Yo! Gay men!


Salt Life
Originally posted by tatercake
don't forget that time you and I :gossip: on the trampoline out back and we rubbed :gossip: all over and :gossip: :really: Now THAT was fun! :bubble:
Oh, GREAT! Now you've gone and made it public knowledge that we :gossip: Tell the whole world why don't you...:rolleyes:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Chasey_Lane
Oh, GREAT! Now you've gone and made it public knowledge that we :gossip: Tell the whole world why don't you...:rolleyes:

like they couldn't see us from the road :duh:


Originally posted by tatercake
don't forget that time you and I :gossip: on the trampoline out back and we rubbed :gossip: all over and :gossip: :really: Now THAT was fun! :bubble:




Salt Life
Originally posted by SuperGrover

Straight 41 (82.00% )
Gay 1 (2.00% )
Bi-Sexual 3 (6.00% )
Try-Sexual (will try anything) 3 (6.00% )
Asexual 2 (4.00% )
Now I just have to remember which category I voted. :ohwell:


Not dead yet.
Re: oh, the church

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
Yeah, there is a good book of fiction.

Just makes ya think

Hmmm. This seems to have degenerated into a slam the church thread. Interesting that all of Boudicca's references were old testament. I'm not sure what church he ever attended (or that you may ever have attended), but at my church we are told to love sinners and hate sin.

Given the fact that we are all sinners, being gay is no worse than drinking, fornicating, adultery, drugs, or any of the otherwise unhealthy activities proscribed by the good book. So come and experience God's love and forgiveness, you're no better or worse of a person than I, and from your defensive posture toward the church I'd say you could use a hug.



Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: oh, the church

Originally posted by tlatchaw
defensive posture toward the church

Why shouldn't AimHigh be defensive? There are some Christians who go around telling people to their faces that they're going to hell. Not just gays, but Jews and unwed mothers. Sounds to me like a very good reason to get pizzed off.


Re: oh, the church

Originally posted by Tonio
There are some Christians who go around telling people to their faces that they're going to hell.

And these people make the rest of us look oh so good.

Just remember that people like that speak for most Christians - the same way that PETA speaks for people who like animals.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: oh, the church

Originally posted by Toxick
And these people make the rest of us look oh so good.

Just remember that people like that speak for most Christians - the same way that PETA speaks for people who like animals.

Excellent point! I tend to be extremist about disliking extremism. Kind of ironic.

The difference between that type of Christian and a PETA fanatic is this--when that type of Christian tells you you're going to hell, it's a personal insult. Say that to a 6-year-old and he or she is likely to cry. (There are some Christian kids who actually say things like that to their peers.) Say that to an adult and he or she will just tell the person to phuque off.


New Member
The Church part II

Actually, I do not believe in anything. But as a learned person, I do keep an open mind for everything and everyone. I will argue on one side or another, depending on my mood when someone is being so absolute that they cannot see the other side. If I offend anyone that believes in a supreme being, or an organized religion, then I am sorry, to a degree. But I do feel that people should not preach by picking and choosing what parts of their book they want to use in their favor. I also think that people that believe in religion should respect the fact that some of us do not, and therefore no matter what you say, it wont make a difference to me. That is just my honest outlook on the subject. I cannot go to heaven or hell because I do not believe in such places, so if you want to irk me, instead of saying I am going to hell, how about, You're going to Rosie's Place!


Not dead yet.
Re: The Church part II

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
I cannot go to heaven or hell because I do not believe in such places, so if you want to irk me, instead of saying I am going to hell, how about, You're going to Rosie's Place!

Actually I don't want to irk you. The perspective of a Christian is that I care enough about you as my fellow human being that I don't want you to go to hell. Ultimately it is your choice and there is very little I can do aside from share the love and wait patiently upon your choice. I can accept that. I still wouldn't want you to go to hell, however.

Some of my favorite friends have been gay, and as I mentioned earlier I don't think that makes them any worse of a sinner than me. So I guess you could say for me that homosexuality is not really a big deal. Either you are or you aren't. It comes from nature or nurture (or both). What's the big deal?:dance:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: The Church part II

Originally posted by tlatchaw
Actually I don't want to irk you. The perspective of a Christian is that I care enough about you as my fellow human being that I don't want you to go to hell. Ultimately it is your choice and there is very little I can do aside from share the love and wait patiently upon your choice. I can accept that. I still wouldn't want you to go to hell, however.

Thanks for the input, tlatchaw. My point is that when some Christians talk like that, it doesn't come across like you suggested. They don't seem to have the well-being of others in mind, they seem to want to make others feel bad about themselves. Their tone seems to be smug, judgmental and superior, like Nelson's derisive "Ha ha" on the Simpsons.