WOW! Commercial blasts Kerry


Originally posted by Spoiled
1. Did Iraq ever have WMD's?

2. Did Iraq ever use WMD's?

3. Did Iraq ever manufacture WMD's?
unless if they where able to import them from somewhere?

4. Did Iraq allow UN inspectors in to inspect unabaited?
When they felt like it

5. Did Iraq fully comply with the UN resolutions imposed on them as part of the cease fire?
nope... Then again arent you one of the people who think the UN is a buncha liberal pussies? and thats why the US doesnt need to listen to them?

6. Did Iraq in fact expell UN weapons inspectors on several occasions?

7. Did Iraq not have a relationship with and sponsor terrorists organizations?
Not al queda... But im sure there where some,,, mostly going to israel though, who also goes against the UN, infact they go against it more so than any other nation

8. Why did Egypt, Jordan and numerous intelligence organizations tell Gen Franks he has Chem weapons and he would use them?
Why did Chilabi say the same thing? They didnt like Saddam and wanted a piece of the pie? Who knows...

Here is a question for you there are many nations with dictators that came to rule by similar means to saddam's... they also torture people, and have terrorist groups in their nation... should we go to these nations and fight the terrorists there.
As opposed to waiting for them to come here ABSOFREAKINGLUTLY

Now you little weasel answer my question to you. You know what, nevermind. I know what your answer will be. Go thrust your hypocritical goober head in the sand or better yet go re-read your "Guide to Marxism" and see if you missed any of the good parts. Your age and ignorance are not worth further comment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete, we've already established that Spoiled doesn't like Bush because he thinks Bush is dumb and looks like a moneky. No need to go any further.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Pete, we've already established that Spoiled doesn't like Bush because he thinks Bush is dumb and looks like a moneky. No need to go any further.
Yea, he is a clear thinker. :duh: Please do me a favor and take the "p" out of his user name. I feel that "soiled" better describes him.


Active Member
Originally posted by Pete
As opposed to waiting for them to come here ABSOFREAKINGLUTLY

Now you little weasel answer my question to you. You know what, nevermind. I know what your answer will be. Go thrust your hypocritical goober head in the sand or better yet go re-read your "Guide to Marxism" and see if you missed any of the good parts. Your age and ignorance are not worth further comment.

and lastly a rhetorical question for you.

What would you be saying if we had not gone into Iraq and today a improvised chemical weapon provided by Iraq to terrorists went off in a mall in Toledo and gassed 750 innocent women and kids?
I would probably be very upset, however it hasnt happened, it probably wont happen and with new 'intelligence' we realize it probably wouldnt have happened due to the fact that they well... didnt have what we where lead to believe they had... I would have been upset that we didnt finish off saddam and his subordinants when we had a chance...


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Pete, we've already established that Spoiled doesn't like Bush because he thinks Bush is dumb and looks like a moneky. No need to go any further.
Its more the first than the second, i think kerry looks like a raging alcoholic but as far as i have seen he doesnt act it... And i have stated in many of threads which both of you have often contributed to why i think bush is dumb.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Glad you brought that up to!!!!

I would have been upset that we didnt finish off saddam and his subordinants when we had a chance...

Funny thing, back in 1991. The President made all sorts of deals to get the job done, Iraq out of Kuwait, and not offend anyone. So, he promised NOT to invade Baghdad and physically oust Saddam unless we got lucky with bombs which everyone knew was about impossible given all the tunnels.

Some people STILL wouldn't go along! Didn't want us to do anything at all.

Can you imagine what kind of idiot doesn't see the correct logic of your position?

Uh, anyone got Sen. Kerry's voting record handy?



Active Member
Originally posted by Pete
The world thought the same thing in 1939

Different times though... Technology was just emerging, and Germany was a super power... Iraq, however was not a super power... If we had gathered our intel better would would have realized this... They dont have the same resources that a country such as germany or our own US has to become a super power as we are or as Germany was... Then again we do learn from mistakes... we learned from not stepping into europe as you stated and we [hopefuly] learned from stepping into the middle east....
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

Different times though... Technology was just emerging, and Germany was a super power...

I guess you have me on ignore but, here goes anyway.

In 1938 Germany was starting to feel her oats, but by NO means a 'super power'. Successful intervention in Spain had encouraged Hitler to move up his time table and start provoking things in Poland.

Germany was bluffing at this point. She was NOT as strong as Hitler wanted everyone to think. Had the British or France made much more aggressive actions towards Germany, WWII may not have happened.

They COULD have nipped it in the bud.

Saddam WAS nipped in the bud. Once, by Israel, in the early 80's blowing up Iraqs lone nuke plant and now, for good, by us.

Please read the IWR. It explains EVERYTHING. Reasonable. Rational.

Kerry and Edwards approved.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Larry Gude
Please read the IWR. It explains EVERYTHING. Reasonable. Rational.
Why do you keep doing that when you know that facts have nothing to do with what the Democrats think?


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Why do you keep doing that when you know that facts have nothing to do with what the Democrats think?
You are a liar, who you yourself makes up facts and argues when i try to tell you they are wrong.... Get over yourself, get over the democrats using the facts differently that the republicans... Get over the fact that i am more liberal than your war hungry self, get over the fact that i see the world through different eyes than yours...


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Spoiled
You are a liar, who you yourself makes up facts and argues when i try to tell you they are wrong.... Get over yourself, get over the democrats using the facts differently that the republicans... Get over the fact that i am more liberal than your war hungry self, get over the fact that i see the world through different eyes than yours...

oh my, a mooreron tantrum..:yikes:


Active Member
Re: Spoiled...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

Please read the IWR. It explains EVERYTHING. Reasonable. Rational.
THinking back to before we went in, i would have to agree... it looks good... hindsight is 20/20... much of that was WMDs and terrorism.... there was even a part about 9-11 where at first look it links iraq to 9-11 but after re-reading it you realize it doesnt say it, its just drawing a parallel.... if the intel was better...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
You are a liar, who you yourself makes up facts and argues when i try to tell you they are wrong.... Get over yourself, get over the democrats using the facts differently that the republicans... Get over the fact that i am more liberal than your war hungry self, get over the fact that i see the world through different eyes than yours...
Name-calling. How rude. :tut tut:

And WHO makes up facts, Spoiled? WHO does that? don't "make up" facts. You just "use them differently", right?



Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Name-calling. How rude. :tut tut:

And WHO makes up facts, Spoiled? WHO does that? don't "make up" facts. You just "use them differently", right?

You call me names, pete calls me name, you make up facts....

You say its dark out, ill goto bed....
I say its dark out, ill go turn on the light...

We both have the facts, we both use them differently


Originally posted by Pete
Dems embrace thier loonies, Moore, Goldberg ....

Just trying to catch up on this thread and others -- not all of us dems embrace Moore or Goldberg :frown:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
First off, people don’t win medals they are awarded to them. They are only awarded after you are put in for them (recommended) and usually they are investigated prior to issuing the award. It seems that those submitted on behalf of the future Senator received little investigation and rapid endorsement up the chain (the Silver Star was pinned on his chest just a few days after the action). The dispute of information from others that were with Kerry when the action in question took place hold the events dramatically different then what the Senator and his citations indicate. Note, I am only talking about the Silver and Bronze Star medals the Senator was awarded.

The truth should be discovered for many reasons, a few of these reasons would be 1) the Senator is advancing his heroics as a tool in his bid for the presidency, 2) others that were there say it didn’t happen as depicted, and 3) if Kerry is claiming his acts 30 odd years ago are significant then they should be looked at to see if there is any validity to his claim, as well as his actions upon returning from ‘Nam when he testified before Congress, and his time serving in the Congress.