Worst Date/Relationship Ever


Hairball Magnet
Ooo...just checked out Joey's briefcase!

Yeah, Joey's a cutie...nice car, too...who's the adorable munchkin?? I must have missed that episode of the Simpson's (and I thought I had seen them ALL!) :cheesy:

So Joey – how old did you say you were??? Don't be a wuss – come to the party! We'll be gentle with you, we promise! ;)

Sexy – I LOVE your idea! I MUST have my bacon too, extra crispy! Ya know, maybe I should hop over to the "looking for someplace to live" thread and see if I can set up a barter for housing – if the guy does all that stuff we mentioned EVERY DAY, I'll let him live with me rent-free! (But in the summer, he has to play "pool boy" too! I HATE taking the dead animals out of the pool skimmer baskets!) :cheers:


New Member
Originally posted by joeyinlexpark
Princess: Sorry, I am already at work at 6, no breakfast for you :(

Well, then--it looks as though you'll be arriving to work late from now on! :D

How could you possibly argue with TWO women? :lol:


Hairball Magnet
Since you're NEW, you probably aren't familiar with the punishment for straying off the original topic of the thread...heh...heh...heh!

:spank: :whip:


Hairball Magnet
BOTH, of course! :D

Sexy – which implement of torture do you prefer: the paddle or the whip?? Or to be fair, do you want to switch halfway through administering the punishment??

Barbra – (As they do at Castle Anthrax – "and after the spankings, the oral sex!! Spank ME! No ME! Me, too!!")

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by joeyinlexpark
Due to recent events within this crazy thread, I am already taking a break from all these crazy BDSM types. If any normal people would like to shoot the breeze then let me know:crazy: lmao

Uh...I think you're looking in the WRONG place...There ARE no "normal" people here... :roflmao:


Mr. Shud da hell up

now what was this thread all about....Ummm if i didn't know any better I'd say--S n' M thread of some sort. Nipple pinchers. OUCH lol


Mr. Shud da hell up
no joke

it' all good. Maybe it's been awhile for some, lol. I can handle it anyways--Shhh just don't tell the g/f lol.


Worst Date...

Had to be when I was living in Massachausetts. I had a blind date with this guy. We met at one of the local restaraunts. We went through the meal just fine, except he was talking non-stop about how much money he makes and his job. I was trying not to appear bored out of me tree. Then he asks what I do for work, and he assumes just becaseu I am a programmer that I make the big $$. (little known fact, just starting out programmers make dirt). So the check came, and he just sat there staring at it, he was like, so are you going to pay for the meal since you make more money then me. I told him that I don't but I will pay it anyhow. So I paid the check, and then we went outside. He then asked me if I would give him a treat(put mind in gutter for minute guys). I told him NO..and that I have a long drive home. He emailed me the next day telling me how much fun he had and when am I going to take him out for dinner again. I told him that I didn't mind paying for dinner, but him asking me for that was where I drew the line. I had just met the guy and wasn't attracted to him at all. He IM'd me for months, and I fainlly had to block him. It was sad.

I guess guys go through that all the time.

Lesson learned, don't tell someone what you do for work right away. My standard answer became I work on computer. :) :D


Hairball Magnet
How pathetic! I guess he figured he was so HOT that you had to buy him dinner in return for the pleasure of his company!! Talk about distorted self-image!! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Cleopatra Jones
Could have easily been Friday night. Sad thing was it wasn't even a date. I meet some guy at a club, he's really decent there, he asked if I wanted to hang out for a little bit afterward. I invited him to my house because there are other people there and being safe is important. We are there for literally 5 MINUTES and he jumps on top of me. Then when I try to nicely explain that I have a little more class then that I get the long drawn out sob story about how his wife left him and even though he just met me he can tell I'm a nice girl....:barf: What goes through peoples minds sometimes????