🔥 The Biden Raid roundup.


PREMO Member

Justice Dept Appeals Order to Appoint Special Master, Threatens Judge to Shop for Friendly Court, Demands No Party Outside DOJ Should Have Right to See or Review Their Identified Classified Documents

A comprehensively corrupt and politically motivated U.S. Justice Department has appealed the part of Judge Cannon’s previous order appointing a special master with authority to review documents the FBI collected at Mar-a-Lago last month. [Appeal for ‘stay’ pdf motion Here]

The corrupt and politically motivated Lawfare prosecutors state they have serious concerns about handing government secrets to a third party and will not allow it.

In essence, the DOJ-NSD, an agency within the justice department created by Eric Holder, is claiming no one outside the DOJ-NSD should be allowed to review the documents they have defined as “national security” interests. Main Justice really, really doesn’t want anyone seeing what the DOJ-NSD are defining.

The DOJ lawyers begin by telling the judge she must respond to them on their timeline, or else they will go to the eleventh circuit court of appeals and have them block her ruling. Do as we say, or else…


Well-Known Member

Justice Dept Appeals Order to Appoint Special Master, Threatens Judge to Shop for Friendly Court, Demands No Party Outside DOJ Should Have Right to See or Review Their Identified Classified Documents

A comprehensively corrupt and politically motivated U.S. Justice Department has appealed the part of Judge Cannon’s previous order appointing a special master with authority to review documents the FBI collected at Mar-a-Lago last month. [Appeal for ‘stay’ pdf motion Here]

The corrupt and politically motivated Lawfare prosecutors state they have serious concerns about handing government secrets to a third party and will not allow it.

In essence, the DOJ-NSD, an agency within the justice department created by Eric Holder, is claiming no one outside the DOJ-NSD should be allowed to review the documents they have defined as “national security” interests. Main Justice really, really doesn’t want anyone seeing what the DOJ-NSD are defining.

The DOJ lawyers begin by telling the judge she must respond to them on their timeline, or else they will go to the eleventh circuit court of appeals and have them block her ruling. Do as we say, or else…

And if that decision is appealed to the SC then the libs attack the SC again.


PREMO Member

Judge appoints special master, denying DOJ access to classified records

A federal judge on Thursday denied the Justice Department’s motion to access the classified records stored at Mar-a-Lago and installed a recently retired judge to serve as the special master former President Trump requested.

The duo of orders from federal district Judge Aileen Cannon will ignite a Department of Justice (DOJ) appeal to the 11th Circuit and also selects Judge Raymond Dearie to serve as the special master — the one candidate both the DOJ and Trump’s legal team could agree on.

The order requires Dearie to complete his review by Nov. 30 — a slightly shorter deadline than the 90-day window Trump requested, but one that punts the determination past the midterms. In a rare instance of siding with the DOJ, Cannon required Trump to pay for the full cost associated with a special master.

Cannon’s decision came after the DOJ asked for a partial stay of the judge’s motion, arguing they should be able to review the more than 100 classified documents taken during the search as Trump could have no possible claim to the records as either personal property or under executive privilege.


PREMO Member
🔥 Proving that government can act in a hurry when it wants to, yesterday the DOJ promptly appealed Judge Cannon’s order appointing a special master in the Biden Raid case. The appeal was filed in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta and claims that ANY DELAY in the FBI’s investigation — no matter how short — will cause IRREPARABLE HARM to the entire government of the United States of America. According to the DOJ, it would literally be worse than a million Vietnam wars.

To support its claims, DOJ made two main arguments:

First, DOJ argued that, by definition, all classified documents are government documents. Government documents are the government’s property, not President Trump’s property. Therefore, Trump can’t claim he has any special interest in keeping documents that he doesn’t own. But on the other hand, the government DOES have a legal right to get its own confidential property back, and do whatever it wants with its documents.

Second, DOJ claimed it is absolutely critical that the government gets complete control of its own documents back, RIGHT NOW, so it can keep on investigating, to find out who President Trump might have disclosed the documents to, and whether there might be any more documents out there somewhere. The DOJ seems to be implying that if it can’t complete its investigation before the mid-term elections, then it’ll be a Hindenburg-style national security disaster, just wait and see.

Once again, the briefing provided a lot of helpful background information that cuts right through corporate media talking-head speculation and noise. The DOJ says it seized 11,000+ documents in the raid, but only 100 of them were classified (1%). In other words, they grabbed over ONE HUNDRED TIMES more than they needed to.

That seems to kind of tell the whole story.

In its appeal, DOJ said it is only asking for a limited stay of Judge Cannon’s order, just enough to let it continue investigating the confidential documents, which is meant to seem like a fair compromise or something. They’re arguing, “hey, appeals judges, we only want to keep reviewing about 1% of documents. We’re cool with Judge Cannon’s order on the other 99%, no problem, happy to wait.”

It’s a classic baby-splitting scenario. They’re baiting the hook, offering the court a way to seem wise and fair and non-biased — like King Solomon — and to give both parties a little something. The DOJ hopes the judges will issue an order ending like this: “We agree with Judge Cannon’s reasoning regarding the vast majority of items seized from the Plaintiff, but we cannot agree regarding the very small number of classified items clearly and indisputably identified as the government’s property. Therefore, we hereby STAY the Order, but only as to those seized items that are plainly and obviously government property and are necessary for the government’s continuing national security investigation.”

But as with most of what we can see about the government’s raid so far, DOJ’s argument is profoundly deceptive, maybe even irrational. The whole predicate of the search was to get the classified material; the existence of those 100 documents was the entire argument they used to justify the unprecedented search of the President’s residence. In other words, if the investigation will continue with only the 100 classified documents, then the DOJ’s argument is, at its core, an admission that the 11,000 other items AREN’T NECESSARY FOR THE INVESTIGATION.

Judge Cannon’s order said the special master would prioritize reviewing the classified items first. Although DOJ claimed that any tiny delay would cause “irreparable harm,” it did not offer any compelling evidence for that harm, except to wildly speculate that Trump might have shown the documents to someone, someone like an evil foreign dictator — like Putin! — and somewhere, some undercover agents might need immediate protection. Who knows? After all, without looking at the documents, how can they tell if there’s even a problem?

It’s purely speculative, and the 11th should say no, DOJ, you waited almost a year to raid the President, you can wait a few more days to let the special master take a look first.

What happens next is the 11th Circuit will issue a briefing schedule, setting a deadline for when Trump’s attorneys must respond to the government’s brief. I’ll let you know when I know.



Well-Known Member
As President Donald trump could declassify a document and show it to anyone he wanted to show it to. He had that power.
Now c'mon the FBI has the documents and we all know they have already read them and looked at them. They really think we are stupid, they looked them over as soon as they took them, they know what is there they probably even made copies.


PREMO Member
The bogus document claimed the Treasury had sensitive documents related to the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Florida home and told CNN to keep “leaked tax records.”

“The U.S. Department of Treasury through the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Marshals Service have arrested Seized Federal Securities containing sensitive documents which are subject to the Defendant Sealed Search Warrant by the F.B.I. arrest,” the document claimed, according to Just The News. Two warrants included in the filing were identical to those from an inmate at a North Carolina prison medical center.

Even the Associated Press acknowledged that the document was “a clear fabrication.” Court records and interviews suggest the filing came from a serial forger at a North Carolina federal prison. But that such a clearly bogus document was even able to be filed raises significant questions about the U.S. court system’s vetting process. According to Just The News, the inmate responsible for the forgery “has been in prison for several years after authorities found him not competent to stand trial following his arrest for allegedly planting a fake explosive outside of a Detroit building.”



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PREMO Member
🔥 The Biden Raid case looks even more ridiculous after an alert reader linked a Conservative Treehouse article that has uncovered a September 11, 2018 Obama letter to the National Archivist, which is the same deep-state department complaining about Trump having classified records. Obama’s letter advised the Archivist about the status of millions of records that Obama took with him:

Take a look at paragraph seven:

Classified and unclassified records. “Classified.” As of the date of the letter, Obama had obviously been hanging on to a bunch of classified documents, in a place called Hoffman Estates. Hoffman Estates is a fancy name for a renovated Chicago warehouse. It’s not a secure storage facility or anything.

Now, it’s true that Obama’s letter was talking about MAYBE moving the documents back into a NARA-run facility, subject to “negotiation of terms,” but it is also true that these are records that, by the letter’s plain language, will also be “digitized” into the Obama library. Including the classified documents, which don’t seem to be much of a big deal to anybody, for some reason.

No demands for immediate return of documents. No FBI raid. No criminal investigation. If it weren’t for double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.



PREMO Member
🔥 The Epoch Times reported on some developments in the Biden Raid case. Although blocked by the 11th Circuit from viewing the classified materials, Judge Dearie has been issuing orders and trying to do his job the best he can.

Judge Dearie has agreed the DOJ should provides copies of everything to Trump’s legal team. He entered a confidentiality order, requiring Trump’s lawyers and professionals to keep private the copies of what was seized. The DOJ wanted the names of everyone who’d be viewing the material, which sounds sinister, but was probably more because they want to be able to enforce leaks.

Given the political stakes, Judge Dearie refused to make Trump’s team list the names of reviewers, which was the right call. Having served on the FISA court, Judge Dearie knows full well just how easy it is for the government to listen in on someone’s calls and read their emails.

Another order required the DOJ to swear in an affidavit that everything they told the court so far is complete and true. This obviously isn’t Judge Dearie’s first rodeo with the government. The order resulted in the DOJ “updating” its list to add 64 new documents that weren’t previously disclosed. It also removed a handful of items (a couple magazines and empty file folders).

Uh huh.

Finally, in a darkly hilarious development, Judge Dearie had to move back the deadline for the DOJ to scan all the documents for turnover, because out of six scanning vendors the DOJ and Trump’s team contacted, only ONE returned their phone calls. Of the other five, only one even bothered to say, “no thanks.”

The rest were like “oh no, nuh-uhn, nope.”

I guess the one remaining scanner can now name its price. They’d better budget in enough to cover all the media harassment they are going to get.



PREMO Member

National Archives nominee fails to clear Senate committee amid Trump-FBI raid fallout

The confirmation process would not normally engender such controversy, though an ongoing legal battle involving former President Donald Trump's handling of classified documents has led Republicans to scrutinize NARA to a greater degree than usual.

NARA previously sought the return of documents Trump had in his possession. Trump voluntarily cooperated with a grand jury subpoena seeking their return, though the FBI later returned to raid his estate in pursuit of more materials.

During the committee hearing, Republicans asked Shogan about the alleged politicization of NARA in connection to that dispute, though the nominee denied having been briefed on the issue.

"I want to be clear that as the nominee for this position, I have not been briefed on any of the details," she said, per the Examiner. "But as I understand it, when there is some concern about damage to records in general at the National Archives, at that point in time, to retrieve the records, there is a voluntary exchange of communication with those individuals. And as I understand that, once again, they don't have any past knowledge of this."