So the panhandling has started!


New Member
works at local business

I work at one of the gas stations that these panhandlers frequent and I will say it is not as easy to get rid of them as some people think. These people have "No trespasses" signed against them at my business so they know they are not allowed to be there. When they do show up we end up having to chase them away. The problem is they just keep coming back. The obvious solution to some would be to call the police because with a no trespass already signed they can arrest them and charge them. The problem with this solution is that when you attempt to call the police in St. Mary's county the dispatcher plays a game I like to call "50 questions". I can not simply call the police and say I'm calling from this business and we have a person with a no trespass on our property please send an officer. I have to give them my full name the address of the business the phone number for the business, the name of the individual, a description of the individual. When all this questioning is done the dispatcher has the audacity to then ask me if I would like an officer sent out to file a report....Are you serious? No I just called because I was bored. I want someone to arrest this individual for trespassing!!! SO by the time all of this has occurred the individual has already left. I then attempt to give the dispatcher a license plate number that he can relay to his officers but they inform me that there is nothing they can do now. I'm sorry but I am a transplant as well and the state where I am from, If i had a situation like this the officer would come into the store, view my cameras to verify that the person was on the property and then they would have a warrant issued and go arrest them. Panhandlers are going to keep hassling people at businesses until the police have the manpower to go arrest them.

Long story short; we now do what another person on here suggested and get on the intercom when we see the person at the pumps and inform our customers that there is a panhandler out there and that we are notifying the police. This is usually enough to scare them away for a while.


Resident PIA
Thanks for the information, always good to see the other side of a thing.

I'm sure the business owners / managers don't want them.
But they seem to have spread to all of First Colony and the businesses along 235 from Rt 4 to First Colony.
I've been approached both at Giant, Staples and Verizon Wireless - all with some story about needing cash for gas (but never a vehicle in sight)


New Member
lip piercings

The brown haired girl with lip piercings is known for this scam.

Got approached by a 20 something young woman as I was returning to the store after lunch one afternoon last week...kind of hard to take someone seriously when they are holding a much nicer cell phone than I have, while sipping a Starbucks...the piercings in her ears and face could have more than paid for the gas she said she needed.


The brown haired girl with lip piercings is known for this scam.

I've enountered the multiple lip piercing girl in the past in the Food Lion and Walgreens in Lusby.

The last time I saw her she was at Walgreens talking to an older woman customer. After eavesdropping for a few seconds - I went straight up to Miss Lip Piercing and said "oh are you still poor and asking people for money???" She moved on quickly after that. Next time I see her I will try to get a pic and post it.


Active Member
Got hit up today at the Safeway gas station in La Plata. Pretty normal looking young mom-type looking lady driving an suv. I felt bad saying no, until the clerk inside told me she was a regular for a long time, disappeared, and now seems to be back again. Sounds like a relapse to me.

As an aside, I've recently started taking my keys out of the car and locking it whenever and wherever I'm filling up.

Me too. I remember hearing on the radio police had a lot of calls of people being victimized at the gas station, they'd open their doors and steal whatever.

That young girl probably was locked up while she was gone


Active Member
Is that legal?

That remiinds me i need to start carrying again.

I was at a gas station once, about 15 years ago, a guy fresh out of jail (judging from his muscles) waked up behind me at the gas station window (in landover), i felt a tugging on my back pocket where my wallet was.

I turned around and pulled my knife out and said I'm going to kill you! He desperately then ripped my whole pocket off with my wallet and i stabbed him in the cheek bone and i chased him through a neighborhood. I called the cops on my cell.

He got away. PG came. cop 1 asks why i was carrying a knife. I said look at the neighborhood. A second cop pulls up, rolls down window did you get him? 1st cop says "no but he stabbed him in the face" second cop says "Good" and pulls off. I had at least a 4 inch blade steak knife. Not the most ideal thing, but being jumped about 6 times growing up in landover, you learn to carry things to protect yourself and run those F*****s off.

I also know a couple of people who got robbed after being asked for money or the time or a cigarette. I think they sum up your response, you should always respond in a tough manner that you can't or wont' comply. If you respond apologetic they're probably more inclined to try to rob you.

Maybe they're sizing you up, maybe they're trying to condition you to be victim, I dont' know, but I usually respond "Nah I dont' got it" so they know i'm not some sheltered, mild mannered, well spoken, VICTIM for them.
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