand over documents and transcripts related to Ukraine including the phone call in questions. He has also compelled those involved to ignore subpoenas.

He has no requirement to hand over the documents or transcripts. The subpoenas were not issued in such a way as to be enforceable, and that's why no one is going after the folks who didn't show up to enforce the subpoenas.

The criminal acts are extortion, bribery, abuse of powers and obstruction of justice.

Lay out your case. Start with extortion. Who was extorted, and how? Recall, the definition of extortion is "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats."

I'll wait.


They will certainly vote to impeachment. There is more than enough evidence on Obstruction of Justice alone.
You do realize that the phony "impeachment" kangaroo court is not about Obstruction of Justice. It's about Quid Pro Quo. You're such a typical Democrat - rather than admit your mistake, simply switch to another baseless accusation.


Active Member
He has no requirement to hand over the documents or transcripts. The subpoenas were not issued in such a way as to be enforceable, and that's why no one is going after the folks who didn't show up to enforce the subpoenas.

Lay out your case. Start with extortion. Who was extorted, and how? Recall, the definition of extortion is "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats."

I'll wait.

You can keep repeating the lies that Fox news tells you as though they are true.

That won't change the truth.

Schiff has done a great job of laying out the facts so i don't need to repeat them. He has done such a good job 71% of the country believe Trump acted inappropriately.

The hearings and investigation are far from over and the public support for Trump continues to crater while the support for impeachment rises.

Can you really not read your last sentence and answer your own question?

"Something" = phony investigation into Biden

"Threat"= we will not give you the aid you are entitled to.

Really shot yourself in the foot with that one, but thanks for laying it out pretty succinctly.


Active Member
You do realize that the phony "impeachment" kangaroo court is not about Obstruction of Justice. It's about Quid Pro Quo. You're such a typical Democrat - rather than admit your mistake, simply switch to another baseless accusation.

As we have seen throughout his presidency Trump is capable of screwing up any number of things at the same time.

The charges have yet to be drafted their is no reason to think he can't be found guilty of both.


PREMO Member
"Something" = phony investigation into Biden

"Threat"= we will not give you the aid you are entitled to.

So you are saying Hunter Biden was not appointed to the Ukrainian Gas company?

And you are saying there is a quote you can show us where Trump stated he wouldn't give aid unless they gave him something?

Please provide the evidence of those positions because ALL avaialble evidence contradicts your little fantasy.

... And the only extortive threat on record is Joe Bidens when he went after the prosecutor investigating the gas company and his son.

I'll wait. :tap: