Zimmerman arrested...

Did you know he was arrested that night?

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I totally agree with you, dude! Don't they do that with every story?

Look. I am the FIRST one to jump people's asses over politics when a fellow righty gets all hurt because MSNBC treated Bush one way and Obama another on similar issues. THAT is to be expected.

However, the LA riots, race issues in general, if there is EVER a time where the NEWS, journalists, ought to get it at least close to correct, those are the issues they HAVE to step above themselves and do a good job.

I mean, spin and expecting it is one thing but, they've gone WAY over board on this one and, for no good reason! Hispanics and blacks have an uneasy peace between them. The D's don't want to upset that apple cart. Zimmerman is NOT a white dude. He's mixed race and, clearly, favors his Hispanic genes in looks. Worse, he's a Democrat!

This is WAY beyond typical spin. This is an outrage and people who have NOTHING to do with this are being HURT. Spike Lee's victims. Riot, like LA, is being incited by journalists. How long before someone gets murdered over this??? Not Martin assaulted him and got shot but, actually murdered?????


my war
vraiblonde said:
I read somewhere, that I cannot readily relocate, that the orange shirt was just a shirt and not a prison uniform.

You read it from the media, huh? :coffee:


New Member
So, he didn't attack a cop nor his girlfriend? :confused:

I recall yelling at my wife once & stormin out to cool off...crazy beyotch called the cops on me to teach me a lesson for walkin out of an argument...and telling me at least her daddy was man enough to beat momma when she deserved it...there's ALL kinds of really interesting psychos in this world Hank...


Main Streeter
I read somewhere, that I cannot readily relocate, that the orange shirt was just a shirt and not a prison uniform.

But I'll give it to you - you do hang in there, long after your cause has been lost. You're either very dedicated or just insane.

You're right. It looks like a polo shirt or something like that.
I read somewhere, that I cannot readily relocate, that the orange shirt was just a shirt and not a prison uniform.

But I'll give it to you - you do hang in there, long after your cause has been lost. You're either very dedicated or just insane.

You're right. It looks like a polo shirt or something like that.

That is what it looks like to me. Although it does look a bit like a mug shot. No info along the bottom it like normal though.


Main Streeter
so you're telling me he wasn't arrested, taken to the staion, & booked...only to be released after getting his account of what happened?...what were the cuffs on him for, then?...foreplay?

Safety. Cops don't transport unknown individuals in the cruisers without putting cuffs on them.


New Member
Safety. Cops don't transport unknown individuals in the cruisers without putting cuffs on them.

exactly, I was once "detained" in cuffs because they guy who's car i was in didn't have a valid license. The police arrested him and put me in cuffs for their protection while they searched the car. Once they determined that i hadn't done antything wrong they released me. I beleive it is fairly standard practice.

BTW, the initial police "report" that was released weeks ago described the first officer on the scene placing Zimmerman in cuffs.


Main Streeter
exactly, I was once "detained" in cuffs because they guy who's car i was in didn't have a valid license. The police arrested him and put me in cuffs for their protection while they searched the car. Once they determined that i hadn't done antything wrong they released me. I beleive it is fairly standard practice.

It is.

BTW, the initial police "report" that was released weeks ago described the first officer on the scene placing Zimmerman in cuffs.

It does say that. What it does not say is anything about Zimmerman being placed under arrest.


New Member
It is.

It does say that. What it does not say is anything about Zimmerman being placed under arrest.

thats exactly the way i understand it too. being taken in for questioning is not being arressted. a lot of times the police will ask if you are willing to go in for questioning.


Main Streeter
thats exactly the way i understand it too. being taken in for questioning is not being arressted. a lot of times the police will ask if you are willing to go in for questioning.

Part of the confusion is that it was posted earlier that if you're not free to leave, your arrested. Physically speaking that might be true; however, legally speaking, it is not. Being placed under arrest puts that person in a legal status. Which means only a judge or court commissioner can release them (bail/own recognizance) or order them held until trial. Being detained for questioning is not being under arrest.


A Salute to all on Watch
Part of the confusion is that it was posted earlier that if you're not free to leave, your arrested. Physically speaking that might be true; however, legally speaking, it is not. Being placed under arrest puts that person in a legal status. Which means only a judge or court commissioner can release them (bail/own recognizance) or order them held until trial. Being detained for questioning is not being under arrest.

What if you're read your Miranda Rights?.......


Main Streeter
What if you're read your Miranda Rights?.......

You can be Mirandized before or after being placed under arrest. Even for questioning, police will ask the person if the want to speak to a lawyer or have one present. They do that because if, as a result of the questioning, they decide to arrest the suspect they don't want the information obtained prior to the arrest to become in inadmissible during trial.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Part of the confusion is that it was posted earlier that if you're not free to leave, your arrested. Physically speaking that might be true; however, legally speaking, it is not. Being placed under arrest puts that person in a legal status. Which means only a judge or court commissioner can release them (bail/own recognizance) or order them held until trial. Being detained for questioning is not being under arrest.

Dude, just stop already! :lol: The media made NO effort to point out that Zimmerman was cuffed and taken to the station! I KNOW Trayvon had Skittles. For SURE. I know he wore a transparent hoodie. How else would Zimmerman know he was black? I know he, Martin is dead.

Come on! Are we seriously quibbling over the specifics of being arrested vs. merely handcuffed and taken in??? They arrested him. :shrug:


A Salute to all on Watch
You can be Mirandized before or after being placed under arrest. Even for questioning, police will ask the person if the want to speak to a lawyer or have one present. They do that because if, as a result of the questioning, they decide to arrest the suspect they don't want the information obtained prior to the arrest to become in inadmissible during trial.

Makes sense to me


Main Streeter
Dude, just stop already! :lol: The media made NO effort to point out that Zimmerman was cuffed and taken to the station! I KNOW Trayvon had Skittles. For SURE. I know he wore a transparent hoodie. How else would Zimmerman know he was black? I know he, Martin is dead.

Come on! Are we seriously quibbling over the specifics of being arrested vs. merely handcuffed and taken in??? They arrested him. :shrug:

Agreed. I've said that already and I'm not disputing that point. I am disputing those who insist on saying that Zimmerman was arrested. He wasn't.


my war
Agreed. I've said that already and I'm not disputing that point. I am disputing those who insist on saying that Zimmerman was arrested. He wasn't.

But as Larry stated, I was under the impression that Zimmerman was questioned "on scene" and released... Not handcuffed, back of cruiser & to the Police Dept. for questioning...