Words From Elon Musk


Just sneakin' around....
Ok, nobody is saying it, but I'll bet it's crossed minds often. I know I've thought it.

Musk as a Presidential candidate?


American Beauty
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“I supported Obama, I stood in line for six hours to shake Obama’s hand when he was running for president,” Musk continued. “So it’s not like I’m some sort of dyed in the wool, long-term Republican. I’d actually call myself historically a moderate Democrat.”

“But now, I feel like we’re really at a critical juncture for the country,” Musk added.

The SpaceX CEO went on to say, “I think a lot of people thought the [Joe] Biden administration would be a moderate administration, but it’s not. And obviously we’re just going to see an even further left administration with Kamala.”

“I mean, her dad is literally a Marxist economist. You can Google it. We’re not making that up. That’s how she was brought up,” Musk said. “We want to have a future that is prosperous, and I think we’re just at this critical juncture.”

“You are the path to prosperity, and I think Kamala is the opposite,” Musk told Trump.

“I’m just trying to tell people my honest opinion,” Musk said. “I haven’t really been active in politics before, and I’m just trying to point out that my track record historically has been moderate — if not moderate, slightly left.”

Musk then urged other moderates to vote for Trump in November, adding, “So this is to people out there who are in the moderate camp: I think you should support Donald Trump for president.”



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Trump said besides Israel, other places have an Iron Dome that NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT…



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Elon Musk: “Clearly, We just don’t have a president right now…”
Trump: “You don’t have a president.”



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Trump commits to Elon Musk that he'll create a "Government Efficiency Commission" led by Elon to Cut the Cost and Size of the Federal Government



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🔥 Early this morning (2:30 am EST), Elon Musk reported the stunning news that, adding the people who tuned in to the interview to the folks who listened afterwards, Trump’s interview had been heard more than an astounding billion times.

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That astonishing figure will increase today, probably by a lot. This news is extremely significant, and it took the fretful elite media completely by surprise. For weeks it’s appeared as though corporate media successfully froze Trump out of the public eye, swamping even negative coverage with its fawning reporting on Kamala “Plan B” Harris. Recall CNN called the coverage a “Harris surge.”

But Trump flexed. It didn’t take money or time or ad buys or teams of paid-off influeners. Trump merely returned from his self-imposed Twitter exile, crushing the Internet in what might be the single biggest media event in history. They can deny it. They can report it badly, focusing on the DDOS attack. But it happened — and millions of people heard the President for themselves.

I’ll concede how fortunate Trump appears. This couldn’t have happened had Elon Musk not bought the failing social media platform eighteen months ago. It couldn’t have happened had California not driven Elon’s companies to Texas and turned him conservative. It’s another sort of miracle.

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