your god

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
JPC sr said:
:jameo: We have to go to the scriptures to find out. If you want to just think it through and figure it out without research and make decisions without the facts available then you will not likely find a true answer.

I gave you the answer with Bible refence in this post # 2 = HERE. :larry:
You gave a very familiar bible verse that talks about God creating things and calling them "good". It doesn't answer the question or even come close until you get to Genesis 3. Everything that God created was "good" but then you have this evil serpent. Did God create him? Why? If you just toss out a Bible verse and say "there's your answer" it doesn't really help especially when the verse you give only addresses a fraction of the question.

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
slaphappynmd said:
god isn't real, people weak of mind must find solace in believing there is something more to their pathetic existence.

I've got nothing against church
Only people that go there and show they're
Plain ignorant and don't understand
A congregation at weekends will change their behaviour
So many people are weak and then have to
seek answers from pedlars of hope

church is nothing more than a way to control people

It's always been about control since the beginning of time. It is in all species, not just humans. There is always someone to take control. Some genius 2000 + years ago figured out a way to control people and it stuck.
See, now that's what I'm talking about. You have already decided who you want God to be. What I can't figure out is why you would start a thread asking if God is omnipotent or malevolent if you have already decided that God doesn't exist.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Romans 1:21-23

21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22Professing to be wise, they became fools,

23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
Not exactly about slaphappynmd, but verse 22 could apply. It is really intended for those that have known God and try to make God into their own image of God.

God is God and we are created in His image; not the other way around.

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
2ndAmendment said:
Romans 1:21-23

21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22Professing to be wise, they became fools,

23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

Not exactly about slaphappynmd, but verse 22 could apply. It is really intended for those that have known God and try to make God into their own image of God.

God is God and we are created in His image; not the other way around.

That's a great post 2A. In fact it really makes me think about some things. That verse is pretty much talking about idolatry, where people look at creation which proclaims the glory of God and they end up worshiping the creation instead of the creator. Genesis was a book written for the ancient Hebrews who were surrounded by people groups that worshiped creation. That's why Genesis so vividly sets God above Creation as creator.

I must admit that I (a Christian) do the same thing. I figure out who I want my God to be and I miss out on who he really is.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
brendar buhl said:
That's a great post 2A. In fact it really makes me think about some things. That verse is pretty much talking about idolatry, where people look at creation which proclaims the glory of God and they end up worshiping the creation instead of the creator. Genesis was a book written for the ancient Hebrews who were surrounded by people groups that worshiped creation. That's why Genesis so vividly sets God above Creation as creator.

I must admit that I (a Christian) do the same thing. I figure out who I want my God to be and I miss out on who he really is.
We, even as Christians, try to make God in our image or the image of what we think God should be. Many, rather than accepting God's word, the Bible, as the authority of what God wants, try to conform God to the morays of now allowing certain sins to be OK since they are generally accepted as OK by society. I'm guilty. I try to rely on the Bible, but I know I sin. I try to rely on God's word as the absolute demarcation defining acceptable and non-acceptable behavior to God. I try to let God be God, but that is not easy with my limited human understanding of Him.


Harley Rider
slaphappynmd said:
Yeah, god created Marijuana, could god have been wrong? hmmm
NO chance. Just because God created all things, doesn't mean we have the duty to roll it, smoke it, shove it up our nose or use it for evil reasons. A knife is good for helping us eat but it's also used to kill people. All plants, bugs & animals have their purpose in our ecology but they aren't always good for US. Many people will be anti God, Bible & laws but that won't change anything on judgment day. God's words will judge ALL of us. All anyone knows about the REAL & ONLY GOD is found in the Bible. You are hearing the truth from a few good folks on this forum and you will be accountable for it. You can no longer say that you never heard the truth when you stand in front of God. The truth is; you refused to believe it! That's the only reason I'm even discussing these topics here is because I am required to speak the truth to all people and do it respectfully. So many times I've gotten into ridiculous debates here but I stayed until I thought the point was made. After that there was no point in beating the dead horse. Rock on friends!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

JPC sr said:
:jameo: That is basically correct except that is What God and the Church is all about. God calls sinners to repentance so the churchs are filled with the weak the pathetic the hopeless the ignorant and they seek the Shephard to control their lives.

God does not call the righteous, but he does call the sinners, see HERE.

Do not go to Church in search of Saints because it is full of sinners, and rightly so. :whistle:
:jameo: The true disciple is weak but God make the disciple strong. People have horrible troubles and God gives them hope. The Church gives people a building to enter but it is God that does the miracles.

The Apostel Paul put it like this HERE.

We mortals must first discover that we are too weak and too vulnerable to stand alone, and the Creator gave us a way to become strong and fearless and able to move mountains by following the word, but follow it correctly or it does not work.

I figure I better put this extra info onto my post above so it does not overly confuse the heathen here.


New Member
ItalianScallion said:
NO chance. Just because God created all things, doesn't mean we have the duty to roll it, smoke it, shove it up our nose or use it for evil reasons. A knife is good for helping us eat but it's also used to kill people. All plants, bugs & animals have their purpose in our ecology but they aren't always good for US. Many people will be anti God, Bible & laws but that won't change anything on judgment day. God's words will judge ALL of us. All anyone knows about the REAL & ONLY GOD is found in the Bible. You are hearing the truth from a few good folks on this forum and you will be accountable for it. You can no longer say that you never heard the truth when you stand in front of God. The truth is; you refused to believe it! That's the only reason I'm even discussing these topics here is because I am required to speak the truth to all people and do it respectfully. So many times I've gotten into ridiculous debates here but I stayed until I thought the point was made. After that there was no point in beating the dead horse. Rock on friends!

If that helps you get through the day, so be it. But I don't need to believe in some imaginary being to be content in my life. Life is life. No reason to sit and worry about what "god" thinks of you, and living by "his" rules so you go to "heaven" Thats just a bunch of BS. But hey, if you need that in your life, you can have it.


Harley Rider
slaphappynmd said:
If that helps you get through the day, so be it. But I don't need to believe in some imaginary being to be content in my life. Life is life. No reason to sit and worry about what "god" thinks of you, and living by "his" rules so you go to "heaven" Thats just a bunch of BS. But hey, if you need that in your life, you can have it.
Fair enough. All I'm saying is that when you get "on the other side" you can't choose to believe in God then. Many will wait until then and it will be too late. I don't know what event in your life caused you to doubt His existence, but I hope you have a change of heart & mind about it. It is THAT serious and not a bunch of BS. I wish you well my friend.

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
slaphappynmd said:
If that helps you get through the day, so be it. But I don't need to believe in some imaginary being to be content in my life. Life is life. No reason to sit and worry about what "god" thinks of you, and living by "his" rules so you go to "heaven" Thats just a bunch of BS. But hey, if you need that in your life, you can have it.

Sooooo, why did you start this thread?

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
slaphappynmd said:
If that helps you get through the day, so be it. But I don't need to believe in some imaginary being to be content in my life. Life is life. No reason to sit and worry about what "god" thinks of you, and living by "his" rules so you go to "heaven" Thats just a bunch of BS. But hey, if you need that in your life, you can have it.

Now your starting understand what it is to have faith. You have faith in the belief that there is no God no nothing beyond what you cannot see or touch. We of religious faith have the belief there is something much grander then what we can actually see or touch. Call it an insurance policy but I'm putting my money that there is a God and frankly this makes me feel safer as I get on toward that time we all must eventually face :coffee:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

slaphappynmd said:
If that helps you get through the day, so be it. But I don't need to believe in some imaginary being to be content in my life. Life is life. No reason to sit and worry about what "god" thinks of you, and living by "his" rules so you go to "heaven" Thats just a bunch of BS. But hey, if you need that in your life, you can have it.
:jameo: I really agree with that post completely.

No one needs to believe in the immaginary being to be content.

Life goes on day by day no matter what one believes.

To worry about what God or anybody thinks is extremely futile and foolish. We can not read minds.

That stuff is BS but if others need that then they can have it.

In the end every body gets saved and no one is lost.

The burden here and now and the challenge is in the reality that if one does right then that one gains power and the more right then the more power and empowerment is the ultimate achievment. The power to move mountains. Having small faith is the hardest and the strongest force. Big large faith is for fools or beginners.

So when any person does wrong then it makes the person weaker and the greater the wrong then the greater the weakness.

That is the real message of all religions of all times - personal empowerment, and it works. :party:


Methodically disorganized
JPC sr said:
No one needs to believe in the immaginary being to be content.
JPC sr said:
God and Christ showed us how to get out of it but not many follow.
You must have some kind of switch to turn your religion on and off so easily.


New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: I really agree with that post completely.

No one needs to believe in the immaginary being to be content.

Life goes on day by day no matter what one believes.

To worry about what God or anybody thinks is extremely futile and foolish. We can not read minds.

That stuff is BS but if others need that then they can have it.

In the end every body gets saved and no one is lost.

The burden here and now and the challenge is in the reality that if one does right then that one gains power and the more right then the more power and empowerment is the ultimate achievment. The power to move mountains. Having small faith is the hardest and the strongest force. Big large faith is for fools or beginners.

So when any person does wrong then it makes the person weaker and the greater the wrong then the greater the weakness.

That is the real message of all religions of all times - personal empowerment, and it works. :party:

Shutup you moron's tell you what I'll see you in Hell but it will be okay cause I'm going to take over the place!!!!


JPC sr said:
In the end every body gets saved and no one is lost.

Everybody gets saved in the end? What exactly does that mean? Based on the rest of your post I can’t even begin to guess what you’re talking about.

The burden here and now and the challenge is in the reality that if one does right then that one gains power and the more right then the more power and empowerment is the ultimate achievment. The power to move mountains. Having small faith is the hardest and the strongest force. Big large faith is for fools or beginners.

So when any person does wrong then it makes the person weaker and the greater the wrong then the greater the weakness.

That is the real message of all religions of all times - personal empowerment, and it works.

Once again, all I can say is :confused:


hvp05 said:
You must have some kind of switch to turn your religion on and off so easily.
Someone turned off JPC's switch a long time ago. The lights are on, but no one's home. :lmao:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

PsyOps said:
Everybody gets saved in the end? What exactly does that mean? Based on the rest of your post I can’t even begin to guess what you’re talking about.

Once again, all I can say is :confused:
:coffee: That means that Christ paid the full penalty for all of mankind so all of our sins are forgiven 2000 years ago and so everybody gets saved in the end whether anyone likes it or not.

There is no condition to it, no strings attached, clear and simple message - that the sins are forgiven once and for all.

Here is a Bible reference as proof, Romans 14:10-12 NIV, everybody will get saved.

and a second Bible text as proof, 2 Peter 3-9 NIV, nobody gets left out.

There are many more Bible verses that each declare that same message that everybody gets saved.

The challenge is not for our after-life but for the here and now, live in the present. :snacks: