Your kids most requested Christmas gift?


wandering aimlessly

You don't know? Christian Rock bands, free food and drink. Some bigger name bands have an entry fee. Right down at Immaculate Conceptions old social hall every other Friday night. It is 14-18 only except for chaperones and the age opens up a bit for really big bands.


Watch it
I don't want anyone to think my daughter is a spoiled selfish brat. She only asked for the Wii....well, and the tickets but she told me "Mommy I know I'll never get those". She asked for Webkinz and a doll, the rest is extra.

So how much did you fork out for those Hannah tickets?


All Up In Your Grill
he's also driving me nuts for a damned chia pet...:lmao: :roflmao: :killingme

*ch-ch-ch-chia* :lol:

One year, all my youngest daughter (who was 4 at the time) wanted was a big Santa Claus. The one you stand outside with the lightbulb. Well, my mom wanted to be the one to buy that for her baby girl, so she bought one. Christmas Day arrived and she ecstatic to have her very own Santa for the front porch.

Imagine the laughter (and ensuing jabs at G-ma) when we lit the Santa up and lo and behold, it was a "Santa of Color"...:roflmao:


Our 4 older children (18,21,21,23) get 1 gift to open and money ( they love the money) and my son got the large TV from the family room when we bought our new large screen and home theater system. He will also get a couple of gifts to open. I keep telling him " how many kids have a large screen TV in their room" he is so spoiled. They rest of the gifts are clothes....with his fav football team/hoodie, shirt, etc....he loves old navy boxers, so yes he is getting underwear. And PJ pants, don't we all love PJ pants, I do.


All Up In Your Grill
You don't know? Christian Rock bands, free food and drink. Some bigger name bands have an entry fee. Right down at Immaculate Conceptions old social hall every other Friday night. It is 14-18 only except for chaperones and the age opens up a bit for really big bands.

Nope. :shrug: But that's the only place I could think of that she was referring to. :huggy:


You don't know? Christian Rock bands, free food and drink. Some bigger name bands have an entry fee. Right down at Immaculate Conceptions old social hall every other Friday night. It is 14-18 only except for chaperones and the age opens up a bit for really big bands.

Are you going to the Seventh Day Slumber Show?


Then there is the Rackm chia pet, they have all been recalled.... Nothing grows on that one...


Poor Rack'm.

I know someone who wants one for Christmas as long as it has the free Chia Pet alarm clock inside the box. :whistle: