TruPeace said:<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/dborzi/forumpix/large/forslotted.jpg">

TruPeace said:<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/dborzi/forumpix/large/forslotted.jpg">
TruPeace said:I'm doing three things at once. That's why my grammar might seem so elementary.
eyes, brain... every word is making the whole connection cramp...rack'm said:My eyes hurt.......
TruPeace said:No comment, turns around and keeps walking...
LMFAO...now thats funny!!rack'm said:
Bustem' Down said:Why is it that I have to not be offended to people knocking on my door and bugging me about Jesus, but they can be offended by my telling them that thier God doesn't exist. I'm just trying to share my beliefs.