Young Professionals Happy Hour


aka Mrs. Giant
I am wearign purple so green would go good for you :love:

No miggy you were wearing the chaps and your tits were all popping out I was like :drool: trying not to stare but they were just out there it was wicked :hot:

:lmao: Do you want me to wear the same shirt? :really: You can give me kisses? :blushing:


New Member
No miggy you were wearing the chaps and your tits were all popping out I was like :drool: trying not to stare but they were just out there it was wicked :hot:

That's the one :clap: I remember leaning over to her at some point during the night to tell her to cover up because I had been drinking to much and I couldn't stop myself from staring :lol:

Mojo, Do you want to come over early and help me pick out a pretty shirt for MK?:killingme

he's gotta wear it :roflmao:

I'm gonna wear the Venice Beach shirt I received a few months ago! :yay:


No, no. A couple months ago Mojo's wife was having one of those Creative Memories parties or something and Mojo was on lockdown. MK dressed up in one of my shirts and we went over to console him.



New Member
Official List :lmao:

1. Kelb
2. Rich 70
3. Anna Nicole
4. Mojo
5. Warnutz
6. Pixie
7. MissKitty
8. Somdlady
9. Whome
10. Mig
11. Jameo

Who else is going?