Recent content by whitebox

  1. whitebox

    So you think it's a bit nipply here today...

    I was able to cut glass with these things today
  2. whitebox

    Have been thinking about a SLR camera

    Ill make sure I look around. I have a friend selling a SLR Nikon, But I dont remember which model number. I will make sure when I find out, to post here and hopefully get some input !
  3. whitebox

    Happy Birthday Sunflower !

    Happy Birthday !
  4. whitebox

    Have been thinking about a SLR camera

    NO totally makes sense...I didnt know though, what people thought about it. am not a big EBAY fan, but I know there are some legit sales out there etc..... thats about all
  5. whitebox

    Md. Police to Probe Arrest of Commissioner's Son

    Probably something that we will never know !
  6. whitebox

    Yahoo Email Help Needed

    You dont get nearly as much spam on gmail, and gmail is so much better than yahoo.... Hands down try it out..
  7. whitebox

    Bailout Decision Day

    My 401k is taking a crap right now, but its not unexpected... I honestly hope the long term affect doesnt make me work 10 more years :( But right now, its not looking good
  8. whitebox

    Yahoo Email Help Needed

    swap over to gmail :) its great !
  9. whitebox

    Bailout Decision Day

    I was thinking the same thing about a week ago
  10. whitebox

    Bailout Decision Day

    the DOW is taking a major #### right now... and the bailout didnt pass
  11. whitebox

    Hello SOMD'ers

    Eh not sure about that so much
  12. whitebox

    Have been thinking about a SLR camera

    Seems like your right on the discontinued part... thanks for the heads up jbr... Would anyone suggest checking them out on ebay or def go with b&h ? Thanks
  13. whitebox

    Heather Locklear DUI

    She's a smart one huh !
  14. whitebox

    Hello SOMD'ers

    Dont know them.... Who are they ?
  15. whitebox

    Have been thinking about a SLR camera

    I am sorta a newb, but I have been reading up on the SLR's.... Could someone give me some feedback on a nice SLR that Nikon makes... I have been looking at the D-40 and D-60. Thanks yall :buddies: