Worst Date/Relationship Ever


Hairball Magnet
I was young (in my 20's), and probably drunk, too, at the time!! Thank GOD we sometimes learn from our mistakes...:roflmao:


Mr. Shud da hell up
Umm kinda bad

I am new to Southern Maryland, but let me indulge you all in my worst relationship. Note: I AM A DUDE. anyway. This g/f i had was NUTZ. She belonged in a asylum. Dated for about ohh 2 months. And nathalie was what I thought her name was. I also thought she was like me single, and lost a brother in the Marine Corp, and I thought a bunch of other things. Turns out she was married, her name wasn't nathalie, she never had a bro. The last straw was when I went to go see her in her home town. Turns out she was not there. Nowhere to be found. I even stayed in a hotel the night and see what would happen. The miunute I walk in the door to my place 3 hours south. She calls and is like.. "Hey, whats up". Like nothing happened. So ya se women. We men get burnt too from time to time.


Hairball Magnet
Sorry, Joey – I didn't respond because you used the term "girls" which implies under the age of 21...and I'm gonna be 40 this year!! :D

Plus, you need to give throw us "more seasoned" women some irresistible BAIT, like:

you'll have the limo pick us up...there'll be champagne chilling in the back seat...rose petals strewn about...we'll be whisked off to a four-star French restaurant for dinner...followed by a romantic stroll along the street of some quaint, romantic little town...you'll allow us unlimited use of your platinum card to buy superfluous stuff (like scented candles, hand-crafted over-priced jewelry, antique stained glass church windows, and gourmet chutney)...then the limo will take us back home...where you'll surprise us with a personal masseure and maid FOR A WEEK! :getdown:

So.... when's the limo picking me up??? :roflmao:


Hairball Magnet
Hey Sexy!
I was just trying to be easy on him, since it's a "first date"...think I scared him off???? :lmao:


Hairball Magnet
Mature (age-wise, but not mentally! :D) and sexy (especially after a 40-ouncer!), definately looking...but still waiting for a tastier BAIT than McDonald's.... :D :D :D


Hairball Magnet
Sexy – maybe we could do "one potato, two potato" to see who gets him...or maybe we could BOTH have him – you could sit in the kid seat, and I could balance on the handlebars! Whatcha gonna order when we go to McDonalds? What toys are in the happy meals now?? :D I WANNA ICE CREAM CONE, TOO!!


New Member
But I wanted to sit on the handle bars. :D They better have some really cool toy, otherwise it's off to Burger King!

Wait! Joey couldn't possibly handle the TWO of us. :lol:


Hairball Magnet
Home-cooked?? Whaddaya think, it's your BIRTHDAY or something?? Is it Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or Easter or something? Home-cooked????? Does anyone actually DO that anymore?? Does dumping something out of a box or a freezer bag into boiling water count?? Jeez...just when I thought we were "liberated," along comes some fool who wants me to play Harriet to his Ozzie...


Now if you cook for ME, I'll be truly impressed... I, on the other hand, only cook for the following reasons: when the phone lines are down; to impress the relatives; to celebrate a special occasion; or, it's so late all the restaurants are closed... :D


New Member
[QUOTE I, on the other hand, only cook for the following reasons: when the phone lines are down; to impress the relatives; to celebrate a special occasion; or, it's so late all the restaurants are closed... :D [/B][/QUOTE]

AMEN!!!!!! :D


Hairball Magnet
Sexy, we have SO much in common, perhaps we should give up men, turn lesbian, and live together!! (But then – who would cook for us??) :D


New Member

Sounds like a good idea! Joey will come over every nite and have dinner prepared for us, BEFORE we get home! :lol: Afterwards, he'll do the dishes, mop the floor, clean the toilets, cut the grass, feed the animals, give us a massage and start a warm bubble bath for us! :D

And don't forget breakfast!!! I want my bacon (sorry Christy) and eggs on the table promptly at 6:00 a.m.
