Young Professionals Happy Hour


Cleopatra Jones
She was outside making out with Kris for hours

Only because you had ulterior motives for the whipped cream you told her to bring. Had I known you were going to make the moves on my man and my dog I'd never have told her you wanted her to bring it.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
What about lesbians? or Bisexuals? :howdy:

As long as you stay away from the guy that looks like he just stepped off the set of a vampire movie, you'll be fine. :yay: Bad things happen when he's not in his happy place.


art imitating life
I might. I don't have my daughter tonight. How about you? And it's at CIP?

IDK really... I have pool @ 7 and I still have to go home and take care of the "kids" before I go.. might be cutting it close