WOW! Commercial blasts Kerry


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by otter
What about his self-confessed atrocities? His accusations of atrocities by his fellow soldiers? Doesn't his parading about, running on his 4 months in Vietnam 30 yrs ago scare you? Doesn't 20 yrs in the Senate with nothing to show for it make you wonder about his leadership abilities?? Don't you think it laughable that Michael Moore can put out a documentary that is heavily biased and factually distorted against President Bush to the accolades of the liberals yet a group of men that served with Kerry exercise their freedoms with a commercial and web site only to have Kerry try to stop them by sic'ing his lawyers on them?? It really is a moot point in even try to open your eyes when you are so far in the tank, kid. Singing the praises of Kerry is disingenuous, at best, when its really all about your blind acceptance of everything your handlers feed you. Hows it feel to be a buttboy without a mind of your own? I'll put in a good word for you to DoWhat, maybe he'll pray for you.
Im blind by what people feed me... You are aware that i dont usualy turn on the TV? I read the news... From many many sources... His parading about vietnam doesnt scare me... He did commit 'crimes against humanity' but atleast he was man enough to come clean about it... a lot has changed in 30 years and im sure his crimes live with him still today... And so has most of his expierences in vietnam, and as anyone who is or has known a vietnam vet, that influences their life a great bit... I think kerry would be a better leader than bush because he has gone through it, he has hopefuly learned from his mistakes. I have seen bush, ive seen what he does, maybe 4 years ago he would have been the better of the two but its not and i feel that kerry, though not a saint will infact be a better leader than bush.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by otter
What about his self-confessed atrocities? His accusations of atrocities by his fellow soldiers? Doesn't his parading about, running on his 4 months in Vietnam 30 yrs ago scare you? Doesn't 20 yrs in the Senate with nothing to show for it make you wonder about his leadership abilities?? Don't you think it laughable that Michael Moore can put out a documentary that is heavily biased and factually distorted against President Bush to the accolades of the liberals yet a group of men that served with Kerry exercise their freedoms with a commercial and web site only to have Kerry try to stop them by sic'ing his lawyers on them?? It really is a moot point in even try to open your eyes when you are so far in the tank, kid. Singing the praises of Kerry is disingenuous, at best, when its really all about your blind acceptance of everything your handlers feed you. Hows it feel to be a buttboy without a mind of your own? I'll put in a good word for you to DoWhat, maybe he'll pray for you.
:biggrin: You're almost as old as me otter, and as such, I'm sure you've heard of the phrase: "Singing to the choir"?
This dipsh!t is so jaded at such an early age, jaded in the ways of the extreme left that he/she is without hope, I feel.
And, that's a terrible epitaph to have to saddle ones self with, but so be it.
Admit it, his eyes will never be opened, the blinders are on too tight; and as long as he/she converses with like-minded demonrats of the same ilk, it's a done deal.
It's not like we've not seen other stubborn idealogues here on the site before; they usually get tired of it all and move on.

We'll still be here, and so will G.W. Bush:cheers: