You Democrats: Please Explain


"Typical White Person"
How you can not support the drilling of our offshore oil? Do you think China is going to take care of the environment down there better than we will? No, what you are afraid of is that the Republicans will be able to announce that they did something that actually helped America.

China's Drilling for Oil in America's Backyard, Republicans Say -- 06/11/2008

This is 2008, blowouts and wooden derricks are a thing of the past, take one for the team and relent in your stupidity just once.

GD this pisses me off.


Lem Putt in mine!!!

I was thinking about that last night. It would be so cool if they found an oil deposit in Calvert County. TJ Bridge? Fixed. Prince Frederick traffic? Fixed. No more county taxes. It could be like Alaska where they pay us to live here.

I lived near wells when I was a kid, so I understand just how intrusive it is. Bring 'em on!


I grew up in Pittsburgh, but we often went to a summer cottage outside of Oil City, PA, which was where Wolf's Head Oil had a huge refinery. Wolf's Head also had a lot of oil wells in the area, and you would see the pipelines running here and there carrying the oil from the well sites to the refinery, and then the trucks taking the gas and oher products out to the retailers. Seemed like a pretty straight-up operation then. But the way things work now, all that nearby PA crude would get sold on the oil market the same as oil from Saudi Arabia. If the Wolf's Head refinery was still up and running, they would be paying $130+ for a barrel of oil that was pumped a mile away, and the gas they produced would be sold for the same price as gas made from oil that was produced in a war zone and shipped around the world.

So I have to wonder how we can lower the price of oil by doing more domestic drilling if we're not going to also change the way oil is bought and sold on the market?


"Typical White Person"
So I have to wonder how we can lower the price of oil by doing more domestic drilling if we're not going to also change the way oil is bought and sold on the market?

Well that may or may not be a bad idea, changing the way oil is bought and sold, but even if that did not change. All the oil experts are pretty much in agreement that, oil, based on supply and demand should be around $50-$70 a barrel, the rest of the price is driven by speculation. You don't think alot of that would go away if we started tapping some of or own resources?

Supply would be better and sentiment, which drives the market, would be a whole lot better.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
No, what you are afraid of is that the Republicans will be able to announce that they did something that actually helped America.

This is 2008, blowouts and wooden derricks are a thing of the past, take one for the team and relent in your stupidity just once.

GD this pisses me off.

110% in agreement here!

Who wants to take bets on a "loosening" of drilling restrictions if Barack gets into the WH? He'll say something along the lines of "The greater good of the people", creation of jobs, increased revenue :blahblah:

Sort of like OweMalley with the slots deal here in Maryland.
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dia look

New Member
If offshore drilling and drilling in the ANWR was such a good idea, why didn't it happen when the Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress the first 6 years of Bush's Presidency? For that matter, what happened to controlling illegal immigration and reducing the size of government and reducing governemnt spending and the national debt?


Well-Known Member
If offshore drilling and drilling in the ANWR was such a good idea, why didn't it happen when the Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress the first 6 years of Bush's Presidency? For that matter, what happened to controlling illegal immigration and reducing the size of government and reducing governemnt spending and the national debt?

They did pass a bill for ANWR - and Democrats essentially stopped it. It was attached again, to a budget bill - and Democrats filibustered it to death.


"Typical White Person"
If offshore drilling and drilling in the ANWR was such a good idea, why didn't it happen when the Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress the first 6 years of Bush's Presidency? For that matter, what happened to controlling illegal immigration and reducing the size of government and reducing governemnt spending and the national debt?

For one thing the issue is not ANWR in this thread because China is not drilling right next door to it.

The point now is, China is drilling in the same area that we are "protecting" why don't we go ahead and extract our oil now before China "has it" down there.

In case you haven't noticed, gas prices have more than doubled in the last few years, this makes producing some of our own oil a much greater need then it was even just a couple years ago.


New Member
How you can not support the drilling of our offshore oil? Do you think China is going to take care of the environment down there better than we will? No, what you are afraid of is that the Republicans will be able to announce that they did something that actually helped America.

China's Drilling for Oil in America's Backyard, Republicans Say -- 06/11/2008

This is 2008, blowouts and wooden derricks are a thing of the past, take one for the team and relent in your stupidity just once.

GD this pisses me off.

As long as it can be done in an environmentally responsible manner, I'm all for offshore drilling.

I've heard that even if we had more oil, we lack the refineries to convert this "extra" oil into gas. When was the last time these oil companies invested some of their billions of dollars of profit into refineries?

Even with more sources of oil...this oil is going to run out. And OPEC is going to cut production even further as the supply runs low. Once they're out of oil...they've got nothing. They're going to make as much money as they can up until that point.

As long as the oil companies keep up their refining capabilities, using more of "our" oil may be a band-aid...but the answer isn't more oil. The answer is finding something to use instead of oil.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Two refineries are slated to begin construction within the next couple of years. (Provided the bark humping weirdos don't find some rare type sand flea that needs to be protected.)


"Typical White Person"
As long as it can be done in an environmentally responsible manner, I'm all for offshore drilling.

I've heard that even if we had more oil, we lack the refineries to convert this "extra" oil into gas. When was the last time these oil companies invested some of their billions of dollars of profit into refineries?

Even with more sources of oil...this oil is going to run out. And OPEC is going to cut production even further as the supply runs low. Once they're out of oil...they've got nothing. They're going to make as much money as they can up until that point.

As long as the oil companies keep up their refining capabilities, using more of "our" oil may be a band-aid...but the answer isn't more oil. The answer is finding something to use instead of oil.

Long term yes, the answer is not oil. I have no doubt that in the time it takes us to run out of oil we will no longer need the stuff.

I maybe wrong but wasn't building of any new refineries held up by the enviro-lobby?
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dia look

New Member
The bad thing about drilling more oil is that it will still be sold for outrageous prices until we change how oil is sold. As someone else pointed, oil drilled here will still be sold to someone else at the going rate.


Should be Huntin
:confused: If we are already over there at war :confused: paying to rebuild :confused: .....

Then why do we not claim rights to the land and call it New America. We could have the world at our fingertips, they would come crawling for oil. We could offer them oil in trade for portions of their countries, eventually taking over the world :shrug:

The Oyster Guy

New Member
It's a global market: the price of oil will drop when global supply exceeds global demand.

Can the US can pump enough oil to offset global demand? No.


Lem Putt
It's a global market: the price of oil will drop when global supply exceeds global demand.

Can the US can pump enough oil to offset global demand? No.

Not today, tomorrow, or next year. But opening drilling does show an effort to do something. That effort will end the constant increase in oil prices because the supply could eventually outpace demand. That makes oil futures less profitable, and drives out the speculators. It would return the market to a purely supply and demand basis, and eliminate the gambling that might be responsible for the current prices.

We might drill, pump, and refine and never see gas below $4 again. Or it might drive the price back down to reasonable levels. But if we don't start drilling, there is no chance prices will drop.


"Typical White Person"
It's a global market: the price of oil will drop when global supply exceeds global demand.

Can the US can pump enough oil to offset global demand? No.

Have you had to wait in line to get gas?

There is more then just supply and demand driving the market here as I pointed out earlier.