Why isn't this considered bigoted racism?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And the majority of blacks aren't criminals but people will most certainly use the fact that most criminals are black to justify a point.

I am guessing that is not what you meant, though, the way it's worded doesn't leave much room.

So, you do realize that that is not true? Not even close?


Cleopatra Jones
I am guessing that is not what you meant, though, the way it's worded doesn't leave much room.

So, you do realize that that is not true? Not even close?

You're slicing it a different way if I get what you're saying. If the prison population in this country gets broken down by race, say in a pie chart, blacks have the biggest slice.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I don't believe it's due to selective enforcement so much as access to some creepy lawyer who will get your charges dropped. Also I think blacks probably commit more of the type of crimes that land you in prison, although I don't have stats to back that hunch up. Shoplifting doesn't usually result in a jail sentence, nor does embezzlement, but they are still crimes.

It's an interesting discussion and now I'm curious what exactly the criminal demographic is in this country. Just like the welfare debate, where someone will argue that most of the welfare recipients are black - this is not true, but blacks are on welfare disproportionate to their population - I'm curious what's truth and what's just a numbers game.

And I always enjoy having a disagreement with Pixie because she rarely just spews - she typically brings her A-game. :yay:

It's the types of crimes though. A CEO who steals $140 million from investors and ruins thousands or millions of peoples lives gets like six months in prison. Lindsay Lohan gets six hours in prison. But we're locking people away for years over drug use and prostitution. It makes no sense.


my war
It's the types of crimes though. A CEO who steals $140 million from investors and ruins thousands or millions of peoples lives gets like six months in prison. Lindsay Lohan gets six hours in prison. But we're locking people away for years over drug use and prostitution. It makes no sense.

America, for some reason loves to overcrowd our prison systems and cost us the taxpayers a ####load of money.... :patriot: I watched a documentary about drug busts/prison systems and it was crazy the amount of time people were serving for selling a little bit of weed ... Yet these animals that abuse kids walk among us... Crazy world we live in!


New Member
I think it is... You can't be a bigot without having racist feelings...IMO

i think you have it backwards, you cant be a racist and not a bigot, but you could be a bigot but not a racist. a homophobe comes to mind. that person would clearly be bigoted, but they may not have any racial undertones to their bigotry.


my war
i think you have it backwards, you cant be a racist and not a bigot, but you could be a bigot but not a racist. a homophobe comes to mind. that person would clearly be bigoted, but they may not have any racial undertones to their bigotry.

Correct... A bigot doesn't just pertain to race.. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're slicing it a different way if I get what you're saying. If the prison population in this country gets broken down by race, say in a pie chart, blacks have the biggest slice.

I just checked some reference and I am wrong and you are right. I woulda bet you a dollar that blacks had the higher percentage but, that whites were, by far, the higher total numbers, which used to be the case.

As of 2009 there are more total blacks in jail than total whites.

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Keep Calm and Don't Care!
America, for some reason loves to overcrowd our prison systems and cost us the taxpayers a ####load of money.... :patriot: I watched a documentary about drug busts/prison systems and it was crazy the amount of time people were serving for selling a little bit of weed ... Yet these animals that abuse kids walk among us... Crazy world we live in!

Do you watch Vanguard on Current?

Someone smoking weed in their house or evel selling weed doesn't bother me. Prostitution is stupid, but if a legal consenting adult wants to sell themselves to another legal consenting adult, who am I to care. Like you said, we're spending a lot of money to enforce these laws.

How about this. Don't sell drugs our prostitute your body. Hmmm seams pretty simple to me.

I'd rather see the child abusers locked up. Lindsay Lohan is a career criminal (DUI, DWI, multiple probation violations) and she's spent less time in a jail cell her entire life than a first time drug offender does.

Hell, if I had a court date and showed up 45 minutes late, the judge wouldn't hesitate for one second to lock me in jail. She was 45 minutes late because she couldn't find the right door :rolleyes: Maybe they should have run a line of cocaine from the parking lot to the right door.