🔥 The Biden Raid roundup.


PREMO Member
🔥 Biden and his pet Attorney General Merrick Garland made a ghastly breach of federal law enforcement ethics yesterday. Maybe I should say “another ghastly breach.” They shattered all precedent by publishing an investigatory picture from Trump’s office allegedly showing some secret documents.

Let’s deal with the precedent-breaking issue first. There was no legal need to leak the picture. They laundered the leak by unnecessarily including the picture in their response to Trump’s motion to appoint a special master. I’ll talk more about why it was unnecessary in a minute. Anyway, the feds knew it would be front-page clickbait in ten seconds, even though it proves nothing and doesn’t relate to the special master issue.

The picture was not intended to further the DOJ’s legal argument, it was intended to make Trump look bad. It’s that simple.

In defense of the DOJ’s prosecutors, normally — unlike Trump — the only thing a politician under investigation will publicly say is, “Pursuant to my attorney’s advice, I’m not going to comment, but I expect to be fully vindicated.” But that’s not Trump’s style.

In contrast to the usual strategy of staying quiet, Trump has thrown legal caution to the wind and is talking a blue streak. The prosecutors probably see Trump as breaking some kind of unwritten agreement, so the gloves are off, we’re not going to fight with one arm tied behind our backs, and if Trump wants to try this case in the media then so be it! Or something like that.

But what can you say? That’s Trump. He’s a bull in a china shop. He doesn’t shop for bargains; he kicks the display tables over and then asks how much the owner wants for all the broken pieces at a lot price.

Don’t take that as critical; I mean it as a compliment. Allow me a brief digression to explain.



PREMO Member

J6 cmte member shares wild theory: Missing docs could be with Trump’s friends ‘around the world’

“As a citizen, I would just ask the question, where are the files? Where did they go? And which ones of Donald Trump’s friends in the United States or around the world might have them? But who knows?”

Apparently, this is now standard operating procedure in the halls of power: speculate and investigate.

In Washington, it seems they don’t investigate crimes in search of a person anymore. In the Trump era, we saw relentless investigation of a person in search of a crime, as with the Steele Dossier investigation. The pattern continues. Speculations into criminal conduct used to be kept quiet until there was compelling evidence. Then and only then did it receive airtime. Now, an integral part of the process seems to be getting consumers of news into a froth over what could be true. It doesn’t matter that so many previous speculations came up empty after months or years of digging.

Perhaps reflecting a return to modest journalistic standards at CNN under its new president, Chris Licht, Keilar pressed Raskin, asking whether he had evidence to support his inflammatory speculation.

“I don’t believe you have evidence to support that… What informs you, raising that question?” asked Keilar.




PREMO Member
🔥 Finally, the FBI filed a more detailed inventory of what they snatched from Mar-a-Lago during the Biden raid, in an effort to frustrate President Trump’s request for a special master. As a lawyer, I find the inventory to be extremely interesting.

Here’s a link what the FBI filed. (https://tinyurl.com/3krntcjb)

The inventory doesn’t add a whole lot of detail. The original inventory was two pages long, this new one is seven pages long, grouping the items into seven “items from office” classes and twenty-six “boxes from storage room” classes. It describes the various items and documents seized like this representative example from Item #4, labeled “Documents from Office”:

This example includes two (2) documents with confidential or secret markings, which seem like fair game under the FBI’s admittedly weak theory of the case. Of course, these documents could have already been formally or informally declassified, as Trump has argued. There’s no way to tell.

But the example also includes 383 documents that are NOT marked confidential or secret, including many magazine articles and random “government” pictures. When thinking about the pictures, imagine things like photos of President Trump meeting with Brazilian president Balsonero in the Rose Garden or something.

Why would the FBI seize magazine articles and random White House pictures?

The VAST MAJORITY of the items listed on the detailed 7-page inventory fall into this second category of items that are NOT marked classified or secret. Some entire classes of items are patently non-classified, like Item #8, “Box/Container from Storage Room”:

In this example, the crack team of FBI investigators seized a bunch of magazine articles, a book, two photos, and an “article of clothing/gift item.” Like a t-shirt from Cracker’s Oyster Bar or something. In what universe would a t-shirt have any possible interest or relevance to the breathless and hyperbolic claims that Trump stole top-secret nuclear data?

In total, the raid grabbed five different articles of gift clothing. Best and brightest.

And how about that book? Unless it was Thomas Jefferson’s original diary or something, it seems hard to imagine why the FBI would have scooped it up during the raid.

While it MIGHT be arguable that the FBI needed an entire box containing a single classified document so that they could later prove where the classified document was kept, there’s not really any good reason for them to have collected entire boxes without ANY classified documents at all.

One box contained some empty file folders that have triggered the lefty fever swamp’s delusional imagination:

In the tortured imaginations of radical twitterers, Trump carefully extracted top-secret classified documents and traded the secrets to North Korea for a fistful of cash, leaving the empty file folder behind in the box, every time. Which makes no sense at all if you stop to think about it for three seconds.

Having raced down these rabbit trails all too often in the midst of a contentious lawsuit, very often these “clues” turn out to be the most unremarkable of facts. I’m just spitballing, but maybe the empty folders look a lot more like someone just cleaned out a drawer in the Oval Office and dumped it in a box — after someone else had already removed the classified documents for safekeeping. And the empty folders labeled “return to staff” suggest the documents were already RETURNED TO STAFF.

I’m not saying I know anything more than anyone else. That’s the point. We don’t know. These hot takes are hilarious.

Lacking any better explanation, the inventory seems like evidence that maybe the FBI grabbed a lot more than they were looking for so as to obscure the REAL reason for the raid, whatever it was. The alternatives don’t really add up.



Well-Known Member

J6 cmte member shares wild theory: Missing docs could be with Trump’s friends ‘around the world’

“As a citizen, I would just ask the question, where are the files? Where did they go? And which ones of Donald Trump’s friends in the United States or around the world might have them? But who knows?”

Apparently, this is now standard operating procedure in the halls of power: speculate and investigate.

In Washington, it seems they don’t investigate crimes in search of a person anymore. In the Trump era, we saw relentless investigation of a person in search of a crime, as with the Steele Dossier investigation. The pattern continues. Speculations into criminal conduct used to be kept quiet until there was compelling evidence. Then and only then did it receive airtime. Now, an integral part of the process seems to be getting consumers of news into a froth over what could be true. It doesn’t matter that so many previous speculations came up empty after months or years of digging.

Perhaps reflecting a return to modest journalistic standards at CNN under its new president, Chris Licht, Keilar pressed Raskin, asking whether he had evidence to support his inflammatory speculation.

“I don’t believe you have evidence to support that… What informs you, raising that question?” asked Keilar.



So this will be the next made for TV event trying to find friends to squeal .


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
These people really have no clue. These "empty" file folders are kept on-hand in case part of a classified document is transferred to another facility. They're seeing things that aren't really there. If nothing else comes out of Brandon's reign, at least it has exposed the utter stupidity of the left.


Well-Known Member
🔥 Finally, the FBI filed a more detailed inventory of what they snatched from Mar-a-Lago during the Biden raid, in an effort to frustrate President Trump’s request for a special master. As a lawyer, I find the inventory to be extremely interesting.

Here’s a link what the FBI filed. (https://tinyurl.com/3krntcjb)

The inventory doesn’t add a whole lot of detail. The original inventory was two pages long, this new one is seven pages long, grouping the items into seven “items from office” classes and twenty-six “boxes from storage room” classes. It describes the various items and documents seized like this representative example from Item #4, labeled “Documents from Office”:

This example includes two (2) documents with confidential or secret markings, which seem like fair game under the FBI’s admittedly weak theory of the case. Of course, these documents could have already been formally or informally declassified, as Trump has argued. There’s no way to tell.

But the example also includes 383 documents that are NOT marked confidential or secret, including many magazine articles and random “government” pictures. When thinking about the pictures, imagine things like photos of President Trump meeting with Brazilian president Balsonero in the Rose Garden or something.

Why would the FBI seize magazine articles and random White House pictures?

The VAST MAJORITY of the items listed on the detailed 7-page inventory fall into this second category of items that are NOT marked classified or secret. Some entire classes of items are patently non-classified, like Item #8, “Box/Container from Storage Room”:

In this example, the crack team of FBI investigators seized a bunch of magazine articles, a book, two photos, and an “article of clothing/gift item.” Like a t-shirt from Cracker’s Oyster Bar or something. In what universe would a t-shirt have any possible interest or relevance to the breathless and hyperbolic claims that Trump stole top-secret nuclear data?

In total, the raid grabbed five different articles of gift clothing. Best and brightest.

And how about that book? Unless it was Thomas Jefferson’s original diary or something, it seems hard to imagine why the FBI would have scooped it up during the raid.

While it MIGHT be arguable that the FBI needed an entire box containing a single classified document so that they could later prove where the classified document was kept, there’s not really any good reason for them to have collected entire boxes without ANY classified documents at all.

One box contained some empty file folders that have triggered the lefty fever swamp’s delusional imagination:

In the tortured imaginations of radical twitterers, Trump carefully extracted top-secret classified documents and traded the secrets to North Korea for a fistful of cash, leaving the empty file folder behind in the box, every time. Which makes no sense at all if you stop to think about it for three seconds.

Having raced down these rabbit trails all too often in the midst of a contentious lawsuit, very often these “clues” turn out to be the most unremarkable of facts. I’m just spitballing, but maybe the empty folders look a lot more like someone just cleaned out a drawer in the Oval Office and dumped it in a box — after someone else had already removed the classified documents for safekeeping. And the empty folders labeled “return to staff” suggest the documents were already RETURNED TO STAFF.

I’m not saying I know anything more than anyone else. That’s the point. We don’t know. These hot takes are hilarious.

Lacking any better explanation, the inventory seems like evidence that maybe the FBI grabbed a lot more than they were looking for so as to obscure the REAL reason for the raid, whatever it was. The alternatives don’t really add up.

🔥 Finally, the FBI filed a more detailed inventory of what they snatched from Mar-a-Lago during the Biden raid, in an effort to frustrate President Trump’s request for a special master. As a lawyer, I find the inventory to be extremely interesting.

Here’s a link what the FBI filed. (https://tinyurl.com/3krntcjb)

The inventory doesn’t add a whole lot of detail. The original inventory was two pages long, this new one is seven pages long, grouping the items into seven “items from office” classes and twenty-six “boxes from storage room” classes. It describes the various items and documents seized like this representative example from Item #4, labeled “Documents from Office”:

This example includes two (2) documents with confidential or secret markings, which seem like fair game under the FBI’s admittedly weak theory of the case. Of course, these documents could have already been formally or informally declassified, as Trump has argued. There’s no way to tell.

But the example also includes 383 documents that are NOT marked confidential or secret, including many magazine articles and random “government” pictures. When thinking about the pictures, imagine things like photos of President Trump meeting with Brazilian president Balsonero in the Rose Garden or something.

Why would the FBI seize magazine articles and random White House pictures?

The VAST MAJORITY of the items listed on the detailed 7-page inventory fall into this second category of items that are NOT marked classified or secret. Some entire classes of items are patently non-classified, like Item #8, “Box/Container from Storage Room”:

In this example, the crack team of FBI investigators seized a bunch of magazine articles, a book, two photos, and an “article of clothing/gift item.” Like a t-shirt from Cracker’s Oyster Bar or something. In what universe would a t-shirt have any possible interest or relevance to the breathless and hyperbolic claims that Trump stole top-secret nuclear data?

In total, the raid grabbed five different articles of gift clothing. Best and brightest.

And how about that book? Unless it was Thomas Jefferson’s original diary or something, it seems hard to imagine why the FBI would have scooped it up during the raid.

While it MIGHT be arguable that the FBI needed an entire box containing a single classified document so that they could later prove where the classified document was kept, there’s not really any good reason for them to have collected entire boxes without ANY classified documents at all.

One box contained some empty file folders that have triggered the lefty fever swamp’s delusional imagination:

In the tortured imaginations of radical twitterers, Trump carefully extracted top-secret classified documents and traded the secrets to North Korea for a fistful of cash, leaving the empty file folder behind in the box, every time. Which makes no sense at all if you stop to think about it for three seconds.

Having raced down these rabbit trails all too often in the midst of a contentious lawsuit, very often these “clues” turn out to be the most unremarkable of facts. I’m just spitballing, but maybe the empty folders look a lot more like someone just cleaned out a drawer in the Oval Office and dumped it in a box — after someone else had already removed the classified documents for safekeeping. And the empty folders labeled “return to staff” suggest the documents were already RETURNED TO STAFF.

I’m not saying I know anything more than anyone else. That’s the point. We don’t know. These hot takes are hilarious.

Lacking any better explanation, the inventory seems like evidence that maybe the FBI grabbed a lot more than they were looking for so as to obscure the REAL reason for the raid, whatever it was. The alternatives don’t really add up.

I can hear the cries now that he sold of the contents of the empty folders. You know its coming.


PREMO Member

Apoplectic Rage Follows Special Master Decision in Trump Raid Case

On Monday, the judge handling the case of the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid made an official decision to appoint a special master to review the documents seized. That came after she dropped a preliminary notice that she intended to do so at the end of August.

The DOJ’s subsequent arguments apparently weren’t very convincing, and now they will be forced to cease their investigation as the process plays out. The judge found numerous instances of privileged material making it through the government’s filter team, and revelations that medical records and tax returns were taken only provided more reason to move ahead with a special master.

Besides, as the judge essentially said in her decision, what can the move hurt? The special master will have a security clearance, and they won’t be leaking to the press what they’ve found. How is too much transparency a bad thing?

No matter, because the decision favored Trump, that meant that the left was thrown into fits of apopletic rage. Here are a few of the highlights.



PREMO Member

Judge Grants Trump Request for Special Master to Review Docs Seized From Mar-a-Lago

According to a court order published on Monday, a federal judge will appoint a special master to review the documents and items seized by the FBI during the unprecedented raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida in order to determine which are likely to be covered by attorney-client or executive privilege.

U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon agreed with Trump’s lawyers and said that Trump still has some executive privileges after leaving office, contradicting the position taken by the Biden/Garland Justice Department.

“The Court hereby authorizes the appointment of a special master to review the seized property for personal items and documents and potentially privileged material subject to claims of attorney-client and/or executive privilege,” Cannon’s ruling states.


PREMO Member

Federal Judge Notes in Special Master Order a Quoted DOJ Citation That Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

Page #2 and Page #3 of Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling cites a quote from the DOJ own legal filing, dated May 10th, that Joe Biden ordered the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI to review the Trump records. Note the quotation marks:

On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022.” [citation]


August 24, 2022, Joe Biden was questioned about how much notice he had regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Question: “Mr. President, how much advanced notice did you have of the FBI’s plan to search Mar-a-Lago?

BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”

{Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:


PREMO Member

Judge: Government Seized ‘Medical Documents’ from Trump’s Home

“The second factor—whether the movant has an individual interest in and need for the seized property—weighs in favor of entertaining Plaintiffs requests,” said the order.

“According to the Privilege Review Team’s Report, the seized materials include medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information,” said the judge’s order.

“The Government also has acknowledged that it seized some ‘[p]ersonal effects without evidentiary value,’ and, but its own estimation, upwards of 500 pages of material potentially subject to attorney-client privilege.”
“Thus,” said the order, “based on the volume and nature of the seized material, the Court is satisfied that Plaintiff has an interest in and need for at least a portion of it, even if the underlying subsidiary detail as to each item cannot reasonably be determined at this time based on the information provided by the Government to date.”


PREMO Member

Judge Aileen Cannon’s 24-page order is quite informative. She reviewed the actual history of the raid and noted the vast amount of material taken during the raid: “agents seized approximately 11,000 documents and 1,800 other items from the office and storage room[,]” including, by the FBI’s own admission, “personal effects without evidentiary value and… upwards of 500 pages of material potentially subject to attorney-client privilege.”

Here’s a link if you want to read it for yourself: https://tinyurl.com/4yfv6wam.

Judge Cannon thoughtfully and carefully rejected the government’s arguments about Trump’s lack of standing to request a master, and the argument that former presidents can’t invoke executive privilege if the sitting president waived that privilege. The judge found the law unsettled regarding the second question.

She then questioned the government’s approach to reviewing the seized documents, noting that on at least two occasions, the FBI’s ‘taint team’ initially failed to catch privileged material. Even though investigators subsequently noticed the privileged nature of the documents and returned them to the ‘taint team,’ the investigators who were exposed to the sensitive material were not removed from the reviewing team, so the harm has been done.

Judge Cannon ordered the parties to confer and submit a proposed list of special masters, so she can select one, and more importantly, she issued an injunction shutting down the FBI’s continued review until the special master is appointed and can finish their work.

The practical effect of the order is that it will prevent the raid from being used to arrest Trump before the midterms. But maybe even more significant, Trump’s lawyers now have a neutral judge involved in the case, and not just a magistrate who has blasted Trump on his Facebook page.

Unsurprisingly, the government is distinctly not happy about the decision, and said it is “reviewing the options.”

You can tell how bad this is for team FBI by how violently the left reacted to the notion that a neutral third party should be allowed to supervise the unprecedented public investigation of a former U.S. president. The lefties don’t even know who the special master will be, but they are already freaking out about it. Which tells you everything you need to know.

Great job, Trump team.



PREMO Member
We knew that the mob would be out for Judge Aileen Cannon after she granted former President Donald Trump’s request to have a special master appointed to make sure the FBI didn’t seize any documents that weren’t in its search warrant. Did you know that Cannon’s been a member of the Federalist Society since the early 2000s? That’s where all of the evil judges come from.

The Department of Justice says this will dramatically slow down its investigation, which is too bad.

As we said, the knives were out for Cannon, and now Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe is saying her ruling to allow a special master will go down for generations of lawyers on how not to wield judicial power. Generations!
