Will House Dems impeach Trump?


You have anecdotal evidence piped to you via Fox News VS actual data , facts and statistics:

Your insipid talking point that all we get our info from is Fox is lazy.

Go to 1:20




There's ton's more if you'd stop being lazy. My God you people are just plain idiotic.


Active Member
Your insipid talking point that all we get our info from is Fox is lazy.

Go to 1:20



There's ton's more if you'd stop being lazy. My God you people are just plain idiotic.

And then you quote FOX news reports to prove your point? Don't you think they have a vested interest in keeping you hostile, angry and poorly informed

Feel free to educate yourself with actual facts, statics and figures that I posted not anecdotal evidence.


And then you quote FOX news reports to prove your point? Don't you think they have a vested interest in keeping you hostile, angry and poorly informed

Feel free to educate yourself with actual facts, statics and figures that I posted not anecdotal evidence.

So, you're saying that because one of the videos was a Fox report that the incident never happened? Actual video evidence isn't facts to you? Don't even try to tell me what world you live where video evidence isn't fact.


Active Member
So, you're saying that because one of the videos was a Fox report that the incident never happened? Actual video evidence isn't facts to you? Don't even try to tell me what world you live where video evidence isn't fact.

So a video of a person telling a story is a fact. You automatically believe that story because they told it on TV yet you don't believe the Whistelblower?

Both are singular accounts of an incident.

No one is shown removing the persons MAGA hat and beating him while saying F Trump yet you automatically take it as truth because that confirms your bias

How can you not see your bias and hypocrisy?


So a video of a person telling a story is a fact. You automatically believe that story because they told it on TV yet you don't believe the Whistelblower?

Both are singular accounts of an incident.

No one is shown removing the persons MAGA hat and beating him while saying F Trump yet you automatically take it as truth because that confirms your bias

How can you not see your bias and hypocrisy?

Well, you didn't watch any of the videos. No more wasting time with you. Bye bye!


Well-Known Member
You can call my points whatever you want. Facts are facts. I have seen enough of Trump rallies to know it was protesters that incited the violence. Yes, there is one instance where a protester was being escorted from a rally and a Trump supporter sucker punched him. Yes, there is Charlottesville; but I can't make any attachment to Trump at all. You don't see republican members of congress calling for people to find Hillary supporters and get in their faces and tell them they aren't welcome anywhere. You don't have conservatives screaming liberals out of restaurants. You don't see former conservative governors losing their temper at liberals at a bar because they disagree with their policies.

What you don't see from conservatives is groups like ANTIFA and BLM committing outright acts of violence and riots, going around throwing eggs, cement laden milkshakes, spitting, you name it... you can't find it. It's not there. I think ANTIFA should be deemed a domestic terrorist group.

But your assertion that the violence on the right exists anywhere near the violence coming from the left is blatantly false.
so V isn't the only person in the world who thinks her opinion is a fact.....

you haven't read any of trumps tweets or listened to him at a rally have you? He routinely uses inflammatory language that gets called out for inciting violence.

if you are going to tie BLM and ANTIFA to 'liberals' then you have to accept that the white supremacists in charlotte are tied to conservatives.


Well-Known Member
so V isn't the only person in the world who thinks her opinion is a fact.....

you haven't read any of trumps tweets or listened to him at a rally have you? He routinely uses inflammatory language that gets called out for inciting violence.

if you are going to tie BLM and ANTIFA to 'liberals' then you have to accept that the white supremacists in charlotte are tied to conservatives.
White supremacists are historically Democrats, though. I would tie them all to liberals, just based on historical facts.


so V isn't the only person in the world who thinks her opinion is a fact.....

you haven't read any of trumps tweets or listened to him at a rally have you? He routinely uses inflammatory language that gets called out for inciting violence.

if you are going to tie BLM and ANTIFA to 'liberals' then you have to accept that the white supremacists in charlotte are tied to conservatives.



Well-Known Member
hahahaha. What a joke you’ve become
All you really have to do is even the slightest of research:
Ku Klux Klan founded: Dec. 24, 1865

On this day in 1865, six Confederate veterans, meeting in Pulaski, Tennessee, formed a secret society that they called the Ku Klux Klan. The name combines the Greek word for circle (kyklos) with the Gaelic word clan.

In the aftermath of the Civil War, the KKK quickly morphed from a social fraternity to a violent group that sought to push back against key Reconstruction policies championed by Radical Republicans in Congress — policies that for the first time enfranchised former African-American slaves.
Agents of the Freedmen's Bureau reported that “armed guerrilla warfare killed thousands of Negroes; political riots were staged; their causes or occasions were always obscure, their results always certain: ten to one hundred times as many Negroes were killed as whites.”
In 1871, a Republican-led Congress passed the Ku Klux Act, authorizing President Ulysses Grant to use military force to suppress what had by then emerged as a terrorist group. Under the act, nine South Carolina counties were placed under martial law. In 1882, with the political winds shifting, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Ku Klux Act unconstitutional. By that time, however, with Reconstruction at an end, the KKK had largely faded away.​

In other words, the Klan was started to stop Republicans from treating black people like equal citizens, scare the Republicans from doing it, and killing black people.

Though Reconstruction helped the Klan fade, the Democrats brought it back. Do you know what the Klan Bake was?

The “Klanbake” 1924 Democratic Party National Convention

The Ku Klux Klan, founded and populated by Democratics after post-Civil War Reconstruction, was reenergized after the 1915 release of D.W. Griffith’s very popular racist & Pro-Klan motion picture The Birth of a Nation. The picture was a particular favorite of Democratic President Woodrow Wilson. As recounted by William Keylor, Professor of History & International Relations at Boston University:
While the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People publicly denounced the movie’s blatant appeals to racial prejudice, the president organized a private screening of his friend’s film in the White House for the members of his cabinet and their families. “It is like writing history with lightning,” Wilson observed, “and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”​

After World War I, the popularity of the Klan surged, and it became a political power in many regions of the United States, particularly in the South. It was also popular in the border states, the Mountain States, and the West. Its local political strength gave it a major role in the 1924 Democratic Party National Convention (DNC).​

That you are unaware of the history is not surprising - you seem the type to believe history started when you started paying attention.


Active Member
All you really have to do is even the slightest of research:
On this day in 1865, six Confederate veterans, meeting in Pulaski, Tennessee, formed a secret society that they called the Ku Klux Klan. The name combines the Greek word for circle (kyklos) with the Gaelic word clan.​
In the aftermath of the Civil War, the KKK quickly morphed from a social fraternity to a violent group that sought to push back against key Reconstruction policies championed by Radical Republicans in Congress — policies that for the first time enfranchised former African-American slaves.​
Agents of the Freedmen's Bureau reported that “armed guerrilla warfare killed thousands of Negroes; political riots were staged; their causes or occasions were always obscure, their results always certain: ten to one hundred times as many Negroes were killed as whites.”​
In 1871, a Republican-led Congress passed the Ku Klux Act, authorizing President Ulysses Grant to use military force to suppress what had by then emerged as a terrorist group. Under the act, nine South Carolina counties were placed under martial law. In 1882, with the political winds shifting, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Ku Klux Act unconstitutional. By that time, however, with Reconstruction at an end, the KKK had largely faded away.​

In other words, the Klan was started to stop Republicans from treating black people like equal citizens, scare the Republicans from doing it, and killing black people.

Though Reconstruction helped the Klan fade, the Democrats brought it back. Do you know what the Klan Bake was?

The Ku Klux Klan, founded and populated by Democratics after post-Civil War Reconstruction, was reenergized after the 1915 release of D.W. Griffith’s very popular racist & Pro-Klan motion picture The Birth of a Nation. The picture was a particular favorite of Democratic President Woodrow Wilson. As recounted by William Keylor, Professor of History & International Relations at Boston University:​
While the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People publicly denounced the movie’s blatant appeals to racial prejudice, the president organized a private screening of his friend’s film in the White House for the members of his cabinet and their families. “It is like writing history with lightning,” Wilson observed, “and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”​

After World War I, the popularity of the Klan surged, and it became a political power in many regions of the United States, particularly in the South. It was also popular in the border states, the Mountain States, and the West. Its local political strength gave it a major role in the 1924 Democratic Party National Convention (DNC).​

That you are unaware of the history is not surprising - you seem the type to believe history started when you started paying attention.

That maybe true but today the GOP is synonymous white the Alt Right , White nationalism and racism.

What's your point?

Things change. I know that hard for you to deal with


Active Member
Same as it's always been: honesty.


That is rich. Ask 1000 on the street which party is synonymous with white supremacy and white nationalism and not one will say " well it has its roots in the democratic party". No they will say Republicans.

It's just like the idiotic Margaret Sanger argument.

Things change.

I know thats scary for the GOP to understand but join us in this decade.


Well-Known Member

That is rich. Ask 1000 on the street which party is synonymous with white supremacy and white nationalism and not one will say " well it has its roots in the democratic party". No they will say Republicans.

It's just like the idiotic Margaret Sanger argument.

Things change.

I know thats scary for the GOP to understand but join us in this decade.
I see a basic difference in how we view the world. You're convinced your perception is reality, and I see reality as reality.


PREMO Member
... the GOP is synonymous white the Alt Right , White nationalism and racism.

WTF are you trying to say 😕 do you speak English as a primary language

Maybe in the Twitter-verse but out here in the real world that is Fantasy, Supposition and UNFOUNDED Opinion

Keep that attitude about the opposition to your insane ideas ..... post it often 65 million Americans are Racists, White Nationalists and watch the center melt away from supporting Democrats


Active Member
WTF are you trying to say 😕 do you speak English as a primary language

Maybe in the Twitter-verse but out here in the real world that is Fantasy, Supposition and UNFOUNDED Opinion

Keep that attitude about the opposition to your insane ideas ..... post it often 65 million Americans are Racists, White Nationalists and watch the center melt away from supporting Democrats

Don't put words in my mouth to try to defend white nationalism and alt right sympathy.

Not all Trump supporters are racist but all racists are Trump supporters.