Recent content by somd_bluecrab

  1. somd_bluecrab

    Brad Jewitt vs. Steny Hoyer: On the Issues

    Comparison on the Issues... Scroll Down <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td bgcolor="#F0F0F0"> <font size="3"> <strong>Brad Jewitt</strong> </font> </td> <td><font size="3"> <strong>Steny Hoyer</strong>...
  2. somd_bluecrab

    Hoyer has constantly failed to represent Seniors

    Over the years, Hoyer has continously disregarded the needs of the Seniors in Maryland's 5th district. It's about time we get this man out of office and Brad Jewitt into to office. The following may also be found on the Jewitt for Congress website:
  3. somd_bluecrab

    Jewitt's thoughts on "Democrat's Vision for Families"

    The draft issue is a real funning one. A ton of people tend to blame and show hatred towards Bush and his republican posse everytime the word "draft" is mentioned. Im the Senate, the bill was actually introduced by Fritz Hollings (SC) (D). Put that in your pipe an smoke it.
  4. somd_bluecrab

    Jewitt's thoughts on "Democrat's Vision for Families"

    Actually, a freshman in the majority has more power than the minority whip.
  5. somd_bluecrab

    Jewitt's thoughts on "Democrat's Vision for Families"

    It's funny how democrats complain when the Republicans "fail" to reduce taxes and don't blame their own for increasing them in the first place. Q: If the democrats are raising taxes and slashing budgets, where does the money go? At least with Operation Enduring Freedom, we know where it's...
  6. somd_bluecrab

    VFW-PAC automtically endorses incumbent

    “The VFW-PAC endorsement process is void of consideration for challengers,” Jewitt stated, “It is therefore not valid.” In the October issue of VFW magazine, the VFW-PAC endorsed the following senatorial and congressional candidates in Maryland: U.S. Senate – Barbara Mikulski (D); U.S. House of...
  7. somd_bluecrab

    Did you hear the Hoyer/Jewitt debate?

    That's becuase there wasn't one. Hoyer turned turned down the request for a public debate. See the following Jewitt for Congress press release for details.
  8. somd_bluecrab

    Republicans For Kerry

    Honestly, the guy is a "former" governor of a very liberal state. Does this surprise anyone?
  9. somd_bluecrab

    5th District: Jewitt Understands the Military

    The following is a press release that can be found on the "Jewitt For Congress" website: House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter praised Congressional candidate Brad Jewitt for his military record Tuesday morning. Chairman Hunter...
  10. somd_bluecrab

    Jewitt Attacks Hoyer's Vote For Gay Marriage

    If you look at most candidates campaigns. Their schedules aren't published b/c they may and do change frequently. My family and I have seen him at most of the local county fairs. He was also at the Blessing of the Fleet this past weekend. This coming weekend, he'll be at a meet and greet in...
  11. somd_bluecrab

    Jewitt Attacks Hoyer's Vote For Gay Marriage

    By the way, Mr. Hoyer strongly believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, too. But he believes it is a states rights issue, which will only cause problems when one state recognizes marriage in one way, and others go the other direction. Don’t be fooled. What Hoyer says/believes and...
  12. somd_bluecrab

    Local Elections...

    Brad Jewitt is running for District 5 Congress. You can find where he stands on issues here: I've met Brad Jewitt and have heard him speak. He's a great guy with good intentions. I respect his dedication to our country, our military, and civil service...
  13. somd_bluecrab

    Jewitt Attacks Hoyer's Vote For Gay Marriage

    The following press release can be found on he Jewitt for Congress website: Brad Jewitt, Republican Candidate for Maryland’s 5th Congressional District, launched a scathing attack against Congressman Steny Hoyer’s vote this week to support gay...
  14. somd_bluecrab

    Who do you think will win District 5?

    That was then It's time for a change and the change is Jewitt. I agree, in the past, District 5 has overwhelmingly voted for the democratic ticket and heavily supported Gore in 2000. Since then, the population of District 5 has constantly been on the rise. From friends and neighbors I have...
  15. somd_bluecrab

    Who do you think will win District 5?

    I bet it'll be Brad Jewitt. During his campaign, Jewitt is out speaking to and listening to the constituents of District 5. Where is Hoyer during all of this? Since he's the Minority Whip, he's out endorsing candidates of other congressional districts. This is unacceptable because it clearly...