Young Professionals Happy Hour



Uh no, I can get into a LOT of trouble unsupervised. :angel:

See :lol: I just...I...:angel: Just make sure I do NOT, repeat do NOT, have any Joose...:eyebrow:
:lmao: Now now, it wasn't THAT bad... it's kind of nice to pull up to a house with lots of people who are feeling no pain and to have them come running out to the car proclaiming their love for you...

A lot less fun having someone rub your head in a manner that reminds me of my grandfather or father when saying good bye, as if to say "Good bye, little one."


aka Mrs. Giant
:lmao: Now now, it wasn't THAT bad... it's kind of nice to pull up to a house with lots of people who are feeling no pain and to have them come running out to the car proclaiming their love for you...

A lot less fun having someone rub your head in a manner that reminds me of my grandfather or father when saying good bye, as if to say "Good bye, little one."

:roflmao: Sorry...:flowers:


aka Mrs. Giant
Pssst... that last one wasn't you :huggy:

I know, it couldn't have been because I was proclaiming my love for Anna Nicole when I was wobbled out to the passenger seat and strapped in. Just sorry I tackled you at your car. :flowers: I've just got lots of love to give. :love:


I know, it couldn't have been because I was proclaiming my love for Anna Nicole when I was wobbled out to the passenger seat and strapped in. Just sorry I tackled you at your car. :flowers: I've just got lots of love to give. :love:
:tantrum You were professing your love for me too cuz we were both helping you in!