Young Virgin Spanking the Infant Jesus.....


Well-Known Member
And predictably your narcissism radar went up and jumped right in. Easy catch!

I was looking for a thread i had respinded to so i searched my name. Low and behold there is Psy trolling in the religion forum. Nothing to it but you trolling
It obviously didn't take.

it didn't take with you either. At least i dont pay lipservice to a religion i dont even try to live up to. Maybe you should read your holy book more and troll less.



I was looking for a thread i had respinded to so i searched my name. Low and behold there is Psy trolling in the religion forum. Nothing to it but you trolling

You wasted your time. I already admit I'm trolling for you because I know how easy it is that you'll bite. It's really pretty entertaining.


Well-Known Member
You wasted your time. I already admit I'm trolling for you because I know how easy it is that you'll bite. It's really pretty entertaining.

And i am sure Jesus is proud, particularly that you choose to do it in the religion forum. What a tool. "i beleive in good, so i will attack another person in the religion forum to intentionally start a fight". Yep, thats what Jesus would do, and what christians are taught


Well-Known Member
And i am sure Jesus is proud, particularly that you choose to do it in the religion forum. What a tool. "i beleive in good, so i will attack another person in the religion forum to intentionally start a fight". Yep, thats what Jesus would do, and what christians are taught

How did he attack you? He said you "Find your target, launch cheap, baseless attacks at them." It's only an attack if it's untrue. :shrug:


And i am sure Jesus is proud, particularly that you choose to do it in the religion forum. What a tool. "i beleive in good, so i will attack another person in the religion forum to intentionally start a fight". Yep, thats what Jesus would do, and what christians are taught

It's exactly what Jesus did do; calling people out for what saw in them. He routinely attacked the Sanhedrin and leaders of the synagogue.

But you know what? You're right. I've not been very nice. Although my post (#6) was meant in jest, I can see how you would take it as an attack. Please accept my apology.


Well-Known Member
It's exactly what Jesus did do; calling people out for what saw in them. He routinely attacked the Sanhedrin and leaders of the synagogue.

But you know what? You're right. I've not been very nice. Although my post (#6) was meant in jest, I can see how you would take it as an attack. Please accept my apology.
Jesus didn't attack people over differences of opinion he had in a debate. He taught turn the other cheek. Jesus' attack on the rabbi's was over what he saw as a perversion of the scripture.

Apology accepted, hatchet buried.


Jesus didn't attack people over differences of opinion he had in a debate. He taught turn the other cheek. Jesus' attack on the rabbi's was over what he saw as a perversion of the scripture.

Apology accepted, hatchet buried.

Jesus used extremely harsh language towards the Sanhedrin and Pharisees. Read Matthew 23. Called them all sorts of names. Some very harsh language. Not only criticizing them, but condemning them.

Blind guides
Blind fools
Blind men
Woe to you
On the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean
You snakes
You brood of vipers

Very harsh language to the most revered people among the Jews. Imagine walking into congress and talking to our reps that way or talking to the president that way or someone talking to the Pope that way.


Well-Known Member
Jesus used extremely harsh language towards the Sanhedrin and Pharisees. Read Matthew 23. Called them all sorts of names. Some very harsh language. Not only criticizing them, but condemning them.

Blind guides
Blind fools
Blind men
Woe to you
On the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean
You snakes
You brood of vipers

Very harsh language to the most revered people among the Jews. Imagine walking into congress and talking to our reps that way or talking to the president that way or someone talking to the Pope that way.

I've read it, and I just did again. As I remembered that passage is directed toward rabbis who Jesus felt were teaching falsehoods and not living by the words they held up as god's law. I certainly think it is bending scripture to imply that Matthew 23 defends carrying a grudge against someone over something they said to you in a debate.


I've read it, and I just did again. As I remembered that passage is directed toward rabbis who Jesus felt were teaching falsehoods and not living by the words they held up as god's law. I certainly think it is bending scripture to imply that Matthew 23 defends carrying a grudge against someone over something they said to you in a debate.

You posted this:

And i am sure Jesus is proud, particularly that you choose to do it in the religion forum. What a tool. "i beleive in good, so i will attack another person in the religion forum to intentionally start a fight". Yep, thats what Jesus would do, and what christians are taught

I posted this:

It's exactly what Jesus did do; calling people out for what saw in them. He routinely attacked the Sanhedrin and leaders of the synagogue.

I made no mention of a grudge.

The Matthew passage points out that Jesus went after the Pharisees for their distortion of God’s Word and deceiving the people, for being hypocrites; and he wasn’t passive about it. He used far harsher language than I use in this forum. Regardless of who it is directed towards, when he saw something wrong, he pointed it out. He did with the rich man, he did with the people that wanted to stone the adulterer, he did with Peter. And it’s what we do in this forum. You’re guilty of it and I am guilty of it. When you believe someone is wrong you hold nothing back in telling them so. This is not such an unbiblical thing to do. Of course, if you do it out of malice, with a desire to malign someone, then I would say that’s unbiblical.


Well-Known Member
You posted this:

I posted this:

I made no mention of a grudge.

The Matthew passage points out that Jesus went after the Pharisees for their distortion of God’s Word and deceiving the people, for being hypocrites; and he wasn’t passive about it. He used far harsher language than I use in this forum. Regardless of who it is directed towards, when he saw something wrong, he pointed it out. He did with the rich man, he did with the people that wanted to stone the adulterer, he did with Peter. And it’s what we do in this forum. You’re guilty of it and I am guilty of it. When you believe someone is wrong you hold nothing back in telling them so. This is not such an unbiblical thing to do. Of course, if you do it out of malice, with a desire to malign someone, then I would say that’s unbiblical.
Do you really need to make mention of a grudge when I was calling you out over your grudge? Jesus taught turn the other cheek, not try to instigate arguments. Defend it however you want, the Jesus I was raised with would not do it.
Just to be clear, the hatchet is still hurried, I am just debating the biblical correctness of you statement.


Do you really need to make mention of a grudge when I was calling you out over your grudge? Jesus taught turn the other cheek, not try to instigate arguments. Defend it however you want, the Jesus I was raised with would not do it.
Just to be clear, the hatchet is still hurried, I am just debating the biblical correctness of you statement.

You're the one the used the word 'grudge'. I was holding no grudge. Grudges are lasting. Grudges are out of hate. I hold no hate towards anyone in this forum, or anywhere else for that matter. You forget that I did apologize. That is the antithesis of a grudge.

You're ignoring that He did vehemently attack the Pharisees; rightfully so. If I think you are wrong I'm going to say so; just the same, if you think I am wrong you will say so. Both of us have done so. Now tell me you don't feel right in your debates and how you choose to respond to some people. Some of your words are pretty harsh. I will admit some of mine are. Are yours born out of a certain hatred? I can tell you mine aren't. I would never try to compare my approach to that of Jesus; but Jesus was never one to hold back on what he knew was the truth.


Well-Known Member
You're the one the used the word 'grudge'. I was holding no grudge. Grudges are lasting. Grudges are out of hate. I hold no hate towards anyone in this forum, or anywhere else for that matter. You forget that I did apologize. That is the antithesis of a grudge.

You're ignoring that He did vehemently attack the Pharisees; rightfully so. If I think you are wrong I'm going to say so; just the same, if you think I am wrong you will say so. Both of us have done so. Now tell me you don't feel right in your debates and how you choose to respond to some people. Some of your words are pretty harsh. I will admit some of mine are. Are yours born out of a certain hatred? I can tell you mine aren't. I would never try to compare my approach to that of Jesus; but Jesus was never one to hold back on what he knew was the truth.
You carried your grudge right into the religion forum, somewhere I seldom go anymore because I am not looking to upset people over their religious beliefs.

There is a difference between having a heated debate and trolling to instigate an argument. Again, I don't think Jesus would troll his 'enemies', he preached the exact opposite.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
There is a difference between having a heated debate and trolling to instigate an argument.

LMAO. How would you pass your time were it not for engaging in the most extraordinarily obtuse fashion the world has yet arguments.? The interwebs cry for the loss of the bandwidth you eat up being obtuse.


You carried your grudge right into the religion forum, somewhere I seldom go anymore because I am not looking to upset people over their religious beliefs.

There is a difference between having a heated debate and trolling to instigate an argument. Again, I don't think Jesus would troll his 'enemies', he preached the exact opposite.

So much for burying the hatchet.