🔥 The Biden Raid roundup.


PREMO Member
As Sen. Chuck Schumer said a few years ago, “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Yeah, we noticed. That’s why a new poll from the Trafalgar group shows that 77% of Republicans and 54% of Independents don’t see upstanding G-men doing their jobs for God and country in the Trump raid; they see political hacks.


To obtain the raid on Trump’s mansion, Biden was asked to go to the Wayback Machine and remove Trump’s privilege to retain documents. This was after months of negotiations with the 45th president. Similar negotiations with President Obama were resolved after several years. Bill Clinton literally kept nuclear codes in his sock drawer, and guess what? There was no raid on his sock drawer. There was no piercing of his executive privilege by George W. Bush. But Biden allowed NARA’s acting archivist to big-foot Trump, saying “I have therefore decided not to honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege.”

Apparently the Left is now going after the very office of the presidency, having destroyed all of America’s other foundational institutions.

And there it is.

The Biden Administration took a National Archives dispute with the last president (which happens with all presidents), elevated it to the White House to blow up the previous president’s privileges (which have been enjoyed by all presidents), parlayed that to a grand jury, and got its subpoena ham sandwich. The Feds then waited until its hand-picked anti-Trump magistrate — not a federal judge — was on the bench and Trump wasn’t home and got the okay for a search warrant for presidential records. Then they dispatched the phalanx of 30 gunned-up FBI raiders, who rifled through the family’s personal items for nine hours to get every document Trump ever touched during his four years in office, trying to find something — anything — on the 45th president. With the documents in their possession, the Feds declined to wait for an actual Article III judge to weigh in on a federal special master to go through the items. They went right ahead and culled through them, lateraled them over to their buddy the DNI, and we now have the intelligence community — which is meant to go after terrorists — playing Monday-morning quarterback on the 45th President of the United States.



Well-Known Member
If there is any courage whatsoever in the republican party Joe Bidens house will be raided on January 30th 2025 and they will got thru Doctor Jill's underbritches drawers.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
The DOJ said they needed to get these documents away from Trump for secure reasons. Then they dump them on the fllor for the world to see. Don't they think there's an issue with doing that . :sshrug:
They had to get the documents away because he had dirt on everyone.


PREMO Member
🔥 Biden and his pet Attorney General Merrick Garland made a ghastly breach of federal law enforcement ethics yesterday. Maybe I should say “another ghastly breach.” They shattered all precedent by publishing an investigatory picture from Trump’s office allegedly showing some secret documents.

Let’s deal with the precedent-breaking issue first. There was no legal need to leak the picture. They laundered the leak by unnecessarily including the picture in their response to Trump’s motion to appoint a special master. I’ll talk more about why it was unnecessary in a minute. Anyway, the feds knew it would be front-page clickbait in ten seconds, even though it proves nothing and doesn’t relate to the special master issue.

The picture was not intended to further the DOJ’s legal argument, it was intended to make Trump look bad. It’s that simple.

In defense of the DOJ’s prosecutors, normally — unlike Trump — the only thing a politician under investigation will publicly say is, “Pursuant to my attorney’s advice, I’m not going to comment, but I expect to be fully vindicated.” But that’s not Trump’s style.

In contrast to the usual strategy of staying quiet, Trump has thrown legal caution to the wind and is talking a blue streak. The prosecutors probably see Trump as breaking some kind of unwritten agreement, so the gloves are off, we’re not going to fight with one arm tied behind our backs, and if Trump wants to try this case in the media then so be it! Or something like that.

But what can you say? That’s Trump. He’s a bull in a china shop. He doesn’t shop for bargains; he kicks the display tables over and then asks how much the owner wants for all the broken pieces at a lot price.

Don’t take that as critical; I mean it as a compliment. Allow me a brief digression to explain.



PREMO Member
🔥 The turgid leftist fever swamps on Twitter are agog over the FBI’s picture, which lefties excitedly feel “proves” Trump is literally one million times worse than Benedict Arnold, the most hated and despised traitor since Brutus literally stabbed Julius Caesar in the back. But as usual, the rhapsodic lefties are more exuberant than rational.

This picture shows nothing interesting.

(1) Trump wasn’t keeping the documents on his floor. Obviously the FBI agent scattered the papers on the floor for the picture, to make a record they were there, so it would be harder for Trump to later claim the documents were planted, as both the tagging card (“2A”) and the rulers suggest.

(2) The entire country ALREADY KNEW there were confidential and top-secret documents in Trump’s office. He hasn’t denied that. The photo adds nothing.

(3) Only the documents’ cover pages are visible (or were redacted). We have no idea WHAT the top secret information relates to. There aren’t even dates shown on any of the documents, so as far as we know, they could contain Civil War field reports.

(4) Trump’s position is he declassified the documents he kept, and he has credibly argued that under well-established law he has the unilateral authority to declassify anything he wants, for any reason, or for no reason at all. The picture does not contradict that argument in any way.

I could go on, but you get the point. Since the picture adds nothing new or legally probative, it wasn’t necessary to the government’s objection to any appointment of a special master. But it was needed to give corporate media a talking point.

🔥 The argument that Trump broke the Presidential Records Act has also been debunked, causing another one of the DOJ’s claims to disappear in a puff of sulphur. First, as scholar Jonathan Hurley pointed out, the PRA is not a criminal statute and includes no criminal penalties. But even more significantly, in 2012 Bill Clinton was sued for keeping some presidential records in his sock drawer, I am not making that up, and a federal court found Clinton did nothing wrong:

The Court will grant the motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) because plaintiff’s claim is not redressable. NARA [the National Archives] does not have authority to designate materials as “Presidential records,” NARA does not have the tapes in question, and NARA lacks any right, duty, or means to seize control of them. In other words, there has been no showing that a remedy would be available to redress plaintiff’s alleged injury even if the Court agreed with plaintiff’s characterization of the materials. Since plaintiff is completely unable to identify anything the Court could order the agency to do that the agency has any power, much less, a mandatory duty, to do, the case must be dismissed.

Seems pretty clear.



Well-Known Member
🔥 The turgid leftist fever swamps on Twitter are agog over the FBI’s picture, which lefties excitedly feel “proves” Trump is literally one million times worse than Benedict Arnold, the most hated and despised traitor since Brutus literally stabbed Julius Caesar in the back. But as usual, the rhapsodic lefties are more exuberant than rational.

This picture shows nothing interesting.

(1) Trump wasn’t keeping the documents on his floor. Obviously the FBI agent scattered the papers on the floor for the picture, to make a record they were there, so it would be harder for Trump to later claim the documents were planted, as both the tagging card (“2A”) and the rulers suggest.

(2) The entire country ALREADY KNEW there were confidential and top-secret documents in Trump’s office. He hasn’t denied that. The photo adds nothing.

(3) Only the documents’ cover pages are visible (or were redacted). We have no idea WHAT the top secret information relates to. There aren’t even dates shown on any of the documents, so as far as we know, they could contain Civil War field reports.

(4) Trump’s position is he declassified the documents he kept, and he has credibly argued that under well-established law he has the unilateral authority to declassify anything he wants, for any reason, or for no reason at all. The picture does not contradict that argument in any way.

I could go on, but you get the point. Since the picture adds nothing new or legally probative, it wasn’t necessary to the government’s objection to any appointment of a special master. But it was needed to give corporate media a talking point.

🔥 The argument that Trump broke the Presidential Records Act has also been debunked, causing another one of the DOJ’s claims to disappear in a puff of sulphur. First, as scholar Jonathan Hurley pointed out, the PRA is not a criminal statute and includes no criminal penalties. But even more significantly, in 2012 Bill Clinton was sued for keeping some presidential records in his sock drawer, I am not making that up, and a federal court found Clinton did nothing wrong:

Seems pretty clear.

Your handlers are working overtime.


Well-Known Member
Your handlers are working overtime.
See, it's at this point you should just STFU until you're given something intelligent to say.
In all of your posts, you haven't posted ANYTHING of intelligence or remotely interesting.
Alot has been funnier than chit...until one realizes wierdos such as yourself take it for serious journalism & then march in the streets & burn down Federal Bldgs in response to those lies...


PREMO Member

Former DNI: DOJ Didn't Find What It Was Looking for in Mar-a-Lago Raid

“The judge would appoint the special master, and it would be an extension of the court,” Ratcliffe told fill-in host Judge Jeanine Pirro. “I do think that it’s the right thing to do. The DOJ’s position is number one, we don’t need a special master…we’ve already sorted everything and looked at everything. Take our word for it that it was done. As you pointed out, they had attorney-client privilege in there, so the taint team that was looking at this didn’t do their job.”

“And, you know, all of this, listen, you presided over a lot of cases,” Ratcliffe continued. “I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

He added, “There weren’t nuclear secrets in Melania Trump’s underwear drawer, and they’re trying to justify what they’ve done. They’re not playing it straight before the American people. I think that that’s going to play out.”


Well-Known Member

Former DNI: DOJ Didn't Find What It Was Looking for in Mar-a-Lago Raid

“The judge would appoint the special master, and it would be an extension of the court,” Ratcliffe told fill-in host Judge Jeanine Pirro. “I do think that it’s the right thing to do. The DOJ’s position is number one, we don’t need a special master…we’ve already sorted everything and looked at everything. Take our word for it that it was done. As you pointed out, they had attorney-client privilege in there, so the taint team that was looking at this didn’t do their job.”

“And, you know, all of this, listen, you presided over a lot of cases,” Ratcliffe continued. “I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games, they don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist. And in this case, this tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”

He added, “There weren’t nuclear secrets in Melania Trump’s underwear drawer, and they’re trying to justify what they’ve done. They’re not playing it straight before the American people. I think that that’s going to play out.”

The democrats may have screwed up by doing this too soon. As more comes out about the ways they set this up its going to look bad. Lots can happen in 2 months .