Wish Mormons Would Stop Coming By


You guys still playing.. "My God can beat your God's Ass!!"

"Yeah?? Well you know the Dead Sea?? Yeah, MY God killed it!!"

If you both had penises, I bet you'd be comparing those to prove who the better Christian is..

Well, you sure told them. :bigwhoop:


New Member
Highlander said:
What flavor of Protesant are Starman and ItalianS?

Bible Christians.

Thanks libby. "Born Again" is really the actual flavor.

Yes, we adhere to the Holy Bible as the exclusive, all encompassing Message of God to mankind. But our personal lives have been transformed and renewed through God's Promise of His indwelling Holy Spirit who guides and witnesses to us that we are Children of God without organized religion's denominational strings attached:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
(Romans 8:14-17)

The Holy Bible brings God's Message of Eternal Life through faith in the Atoning Blood of Jesus and it is available to all through faith. It's in the Bible!

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Harley Rider
If you two start to answer my questions, perhaps I'll send more evidence. You can't have a discussion with people who insist on being right and insist everyone else is wrong. The least you guys could do is acknowledge that therre are actually legitimate reasons why thoughtful people believe as they do; even atheists. If faith is a gift, how can you call us "hard-headed" who haven't been given the gift, so to speak.
Libby, I'm sorry, I really didn't see you ask ME a question. I thought you were addressing Starman. Please ask again my dear; I promise to answer. You know I will...:love:
Faith is NOT the gift, the gift is salvation. The problem comes when any denominational doctrines override the Bible. As a true Christian, we should forsake any and all doctrines that do that. The rest is OK to hang on to.
I say hard headed because The Holy Spirit is being "quenched" or shut down when you refuse to let Him show you the truth. What reason would Starman & I have to mislead you? Why do people think that someone in a big organization knows more than a true man or woman of God? Read (1 John 2 v 26, 27) and see that you don't need a degree to really know God's Word.
Purgatory is noted in 2 Macc 12:46
You are correct but it comes from an Apocryphal book which means that some or most of what's in it is FALSE. Praying for the souls of the dead is one of those FALSE statements but, even worse, it clearly says that your god cannot fully save someone. They have to go somewhere to pay for (purge) their own sins. That, my friend, is SERIOUS blasphemy against God and anyone who believes it is in real danger.
Even Paul speaks of Baptizing for the dead but he is referring to a pagan practice, not condoning it. (1 Corinthians 15 v29).
What flavor of Protesant are Starman and ItalianS?
Bible Christians.
And that's a bad thing?????????????


Wow! My thread gave the LDS church much more publicity than what I had planned. My original point was merely that I was tired of Mormons persistently coming to my door, despite me having asked them several times to stop coming by. I recently moved to another county, and I thought that would have put a stop to it (along with me having asked them to stop coming by), but they appartently tracked me down because about 3 months after I moved some missionaries I had never seen before (each area has its own set of missionaries which stay for 6 weeks or so before being transferred) came to my door asking for me by name. Since I had been nice to them before, this time I said, "Get out of here and don't come back!" Well, about a year later some missionaries came to my door looking for me again. I agree with you all that Mormons act righteous and all that, but their stalking behavior and the way they track down people is frightening in my opinion! They tracked down a former friend of mine from another state, and he doesn't know how they did it because he did not own a house, have a phone in his name or anything like that. He is more familiar with the church than I am because he was raised in it, and he says they have people in the church which locate "lost members."
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New Member
Wow! My thread gave the LDS church much more publicity than what I had planned. My original point was merely that I was tired of Mormons persistently coming to my door, despite me having asked them several times to stop coming by. I recently moved to another county, and I thought that would have put a stop to it (along with me having asked them to stop coming by), but they appartently tracked me down because about 3 months after I moved some missionaries I had never seen before (each area has its own set of missionaries which stay for 6 weeks or so before being transferred) came to my door asking for me by name. Since I had been nice to them before, this time I said, "Get out of here and don't come back!" Well, about a year later some missionaries came to my door looking for me again. I agree with you all that Mormons act righteous and all that, but their stalking behavior and the way they track down people is frightening in my opinion! They tracked down a former friend of mine from another state, and he doesn't know how they did it because he did not own a house, have a phone in his name or anything like that. He is more familiar with the church than I am because he was raised in it, and he says they have people in the church which locate "lost members."
All other things aside, the best way to handle all these door to door "missionaries" of any faith other then your own is to say, "I am happy with my faith, go bother someone with none".


Harley Rider
Wow! My thread gave the LDS church much more publicity than what I had planned. My original point was merely that I was tired of Mormons persistently coming to my door, despite me having asked them several times to stop coming by.
I agree with you all that Mormons act righteous and all that, but their stalking behavior and the way they track down people is frightening in my opinion!
First off, this almost always happens in the Religion threads. You'll see this the more you read them.
Second, the devil is persistent. He wants as many folks to follow him as possible and what better way than to use people who "appear" to be nice and family oriented?
The only thing that stopped them from coming to my house was to confront them with the Word of God.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The only thing that stopped them from coming to my house was to confront them with the Word of God.

I have forgotten, it is either the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses that say the only 144000 are going to heaven, 12000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel or so I was told by one of their missionaries. I asked from what tribe of the Jews he was descended. He didn't know. Then I asked where he got that bit of information? I knew; I wanted to see if he knew. He showed me Revelation 7:4-8. I asked him if he had read a little farther in that chapter? Well, no. So I showed him
Revelation 7:9-17

9After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;

10and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."

11And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,

12saying, "Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever Amen."

13Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "These who are clothed in the white robes, who are they, and where have they come from?"

14I said to him, "My lord, you know." And he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

15"For this reason, they are before the throne of God; and they serve Him day and night in His temple; and He who sits on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them.

16"They will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore; nor will the sun beat down on them, nor any heat;

17for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
He was taken aback. Said he would have to ask an elder about that and never came back.


Harley Rider
I have forgotten, it is either the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses that say the only 144000 are going to heaven, 12000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel or so I was told by one of their missionaries.
Jehovah's Witnesses.
Brain washing is a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Especially young people. I confronted 2 Mormon boys on the street with the issue of being called elders. I told them that elder status comes only with age, a long life and wisdom and you 2 have none of them yet. I saw the deer in the headlight look but I don't think it was a high priority with them. They never came back either but, at least, I injected some doubt into their minds (as the devil did in the Garden).


Harley Rider

Main Entry: 3elder
Function: noun
Date: before 12th century
1: one living in an earlier period
2 a: one who is older : senior <a child trying to please her elders> b: an aged person
3: one having authority by virtue of age and experience <the village elders>
4: any of various officers of religious groups: as a: presbyter 1 b: a permanent officer elected by a Presbyterian congregation and ordained to serve on the session and assist the pastor at communion c: minister 2 d: a leader of the Shakers e: a Mormon ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood
— el·der·ship \-ˌship\ noun

Main Entry: 2elder
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ieldra, comparative of eald old
Date: before 12th century
1: of earlier birth or greater age <his elder brother>
2: of or relating to earlier times : former
3archaic : of or relating to a more advanced time of life
4: prior or superior in rank, office, or validity

Seems like the boys were right..... should make you wonder what else the boys were right about
As usual you came to a gun fight with a butter knife.:whistle:
Somehow I don't see a 19 year old as an elder BUT WASN'T THAT MY POINT?
Does it not say that there is AGE involved? Besides, we're talking about Bible definitions here not dictionary ones.
:yay: It's good to see that you are now admitting that your actions are satanic.
Wanna bet your life on it son???


Harley Rider
we're talking about Bible definitions here not dictionary ones.
a Mormon ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood
— el·der·ship \-ˌship\ noun
There is more than one definition for the word, the 2 Mormons that came to your door were using it correctly. Have a nice day
Melchizidek was NOT a kid. No KIDS were ordained for the priesthood. They use the word wrong also.
This is why we use BIBLE definitions instead of man's and wiki, where you seem to get your mis-information from.


I bowl overhand
Melchizidek was NOT a kid. No KIDS were ordained for the priesthood. They use the word wrong also.
This is why we use BIBLE definitions instead of man's and wiki, where you seem to get your mis-information from.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Jesus' time, MEN were 13, 14 or so??

And ordained priests were 14.. 17.. EVEN 19.. maybe even 10..

SO I agree, they probably didn't ordain 5 year old children, but they probably did ordain 16 year old men.

Mormon church doesn't even baptize children, let alone ordain them.

Seems the Mormon Church is more true to the bible than yours..


New Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Jesus' time, MEN were 13, 14 or so??

And ordained priests were 14.. 17.. EVEN 19.. maybe even 10..

SO I agree, they probably didn't ordain 5 year old children, but they probably did ordain 16 year old men.

Mormon church doesn't even baptize children, let alone ordain them.

Seems the Mormon Church is more true to the bible than yours..


Great observation.

Now I'm looking forward to finding out why Italian is still right.


New Member
itsbob said:
Seems the Mormon Church is more true to the bible than yours..

The Mormon Church Teaches:

- God had sexual relations with Mary;

- Satan and Jesus are brothers;

- There are three (3) levels of heaven that a Mormon works toward; the most faithful Mormon achieves the third level;

- A devout Mormon male can achieve "god-hood" and in the next life will be the "god" of his own planet so that he can populate it with his many "celestial wives" ;

- Mormon wives are "vessels" through which many "spirit children" are waiting to be born into this world;

- The present-day Mormon "prophet" is God's "representative on earth" and can proclaim and establish "new revelations" ;

- The Mormon "council of 12" are the "church apostles" who legislate LDS doctrine;

- Joseph Smith proclaimed all religions are false and claimed that his "revelations" were from God, Jesus and the angel Moroni - establishing the LDS as the only "true church on earth' ;

- And that's just for starters!

Conclusion: Believe as you wish, but as for me, I choose to believe the Holy Bible and the Holy Bible does not agree with Joseph Smith's teachings which the Mormon Church (LDS) adheres to.
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Harley Rider
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Jesus' time, MEN were 13, 14 or so??
And ordained priests were 14.. 17.. EVEN 19.. maybe even 10..
SO I agree, they probably didn't ordain 5 year old children, but they probably did ordain 16 year old men.
Mormon church doesn't even baptize children, let alone ordain them.
Seems the Mormon Church is more true to the bible than yours..
I'm STILL speaking of ELDERS not teenagers so you're not even close.
And, as Starman explained, MOST of what the Mormon church does is in direct contradiction to the Bible, so don't even compare the two but, since I feel a concern for you and Nuckleguy, I'll splain:
1 Timothy 3 v 2-7 (not quoting it all) says: "A Pastor, ELDER, Bishop must:
"be the husband of one wife" (if married),
"manage his own family well...",
"not be a recent convert or he may become conceited..."
Now, I know kids started young back then (as they do today) but it was a lot different back then. Any biblical writing about elders makes their status clear. They are not kids. They are the older men in the community, highly respected because of their wisdom & experience. 19 year olds do NOT have either.
One more: Deuteronomy 32 v 7 says to "remember the days of old...the generations long past. Ask your father...and your ELDERS and they will explain to you". Hardly sounds like kids eh Bob?
Great observation.
Now I'm looking forward to finding out why Italian is still right.
You're soooooooo gullible Libby.
Agreeing with Bob's reasoning makes it's easy to see why you're still in the RCC.
You won't see the truth even when it's crystal clear, you speak against the Bible and you take up for Mormons???:cds:


New Member
I'm STILL speaking of ELDERS not teenagers so you're not even close.

Exactly right! The intended and accepted meaning of an "elder" in the Biblical sense is, as you explained, the man who is well seasoned in age and life's experiences and who exemplifies a life and knowledge of spiritual and biblical truths so as to be qualified to help others in the church.

In tribal societies an "elder" is just that; an elderly (older aged) and wise individual who is able to give guidance to those of younger age - again because of the elders knowledge of having lived through life's experiences.

In the Mormon church, the term "elder" is only a "rank" of church authority given to younger-aged unmarried missionaries and does not constitute seasoned knowledge in life experiences at all. Giving a young person the title of "elder" is kind of like giving an enlisted inexperienced soldier the title of Lieutenant and the authority to instruct a whole platoon.
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New Member
Deuteronomy 32:7 is from the Old Testament.... your not trying to burn the candle at both ends are you? Besides 1 Timothy's explanation of an Elder supercedes the explanation of anything found in the previous instruction manual, and there is nothing related to age.

OK - this has all become word play. A 20-21 year old Mormon missionary may be an "elder" in the Mormon church but at my chronological age I am the elder to both of them. I believe that is what ItalianScallion started out referring to.

Now, you may believe that a 20 or 21 year-old unmarried Mormon missionary with the title of "elder' can come along and have more experience in life than you do and be qualified to teach you as an elder.... but that's up to you.


New Member
And what Italian and yourself miss, is its a title bequeathed to them by becoming a Mormon ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood.

Italian wah wah'd but it doesnt matter that is the title given to them.

My earlier post concurs that is a title given to the Mormon missionaries but also states ItalianScallion's position from his point of view which is just as correct in his definition.

However, there is a question regarding the Melchizedek priesthood that you have referred to. According to the Holy Bible, there is only One who is able to hold the Eternal Melchizedek Priesthood and that is Jesus of Nazareth. There is no continuation of multiple Melchizedek priests spoken of in the Holy Bible. Jesus is now our High Priest alone - after the order of the original Melchizedek - there is no other afterward.

...where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:20)
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Harley Rider
And what Italian and yourself miss, is its a title bequeathed to them by becoming a Mormon ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood.
Italian wah wah'd but it doesnt matter that is the title given to them.
I'm not arguing the fact that they are given that title. My argument is what the word means BIBLICALLY since we ARE dealing with a Bible matter. Who else but you would go to a worldly source for a Bible word?:jameo:
OK - this has all become word play. A 20-21 year old Mormon missionary may be an "elder" in the Mormon church but at my chronological age I am the elder to both of them. I believe that is what ItalianScallion started out referring to.

Now, you may believe that a 20 or 21 year-old unmarried Mormon missionary with the title of "elder' can come along and have more experience in life than you do and be qualified to teach you as an elder.... but that's up to you.
See how simple it is Nucklesack?