!!!10 planes downed over Atlantic! 2,500 feared dead!




Larry Gude said:
...smuggled liquid bombs by suicide bombers suspected. Prelimenary lists show among the missing are Massechusetts Congressman Barney Frank and televangelist Pat Robertson. Pro football hall of famer Joe Montana is also feared to have been on one of the lost flights.

Who are they? :confused:

They don't mean anything to me, but then again, who am I?

I like to read People, and not the twisted political hogwash. :pOT:

Many have been warned to get their passports, yet nobody listens, and now the airports are closing.

We let students in on Visa's, they don't show up, and the college did well by reporting them.

They are here, and all over.

God bless our very liberal America.
Pete said:
And since that time when we interned the Japanese we have constantly been flogged with shame by liberal documentaries and history books. Shame shame shame look at what BAD BAD America did! FOR SHAME we are so BAD.
I think we should be BAD again. Appearantly nice doesn't get much respect anymore. PS, you forgot the sarcasm smiley.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
I think everyone is agreed that the most proactive thing would be to turn the Middle East into a big glass bowl.
Well, that would be going a bit far. Although certainly an option if these people don't get their #### together.

What proactive measures would you all suggest that might ACTUALLY BE APPROVED AND OCCUR?
Profiling, for a start. Lockdown on Muslim communities in the US would be a good idea. Tightening up surveillance both at home and abroad is something I'd give my tax bucks for.

The big one would be to fight this war like we actually want to win. Execute every single one of the prisoners we capture, after we torture them for information. "Here's your lawyer, ####### - *ka-BLAM*"

Of course, none of these things will actually happen because politicians are in charge and they listen to the Leftists in the media who are on the side of the terrorists. Harry Belafonte has more clout in terms of our foreign policy than Condoleeza Rice does. And we allow it.


desertrat said:
I think we should be BAD again. Appearantly nice doesn't get much respect anymore. PS, you forgot the sarcasm smiley.

Our "ethnocentrism" will be the downfall of the world. Everybody thinks that they are so much better than the rest.

Should we blow up people that are against us?

My answer is, "only if we want to go with them."

However, we will all go, and that is the quandary we find ourselves in.

If they get 60 virgins, or whatever...will I?

Winn Dixie

Song of the South
Nupe2 said:
You know Pete I agree with your post (I have truly lost my mind) but I just have a hard time reading it seriously with that g.d. dog snickering! :lmao:

I agree also, but the dog is a little troubling, sorry.


Wenchy said:
Who are they? :confused:

They don't mean anything to me, but then again, who am I?

I like to read People, and not the twisted political hogwash. :pOT:

Many have been warned to get their passports, yet nobody listens, and now the airports are closing.

We let students in on Visa's, they don't show up, and the college did well by reporting them.

They are here, and all over.

God bless our very liberal America.
Why not make a list of nations that are not openly hostile to us and only deal with them.

Qatar student want to go to Johns hopkins to become a Doctor. Uhhh NO!

Lebanese wants to emmigrate here? Uhhh NO!

Egyptian wants to sell pitted dates to US import company? NOT TODAY.

There should not be a single bottle of French wine, wedge of French Cheese, French product of any kind. They have screwed us time after time after time. They have made America banging an olympic sport. Screw them and when Osma Sunami Levioux de Gaule attempts to overthorw their government and puts them in turmoil we should pull the privacy curtain and turn the music up loud so we can't hear the screaming.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Wenchy said:
Should we blow up people that are against us?
In a word, yes.

Barring that, we should at least boycott their goods and shut them out of our country.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you keep up with the statements from OBL and Co...

Wenchy said:
Our "ethnocentrism" will be the downfall of the world. Everybody thinks that they are so much better than the rest.

Should we blow up people that are against us?

My answer is, "only if we want to go with them."

However, we will all go, and that is the quandary we find ourselves in.

If they get 60 virgins, or whatever...will I?

...you find that their issues with us are that we have armed troops in their Holy Lands, which is against their faith. We support what they see as corrupt regimes which dominate and corrupt the people under them and we support Israel, which is bad, and we export our Western ways, our liberal Western ways, all over the globe.

What they want is for us to leave their lands, which I am all for provided our national interests are addressed; free flow of oil at market prices.

What they want is for us to quit supporting Israel so that they can be wiped out.

What they want is for us to quit exporting liberalism and it's ideas all over the globe.

And what they want, lastly, is global Islamic dominance, Sharia, Holy Law.

They seem very, very serious about all of this.


Purplefox said:
We are PC'ing ourselves to death. Call a spade a spade. Racial profiling is s HUGE PC taboo, but it works. I agree with V that we MUST be proactive. When are people going to wake up and realize that it is truly us or them?

You should see what some of the DU'ers are posting about this. Truly twisted.

Looks like I'm not the only one who was thinking about racial profiling. We definitely shouldn't be going into 7-11s and harrassing the middle eastern people working there but we had all better be keeing an eye on them when we run into them. Most of the Muslims here are really good hard working people but if our threat today consists of Muslims who want to kill us then it should be common sense that we need to watch Muslims. The he** with the crazy ACLU or other idiots who have a problem with racial profiling. If you see a middle eastern person in a hardware store buying lots of chemicals, you should be copying down a tag number. If you see a middle eastern person taking pictures of a bridge, you should be getting the tag and paying close attention to what he is doing. It's only common sense and we can't let the lberals scare us into ignoring these things. Time to work together. These idiots aren't going away anytime soon and they are not done trying to hurt us. Keep your eyes open and report things that just don't look right. You may save a life or many.


Pete said:
Why not make a list of nations that are not openly hostile to us and only deal with them.

Qatar student want to go to Johns hopkins to become a Doctor. Uhhh NO!

Lebanese wants to emmigrate here? Uhhh NO!

Egyptian wants to sell pitted dates to US import company? NOT TODAY.

There should not be a single bottle of French wine, wedge of French Cheese, French product of any kind. They have screwed us time after time after time. They have made America banging an olympic sport. Screw them and when Osma Sunami Levioux de Gaule attempts to overthorw their government and puts them in turmoil we should pull the privacy curtain and turn the music up loud so we can't hear the screaming.

I have a friend that came here from Iraq or Iran years and years ago. They came here because they were Christians and in their home country... that was a death sentence....

Should we allow those people to come in to the country under your new plan?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's where the PEACEFUL solution...

bdh802 said:
Looks like I'm not the only one who was thinking about racial profiling. We definitely shouldn't be going into 7-11s and harrassing the middle eastern people working there but we had all better be keeing an eye on them when we run into them. Most of the Muslims here are really good hard working people but if our threat today consists of Muslims who want to kill us then it should be common sense that we need to watch Muslims. The he** with the crazy ACLU or other idiots who have a problem with racial profiling. If you see a middle eastern person in a hardware store buying lots of chemicals, you should be copying down a tag number. If you see a middle eastern person taking pictures of a bridge, you should be getting the tag and paying close attention to what he is doing. It's only common sense and we can't let the lberals scare us into ignoring these things. Time to work together. These idiots aren't going away anytime soon and they are not done trying to hurt us. Keep your eyes open and report things that just don't look right. You may save a life or many.

...can only come from; denunciation of the radical by their own. Loud, clear, constant and public.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bdh802 said:
If you see a middle eastern person in a hardware store buying lots of chemicals, you should be copying down a tag number. If you see a middle eastern person taking pictures of a bridge, you should be getting the tag and paying close attention to what he is doing.
It wouldn't matter if you did because, until this person actually commits a crime, the cops can't do anything about it.

We can all "do our part" but at the end of the day we're hostages to a politically correct government that is more concerned about the "rights" of terrorists than they are about the safety of their citizens.


vraiblonde said:
It wouldn't matter if you did because, until this person actually commits a crime, the cops can't do anything about it.

We can all "do our part" but at the end of the day we're hostages to a politically correct government that is more concerned about the "rights" of terrorists than they are about the safety of their citizens.

It's such a good feeling to be morally correct instead of politically correct. Hey, I wonder if they sell a bumper sticker that says that!


vraiblonde said:
It wouldn't matter if you did because, until this person actually commits a crime, the cops can't do anything about it.

We can all "do our part" but at the end of the day we're hostages to a politically correct government that is more concerned about the "rights" of terrorists than they are about the safety of their citizens.

Go to FBI.GOV and email them with your reports. It's true that the police can't do a whole lot with this type of info but if you foward it to the FBI, then at least you can say you've done your part whether they every call you back or not.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...smuggled liquid bombs by suicide bombers suspected. Prelimenary lists show among the missing are Massechusetts Congressman Barney Frank and televangelist Pat Robertson. Pro football hall of famer Joe Montana is also feared to have been on one of the lost flights.

Any chance I have your attention? Feel a little different there for a moment? Focusing on anything bedsides travel inconveneince?

No, it hasn't happened...yet. Would ANY of you be surprised if it did happen? When it does happen or is 9/11 now just a movie? Are we gonna ignore yet another close call and just be happy it didn't happen today while, in all honesty, just waiting to act until it does happen...again?

What should we have done had the first Trade Tower attack toppled both buildings, as intended, and killed 50,000? Why didn't we act? Just because only 6 died and a parking deck was messed up?

How about the USS Cole? What if the magazine had been breached and it went up with all hands? What should we have done? Why didn't we act? Just because only 17 sailors were lost?

How about the Embassies? What if the truck bombs had pierced the walls and killed all US personel instead of 250 locals?

This is not a political issue. It is not partisan. All of the above happened under leadership of one major party, 9/11/2001 under another. War was delcared on us in 1997 and is still ongoing, the enemy not having sued for peace or quit. If Democrats say Republicans are doing it wrong, fine. Argue you can do a better job, not quit. Tell me you are going to kill and destroy every single US enemy you can get your hands on until they are all dead or they quit.

Don't tell me it's this group or that group, that it's Americans fault when all three people and their very different backgrounds on my fake list are targets. All of us. Americans. Free people. THAT is what they hate, not left or right; freedom.

Quit arguing over why we'd be better off with Saddam Hussein in power. He's our enemy. Get over it.

People, the battle is defined, the conditions for peace set; Osama set it. We meet the challenge and defeat radical Islam or it defeats us. One building at a time. One plane at a time. It's not about what we do, it's about who we are. They say so.

Once again, had this latest plot worked, how would we feel? How would we act? Why would we act ANY different simply because they missed...this time?
You forgot one good one for today.. WHAT if we did something in Lebanon when the terrorists killed 241 Marines, instead of putting our tail between our legs and leaving??


New Member
I think we need to put pressure on the "peaceful" Islamic people of the world to start shutting down the extremists. We're always hearing about "not all of Islam is about killing" blah blah blah...yet none of these "peaceful" branches of Islam seem to be doing anything about it. If you are truly not all evil, violent animals, then you need to go take out the ones that are. If not...expect to be treated as if you are all the same.

If I lived in Japan (just as an example)...and there were a bunch of Americans running around blowing up buses and markets, I would certainly expect to be looked at as a possible terrorist..and would expect to be watched a bit more closely than a Japaneese citizen would. I'd also be pretty pissed off at the Americans who were responsible...and would do something about it.