My parents grew up in a rural area (sorry SOMD is not rural) and the school taught business math that included things like balancing a checkbook, how loans worked etc, only the egghead kids had Algebra and I think it was the highest math class they had at their school. We have to get past this every kid is college material crap and not label the ones that are not as "retards", because that's what was done when I was in school (class of 92).
When I was in 7th grade in 1987 we had four electives throughout the year that were randomly assigned, the first one I got assigned was HomeEc, I was mortified. After about two weeks I began to love it, one I was the only guy in that class, and two we got to cook and eat, it was a lot of fun.
I can verify that HomeEc wasn't necessarily good, I know three different women that had it in the 60's in West Virginia, South Carolina, and Long Island NY that were taught if you don't cook a steak or porkchop until its as tough as shoe leather then it has blood oozing out and it will kill whoever eats it. To this day at least two of them cook the crap out of meat.