You Democrats: Please Explain


I'm the Boss of Me
Associated Press!

Cheney's false comment on oil drilling attacked
Vice President Cheney criticized for saying falsely China is drilling for oil off Florida
AP News
Jun 13, 2008 00:15 EST
Vice President Dick Cheney's office acknowledged on Thursday that he was mistaken when he asserted that China, at Cuba's behest, is drilling for oil in waters 60 miles from the Florida coast.

In a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Cheney said on Wednesday that waters in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, long off limits to oil companies, should be opened to drilling because China is already there pumping oil.
"Oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida," the vice president said. "We're not doing it, the Chinese are, in cooperation with the Cuban government. Even the communists have figured out that a good answer to high prices is more supply."



New Member
Associated Press!

Cheney's false comment on oil drilling attacked
Vice President Cheney criticized for saying falsely China is drilling for oil off Florida
AP News
Jun 13, 2008 00:15 EST
Vice President Dick Cheney's office acknowledged on Thursday that he was mistaken when he asserted that China, at Cuba's behest, is drilling for oil in waters 60 miles from the Florida coast.

In a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Cheney said on Wednesday that waters in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, long off limits to oil companies, should be opened to drilling because China is already there pumping oil.
"Oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida," the vice president said. "We're not doing it, the Chinese are, in cooperation with the Cuban government. Even the communists have figured out that a good answer to high prices is more supply."

It would be awesome if this RU talking point that's been thrown around here for the past month wasn't true. :yay:


"Typical White Person"
FYI, I was aware of "other forces" long before 5/20, the date at which I bothered to post my thoughts here.

Show me a post of yours that predates mine, Mr. Smartypants...

I don't know if one exists and don't care, I wouldn't try to show that I was the first to talk about here by posting a link from less than a month ago. I was just making fun of the fact that you went and found that to try and prove your "point".


"Typical White Person"

It would be awesome if this RU talking point that's been thrown around here for the past month wasn't true. :yay:

Whether they are currently drilling or just exploring as of now is not a big deal in my mind, if they are not drilling it they eventually will be. No one disputes the lease that Cuba has with China and we know China is not going to worry about the environment when they start drilling it.

Bottom line to the whole thing is we need to start getting some of our own oil and quit putting drilling off for the sake of the environment. It can be extracted with minimum disruption and should be.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
I don't know if one exists and don't care, I wouldn't try to show that I was the first to talk about here by posting a link from less than a month ago. I was just making fun of the fact that you went and found that to try and prove your "point".

Translation: Yes, you were way ahead of me... again.


"Typical White Person"
Prove it.

:killingme oil experts have been on CNBC that I can personally recall since oil was around $90 talking about speculators in the market. Your argument is ridiculous, even the casual observer has been hearing about this for some time now.

I don't know why you think you have breaking news by showing a thread from a few weeks back.


New Member
Okay so here is the middle ground:

We drill all over the country (wherever we think there may be oil) and then the government takes over oil refining and drilling for oil... etc.. Pass a law that we can only sell it domestically...

We get lower prices, screw over other countries and best of all screw over big oil.

Thats a good plan I think...

Pisses off the liberals and conservatives and helps all Americans..

The Maxine Waters socialist approach? Brilliant! Big Government has done so well with Social Security, Medicaid and the like. I'm sure BG will do as steller a job with energy.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
I talked to Echo 2 months ago about it. He traded in his Hummer and bought a Civic. Prove I didn't!

Stupid game you started.

Nice strawman.

But now, let's get back to the point of this argument...
You challenged me, and I proved you wrong with a direct citation.
Then I challenged you, and you replied with empty rhetoric.

So far, you're down two-zero.


"Typical White Person"
Nice strawman.

But now, let's get back to the point of this argument...
You challenged me, and I proved you wrong with a direct citation.
Then I challenged you, and you replied with empty rhetoric.

So far, you're down two-zero.

BS. In THIS thread. I said what experts have been saying for a while now which to paraphrase is "based on actual suppy and demand oil is trading for twice what it should be." That is what is played on CNBC and others every evening. You went into some long diatribe about supply and demand and then went and found a link from a few weeks back to show that despite what you said in this thread you had posted about it here before. I say, so what, good I am glad you did.

I never said I had a link to a discussion on this forum, and I am not going to try and dig one up even if I do think it occured. It is ridiculous to think that no one else here recognized or had heard of the role of speculators in the oil markets before May 20th.

So how are you up two to none again? I think you are talking in circles and trying to get someone to particapate in your stupid elementary school game.


It'll make ya feel good..
Ok, so here we go, pay attention:

The Right is saying lets drill for oil, so we can have more control over the supply levels and therefore demand could go down. That would mean that the prices would go down, making everyone happy. Much like DeBeers controls the Diamond trade. They buy all the huge diamonds out of Africa, and then lock them away, so that the demand for them stays up, and the supply of them stays low. ( come on, this is common sense and nothing no one on here didn't already know )

The Left is more concerned with protecting animals, offshore disasters and the enviroment. Their catchphrase ( cause the left LOVES good catchphrases is: Drilling in our yard will not lower prices now and won't for five or so more years.

Here is my opinion: Well can we START now?!! Jesus H... So let me get this straight. By NOT drilling now, we WON'T see any relief until five or ten years from now? Well how about we START NOW and five or ten years from now, WE"LL be happy!!??? GD this pisses me off.! And people are more concerned about some stupid Caribou ^sp, as opposed to the economy and people losing their houses because they can't affor gas? Where the HELL are your priorities?! I don't know about you, but DAMN a elk, bear or anything else, drill, drill, drill and get it rolling. In a couple years, we can tell Saudi Arabia to suck it, and be good! Then with the money we reap, we can still explore other ways of powering ourselves since we didn't learn that lesson in the 70's.

YOU DEM's make me sick! You guys promised us the friggin world during the elections, and then you get in control of both the houses and have done absolutely not a DAMN thing! Now we are suffering behind your LACK of leadership, and you clowns try to stop the ONE THING THE BUSH CLOWNS are trying to help us with, and you do this???!!!! HOLY Jes... Ok, I need to calm down.... You, both Dem's and 'pub's need TERM LIMITS so we don't get stuck with your do nothing, fat AS$ed, sit and grow weathly and retire with benefits after one election, while everyone else goes poor, ASS$s!!!! God I fought for this country, shovelled $hit on too many continents on the planet for the red, white, and blue, to have you clowns just talk $hit, preach and do nothing. You better be happy I'm not president. I would fire the hell out of every Rep that has had more than two terms, every SNT that has had more than three terms, have the public vote on their replacements, and then go to FU$$king WAR with everyone in the world who doesn't like us!!!!! ( ok maybe not, but it sounds good, LOL ) I can't stand the way the right has no balls to do ANYTHING, and the Dems stand there with this stupid look on their faces like, duh, uh, hi, save the whales!!!!

Ok, I'm done. :eyebrow: