Zell Miller


Well-Known Member
SmallTown said:
actually, I think the economy still stinks overall

Good for you!


Unemployment? Stock Market? Productivity? Interest rates? Economic growth? GDP?

Convince me. Pretend you don't have some Democrat *telling* you it's currently *bad*.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Steve said:
I still can't understand how the economy stinks overall. My income is the best its ever been, our company is growing, interest rates are low, gas prices are declining, home values are increasing, and I see overweight people crowding the checkout lines at Wal-Mart all the time!

Am I missing something because I'm a Republican, therefore oblivious to the "real" ...
The economy is fine and they know it but he and other leftist-extremists have great faith in their mentor Joseph Goebbels. Invent the lie; repeat it often, and it will become the truth, no matter what the facts are.


Football season!
Steve said:
Am I missing something because I'm a Republican, therefore oblivious to the "real" American plight? Or is my economic condition a result of hard work and perserverence as opposed to whining and seeking handouts?
Typical republican BS. They always think there is a strict dividing line between working hard, and wanting hand outs. Your own attempt at working hard is fruitless if there is no one there to pay the bill for your services.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Kerry is stupid. But he might as well be. I think he's so bought into his own ego, he believes whatever fawning praise he gets from those under him. He's an egotist. He has always thought he knows what America wants, and what America wants - is *him*.

I'm reminded of the story of the great chess player Aron Nimzovich, who after losing to an opponent he deemed beneath him, grew enraged, jumped on the table, kicked off the pieces and exclaimed "how can I LOSE to this IDIOT!". And the answer was simple - he *wasn't* an idiot. Ego can be deadly.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
They always think there is a strict dividing line between working hard, and wanting hand outs. Your own attempt at working hard is fruitless if there is no one there to pay the bill for your services.
Typical Democrat BS.

When the economy is bad and businesses are hurting, the FIRST thing they cut is their advertising budget. What we're seeing here is an INCREASE in advertising, so business must be pretty good.

Also during a poor economy, families cut out little extras, like planting flowers outside their homes. Larry's greenhouse business is up by a significat percentage over the last year, not down.

So the economy must be booming right along.


Football season!
SamSpade said:
Good for you!


Unemployment? Stock Market? Productivity? Interest rates? Economic growth? GDP?

Convince me. Pretend you don't have some Democrat *telling* you it's currently *bad*.
Bush himself, is that good enough :shrug:

He keeps talking about the next 4 years and what he will do to help to economy. Most people go by the notion you don't fix what isn't broken, so apparantly Bush thinks there are issues.

Funny you talking about dems tell us it is bad, yet republicans cream their pants when anything good is told to them.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Typical Democrat BS.

When the economy is bad and businesses are hurting, the FIRST thing they cut is their advertising budget. What we're seeing here is an INCREASE in advertising, so business must be pretty good.

Also during a poor economy, families cut out little extras, like planting flowers outside their homes. Larry's greenhouse business is up by a significat percentage over the last year, not down.

So the economy must be booming right along.
First line in new commercial development and housing starts is the infrastructure. New streets, water lines, sewer lines, power and communication line construction is up.
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Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
So the economy must be booming right along.

Take it from the economics stat guy - you are dead on. The only way the Dems claim it is bad, is if they average in the last four years into the past year.

Listen for it. They won't tell you how bad it IS right now. Only how bad it *was*.

Also, double-check the BS about job loss. The numbers they trot out ALWAYS refer ONLY to manufacturing jobs lost, and the numbers they refer to during Bill Clinton always cover all job growth. There has been net growth under Bush, just not in the manufacturing sector. And for our economy, that is *normal*. We're not a nation of manufacturers anymore than we are a nation of *farmers*.


Football season!
SamSpade said:
Also, double-check the BS about job loss. The numbers they trot out ALWAYS refer ONLY to manufacturing jobs lost, and the numbers they refer to during Bill Clinton always cover all job growth. There has been net growth under Bush, just not in the manufacturing sector. And for our economy, that is *normal*. We're not a nation of manufacturers anymore than we are a nation of *farmers*.
Also check out the job growth numbers Bush touts. Many are low wage jobs of people in places like McDonalds. Sorry, those types of jobs are not what helps keep the economy going.


Well-Known Member
SmallTown said:
Bush himself, is that good enough :shrug:

He keeps talking about the next 4 years and what he will do to help to economy. Most people go by the notion you don't fix what isn't broken, so apparantly Bush thinks there are issues.

I guess the short answer is - no, you can't prove it. There isn't a single indicator, stat or anything otherwise to prove it, and you know it. Your answer is pretty damned lame. Everyone wants to improve the economy. Don't fix what ain't broke? How do you explain the Democrats for the last 50 years?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Bush himself, is that good enough :shrug:

He keeps talking about the next 4 years and what he will do to help to economy. Most people go by the notion you don't fix what isn't broken, so apparantly Bush thinks there are issues. ...
The Clinton-recession has been fixed.

Now he'll improve upon that success.


Well-Known Member
SmallTown said:
Also check out the job growth numbers Bush touts. Many are low wage jobs of people in places like McDonalds. Sorry, those types of jobs are not what helps keep the economy going.

Please, you just made that up. Because THOSE are the kinds of jobs the Dems have been crowing about that need to be expanded. However, job growth has been slow but substantial in all the major sectors except manufacturing, as I stated before.


Dancing Up A Storm
SmallTown said:
actually, I think the economy still stinks overall
SmallTown, I've been reading your snide, cute little comments again and again; as usual, you don't add substance at all in your zingers.

It's typical liberal BS. Go ahead and stand there on the sidelines and "snipe" at this or that like a bird on the seashore, pecking at insects. You seem to do that quite well.

I've also mentioned to you before - you're thinking is quite skewed at times - and this is one of them.

Oh, and you're welcome! :patriot:


Football season!
penncam said:
SmallTown, I've been reading your snide, cute little comments again and again; as usual, you don't add substance at all in your zingers.

It's typical liberal BS. Go ahead and stand there on the sidelines and "snipe" at this or that like a bird on the seashore, pecking at insects. You seem to do that quite well.

I've also mentioned to you before - you're thinking is quite skewed at times - and this is one of them.

Oh, and you're welcome! :patriot:
And there is substance to the republican side here? You just all get together, pat each other on the back and say how great things are, and if anything negative pops up it is the democrat's faults.


Super Genius
SmallTown said:
Also check out the job growth numbers Bush touts. Many are low wage jobs of people in places like McDonalds. Sorry, those types of jobs are not what helps keep the economy going.
"Well, the world needs ditch diggers too."
--Judge Smails


Dancing Up A Storm
:confused: I guess, what makes me shake my head is when liberals make the comment that the president hasn't laid out his plans for different areas that he plans to impliment or improve on in the next four years, like health care, education, medical care for seniors, employment, defense, foreign policy, well you all know whay I'm saying.
So when he lays it out, like he did last night - well it's old hat!

SmallTown, I believe you said something to the effect :"Why is he saying he's going to improve things? If it ain't broke don't fix it?"

Are you for one minute serious???

Is any plan foolproof? Can any plan or proceedure stand some tweaking?

Are you that dense, or are you making this up as you go?

You seem to be sitting on a fence, tossing out insipid comments, not knowing what you're talking about, or am I reading in your comments something that isn't there?


SmallTown said:
Bush himself, is that good enough :shrug:

He keeps talking about the next 4 years and what he will do to help to economy. Most people go by the notion you don't fix what isn't broken, so apparantly Bush thinks there are issues.
This is such typical sniping from you. Name for me one President EVER who has gotten up and said "The economy is good enough, I am going to just let it sit there right where it is." Now figure that you have 2 democrats traveling the nation with a TV camera telling everyone how BAD the economy is. Please :rolleyes: