
Richard Cranium

New Member
blazinlow89 said:
When i was looking for the crime stats i found this but didnt think it was relevant to that thread

At yearend 2003, there were an approximate total of 1,256,400 sentenced State prison inmates, 250,900 of whom were incarcerated for drug offenses. The majority of drug offenders held in State prisons were black (133,100), followed by whites (64,800), and Hispanics (50,100).

Heres my source for those who think i made it up


And i know one of the guys who was put ont eh MSP reports today.

How do you consider that "racist"? :shrug:

Richard Cranium

New Member
It would be nice if the county hero smcop would put this guy behind bars, but he's too busy running radar. Got less than 100 hours to meet that quota :alkies:


Big Poppa
I dont consider facts racist, but other people make assumptions that make them think people are racist.

It doesnt bother me and i was being sarcastic anyways.


Football addict
getbent said:
What is it with all these idiots getting pulled over for moving violations, etc. and the cops finding maryjane, cocaine, etc. on their person? If you're going to speed or drive a vehicle with a broken tail light then leave the drugs at home!!!!! Dumbarses. Just wanted to vent. Thanks.
The illegal substances help to excrete any inkling of common sense. In their eyes, they're more invincible than stupid.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
:lmao: Nope, it wasn't his fault, or the truck's fault. It was the damn lumber.
He must have had a good buzz going on to believe the lumber just jumps out like that. :roflmao:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
It would be nice if the county hero smcop would put this guy behind bars, but he's too busy running radar. Got less than 100 hours to meet that quota :alkies:


What is it with all these idiots getting pulled over for moving violations, etc. and the cops finding maryjane, cocaine, etc. on their person? If you're going to speed or drive a vehicle with a broken tail light then leave the drugs at home!!!!! Dumbarses. Just wanted to vent. Thanks.

The aforementioned is the original quote! You are such a dumbass! I told you I am not a traffic cop and don't run radar, a hundred times. I am going to say this, then sign off because I am not entering your childish game of calling me names and me calling you names. It's really stupid and I have much better things to do! you probably are a little cowardly man sitting behind your computer screen hoping to piss someone off. It was stupid to engage in a debate with your puny little brain in the first place, and now I am going. Find a new person to try and piss off Dick! Good night!


New Member
poser! if you really were a LAWMAN! you would have better things to do than tradin insults with a guy known as dick head!your story is played out. your not an St' Marys police officer! stop posinn as one! you might find yourself in some serious trouble if you persist doing so.


24/7 Single Dad
Richard Cranium said:
It would be nice if the county hero smcop would put this guy behind bars, but he's too busy running radar. Got less than 100 hours to meet that quota :alkies:
:yeahthat: It's shocking that he would do the job assigned to him by his supervisor