"You can't hold me, take care of the kids...":


Lem Putt
Qpid said:
Yeah they sell jewelry at a grocery store....


Looters filled industrial-sized garbage cans with clothing and jewelry and floated them down the street on bits of plywood and insulation as National Guard lumbered by.

Mike Franklin stood on the trolley tracks and watched the spectacle unfold.

"To be honest with you, people who are oppressed all their lives, man, it's an opportunity to get back at society," he said.

Groceries? :confused:


New Member
MMDad said:
Looters filled industrial-sized garbage cans with clothing and jewelry and floated them down the street on bits of plywood and insulation as National Guard lumbered by.

Mike Franklin stood on the trolley tracks and watched the spectacle unfold.

"To be honest with you, people who are oppressed all their lives, man, it's an opportunity to get back at society," he said.

Groceries? :confused:

A young man walks through chest deep flood water after looting a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005. Click on the link...dude has a 12 pack of diet pepsi :razz:

Im sure people took advantage and stole jewelry if it was there....but moreso food than anything...


Luvin Life !!!
Qpid said:
A young man walks through chest deep flood water after looting a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005. Click on the link...dude has a 12 pack of diet pepsi :razz:

Im sure people took advantage and stole jewelry if it was there....but moreso food than anything...

Now that's what I call an essential. Diet Pepsi my azz. That is a luxury item.


Fighting like a girl
Wikipedia is amazing

Want a great updating resource (and detailed history) of Hurricane Katrina? Check out Wikipedias page:

Hurricane Katrina

I actually stumbled upon it when I was trying to find a good definition of "Martial Law" which has been declared in Jefferson and Plaquemines parishes in LA.

BTW it is the system of rules that takes effect (usually after a formal declaration) when a military authority takes control of the normal administration of justice (and usually of the whole state).


"Typical White Person"
Qpid said:
Yeah they sell jewelry at a grocery store....


Read the effing article in the link, it clearly states in addition to grocery stores, jewelry and clothing stores were also looted. So you STFU.


New Member
Qpid said:
Damn alot of you are soooo harsh!!!

Alot of people were too poor to evacuate.

How are you suppose to evacuate if you have no car, no family or friends??
I bet they evacuated their bowel.


New Member
Qpid said:
You do what you have to do to survive!!!

First the people were suppose to evacuate when they had no means to.

Now their homes are going to be washed away and they have no means to eat, what do you expect for them to do??!!!
Eat ten pair of stolen jeans?


"Typical White Person"
As the looting has become rampid I think that any logical person can see most of it is less about surviving than it is about greed. I just have to laugh though they are going to be sitting there with TV's, DVD players, Computers and Jewelry but no power and and no food to eat or water to drink. Pretty smart!


curiouser and curiouser
AK-74me said:
As the looting has become rampid I think that any logical person can see most of it is less about surviving than it is about greed. I just have to laugh though they are going to be sitting there with TV's, DVD players, Computers and Jewelry but no power and and no food to eat or water to drink. Pretty smart!
Not everyone is looting. Sure, it's a problem, but the majority of those people are just trying to live another day, knowing that everything they had is now gone. Watching the news last night, they must have shown the same looters, from different angles, 5 or 6 times. Shoot, people go crazy and start looting after their home team wins the Super Bowl...why are we focusing on this?


"Typical White Person"
Nickel said:
Not everyone is looting. Sure, it's a problem, but the majority of those people are just trying to live another day, knowing that everything they had is now gone. Watching the news last night, they must have shown the same looters, from different angles, 5 or 6 times. Shoot, people go crazy and start looting after their home team wins the Super Bowl...why are we focusing on this?

Cause it pisses me off to see on one hand a guy tread out in to neck high water to save the life of some woman stranded on top of her car and on the other hand see some donkey running down the road with boxes of electronics! The food and water I can understand the rest of it is just despicable. As far as people looting after a game well they should be shot on site, atleast these people I have a little more compassion for, they should just have a hand loped off!


New Member
Racist news media coverage indeed...

You know, I think it is sickening and really enlightening just how much racial divide there is in America, and just how much of it is soo evident. Yet everyone is always trying to talk about how it isn't a problem here, and how other countries are wrong for the ways they treat people.

Case in point:
We all know what a tragedy the hurricane that has hit the gulf region is right now. People have died, and more will die. Homes and belongings are lost forever, washed away in the disease infested flood waters that have all but completely covered some portions of New Orleans, Biloxi and Pascagoula. There are people out there of "ALL" races that are fighting to live RIGHT NOW as I type this note. When you are faced with a situation as grim as this, your basic instincts kick in. The strongest of them all is "SURVIVAL!" Food, water, clothing, shelter....these are all things that we must have to survive.

I am saying all of this because I am soo outraged at how the media is portraying these people in this situation. It is NO accident that every time you see video or photographs of what they are labeling "looting" and "looters", they only show black people. The reporters are trying to dramatize it soo much to build a better story to bolster their ratings, that the real view of what is going on is lost. They are portraying these people like they are in L.A. running down the street with a television in their hands. These people are trying to find food, anything drinkable, baby diapers, dry clothes, etc... And these idiots have the audacity to try and interview people, asking them "why are you out here breaking the law?"

Granted there are some people that are taking advantage of the situation, stilling jewelry and other insignificant trinkets, some even took guns and ammo from stores. In light of the situation, I think some form of protection is necessary...but really, in the big scheme of things.. WHO CARES !!??!! Those people are dying!!

Some of you may say, "we know there is racism, but that isn't the important issue right now." to that I say "yes it is". Those people down there are going to need alot of help, from ALL of us here in this country, because it ain't coming from anywhere else. When Floyd brought the floods to N.C., you didn't see the media calling the people that busted into grocery stores "LOOTERS!" No, they reported for what it was, "PEOPLE TRYING TO SURVIVE!" There was a major out pour of help from all over the country, which was definitely needed. Now, we have a region where the population of the hardest hit areas is predominate black, or of black decent. Now the people that are trying to survive are "LOOTERS"... How many people do you think are going to be inclined to help, if every time they look at the news or the papers and see blacks in a light that basically shows them as common criminals? This is the reason I am writing this note... I am sending it to CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS.... I am sure it will fall on deaf ears, but I had to try.

These people are in real trouble, and they need alot of help. We can't afford to have this type of ignorance deterring even "one" person from doing what they can to help out.

Evidence of what I'm saying is true: The white couple "found" stuff at a grocery store, the black kid "looted" his.




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Two points:

  1. Because New Orleans is 67% black (not non-white, mind you - black), obviously the majority of the looters are going to be black as well.
  2. If black people don't like the TV news showing them looting, DON'T FRIGGIN LOOT!!! If black people don't want to be portrayed as criminal, DON'T COMMIT CRIMES!!!

I can see if they were getting food or water from a grocery store, but jewelry and electronics? Give me a break.

Those of you who excuse criminal behavior just because someone happens to be black are the worst racists of all. You admit you expect no better from black people.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Two points:

  1. Because New Orleans is 67% black (not non-white, mind you - black), obviously the majority of the looters are going to be black as well.
  2. If black people don't like the TV news showing them looting, DON'T FRIGGIN LOOT!!! If black people don't want to be portrayed as criminal, DON'T COMMIT CRIMES!!!

I can see if they were getting food or water from a grocery store, but jewelry and electronics? Give me a break.

Those of you who excuse criminal behavior just because someone happens to be black are the worst racists of all. You admit you expect no better from black people.

You totally missed the point of that post. (which doesn't surprise me) BOULDER INDEED :shutup:

The fact was that criminal behavior was committed by both races (black & white) but one was protrayed as "looting" while the other one was portrayed as "finding".

Sometimes I think you just refuse to admit racism when you see it, maybe because you do not condone it but subconsciencely do it yourself. (i have seen on many occasions on this board)


Qpid said:
Now their homes are going to be washed away and they have no means to eat, what do you expect for them to do??!!!

If they were looting food, you might have a point.

The footage that I saw this morning... there was no food being taken at all. And there were way too many sh*t-eating grins in the mix for my liking.