WOW! Commercial blasts Kerry


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by jlabsher
One of the guys in the Kerry attack (his CO) has retracted his statement.


LCDR Elliot may have retracted his statement, as reported by the Boston Globe. But can I throw out this recent tidbit here, posted tonight on Drudge, that shows a definite link between the Kerry campaign and The Globe? It certainly sheds some doubt on the veracity of Elliot's redaction.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Steve
LCDR Elliot may have retracted his statement, as reported by the Boston Globe. But can I throw out this recent tidbit here, posted tonight on Drudge, that shows a definite link between the Kerry campaign and The Globe? It certainly sheds some doubt on the veracity of Elliot's redaction.

That cover jacket shown on the Drudge page is priceless. A thumbs up and a fist, is this sign language for flip-flop?


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Steve
5 years as a POW would probably convince anyone that the "only good VC is a dead VC!" No wonder McCain does not support the ads.

As for the many mentions in the article that the men in the ad did not serve on Kerry's boat, that is clearly spin. So they weren't on his boat; they were still part of Kerry's group and would have been very familiar with his leadership and character. The three boats operated as a team, not in a vacuum. They would absolutely know of his actions during any encounter! Come on!
:cool: On Hannity and Colmes tonight, that fact was borne out; there were 8 out of 12 Naval personnel who were in Kerry's boat squadron - serving on sister(?) boats alongside Kerry's craft.

So, yes, they would have seen Kerry's actions, and the story does appear to be truthful.


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by penncam
:cool: On Hannity and Colmes tonight, that fact was borne out; there were 8 out of 12 Naval personnel who were in Kerry's boat squadron - serving on sister(?) boats alongside Kerry's craft.

So, yes, they would have seen Kerry's actions, and the story does appear to be truthful.

But Susan Estrich still wants to know if they were "ON" Kerry's boat. I guess when you are on a different boat, even when working together in close proximity as seen in Kerry's movies, you still don't know who the other boat teams are. That's what the spin would have you believe.


Sorry about that chief.
I'd rather be "on Kerry's boat" (a US citizen while he is president) than nearby like the "great" swiftboat commanders (France, Europe or the rest of the world). Since all of you seem to despise and belittle any person/country who questions our CinC's wisdom I'm sure you feel the same way.

If any of you had ever been in the blackshoe navy and in combat you may understand what it means to be on a boat/ship and understanding your CO's actions, as opposed to watching the actions from afar, if you don't you have no room to talk!


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Steve
But Susan Estrich still wants to know if they were "ON" Kerry's boat. I guess when you are on a different boat, even when working together in close proximity as seen in Kerry's movies, you still don't know who the other boat teams are. That's what the spin would have you believe.
:rolleyes: You know I had to sit there and watch the entire segment to see where it was going to end up.

I think Susan Estrogen blew it; what's more I think she realised it, towards the end of the timeframe, when they had to break for a commercial. She kinda bowed her head, and said "we have to go for a break........"

All the time, a demonrat strategist was saying "G.W. was gonna pay for all this."

Yeah, right! He denounced it on TV, yesterday. What an azzclown.


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by jlabsher
...Since all of you seem to despise and belittle any person/country who questions our CinC's wisdom I'm sure you feel the same way.

If any of you had ever been in the blackshoe navy and in combat you may understand what it means to be on a boat/ship and understanding your CO's actions, as opposed to watching the actions from afar, if you don't you have no room to talk!

Can you elaborate on who this post is directed against? I wouldn't want some to get confused.


Super Genius
Re: Re: Re: Now for my opinion...

Originally posted by ylexot
I'm saying you can't run and be poised to shoot at the same time. That's what Kerry claimed. If he shot a guy with a rocket launcher in the back...fine. Admit it. Don't deny it so adamantly. To deny it is dishonest.
It appears that Captain George Elliott agrees with me. From his Aug 6, 2004 affidavit linked to earlier...
While I suppose the fleeing, wounded Viet Cong could have been backpedaling, I have never heard this faintly suggested by anyone, and I do not understand why he would have to turn around to face Kerry if he were fleeing backward. The difference is not material to any of my opinions. Had I known the facts, I would not have recommended Kerry for the Silver Star for simply pursuing and dispatching a single wounded, fleeing Viet Cong.


Dancing Up A Storm
The Ultimate Question

:cool: I move we jump to the inexorable truth on this matter and admit that J.F. Kerry is an unexcusable flip-flopping, perpetual opportunist, who's record in Congress is shaky at best, who gains power, notoriety and fame by marrying up the food chain, who conveniently trots out his fellow war comrades to bolster up his checkered past in armed conflict, as well as 8mm movies he shot with a camera he purchased in Camh Ron Bay for that expressed purpose, and ask ourselves one question:

(and it's not "Do ya feel lucky, huh, punk?")

No, it's really simple - Is this the kind of man we all want to see in the Oval Office?


Active Member
Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by penncam
:cool: I move we jump to the inexorable truth on this matter and admit that J.F. Kerry is an unexcusable flip-flopping, perpetual opportunist, who's record in Congress is shaky at best, who gains power, notoriety and fame by marrying up the food chain, who conveniently trots out his fellow war comrades to bolster up his checkered past in armed conflict, as well as 8mm movies he shot with a camera he purchased in Camh Ron Bay for that expressed purpose, and ask ourselves one question:

(and it's not "Do ya feel lucky, huh, punk?")

No, it's really simple - Is this the kind of man we all want to see in the Oval Office?
I would prefer him over a person that has not served our country in a war... I would prefer a person who flip-flops on issues that dont cost peoples lives that ones that do.... I would prefer someone in the oval office that doesnt accuse others of flip-flopping then flip-flop theirself. I would prefer someone in office that knows what he is doing to american citizens by starting a war... I want someone to run our country with international expierence, i want someone to run our country that will not needlessly put americans in harms way.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by Spoiled
I would prefer him over a person that has not served our country in a war... I would prefer a person who flip-flops on issues that dont cost peoples lives that ones that do.... I would prefer someone in the oval office that doesnt accuse others of flip-flopping then flip-flop theirself.

*****I would prefer someone in office that knows what he is doing to american citizens by starting a war..."*****

I want someone to run our country with international expierence, i want someone to run our country that will not needlessly put americans in harms way.
:popcorn: :gossip:
I know by saying this, that I'm saying what I said I wouldn't do, but I'm not gonna even humor this juvenile's reply.


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by penncam
:popcorn: :gossip:
I know by saying this, that I'm saying what I said I wouldn't do, but I'm not gonna even humor this juvenile's reply.
Im so juvenile my vote counts just as much as yours... Thus meaning my opinion is equaly as important...

And im voting for the guy that left US soil and fought in combat... and killed a person...


Nothing to see here
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by Spoiled
And im voting for the guy that left US soil and fought in combat... and killed a person...

Oh yeah, thats an important consideration, killing a person..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by otter
Oh yeah, thats an important consideration, killing a person..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yes it is... it all contributes to his understand of what war does to people...


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by otter
Oh yeah, thats an important consideration, killing a person..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: I think, but I'm not 100% certain , that little tidbit represents the wisdom of this young adolescent, would that be fair to assume?


Nothing to see here
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Ultimate Question

Originally posted by Spoiled
Yes it is... it all contributes to his understand of what war does to people...

What about his self-confessed atrocities? His accusations of atrocities by his fellow soldiers? Doesn't his parading about, running on his 4 months in Vietnam 30 yrs ago scare you? Doesn't 20 yrs in the Senate with nothing to show for it make you wonder about his leadership abilities?? Don't you think it laughable that Michael Moore can put out a documentary that is heavily biased and factually distorted against President Bush to the accolades of the liberals yet a group of men that served with Kerry exercise their freedoms with a commercial and web site only to have Kerry try to stop them by sic'ing his lawyers on them?? It really is a moot point in even try to open your eyes when you are so far in the tank, kid. Singing the praises of Kerry is disingenuous, at best, when its really all about your blind acceptance of everything your handlers feed you. Hows it feel to be a buttboy without a mind of your own? I'll put in a good word for you to DoWhat, maybe he'll pray for you.