!!!10 planes downed over Atlantic! 2,500 feared dead!


I AM an enigma
itsbob said:
You forgot one good one for today.. WHAT if we did something in Lebanon when the terrorists killed 241 Marines, instead of putting our tail between our legs and leaving??

Now that is one of my $64,000 questions. Never understood it.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Well, that would be going a bit far. Although certainly an option if these people don't get their #### together.

Profiling, for a start. Lockdown on Muslim communities in the US would be a good idea. Tightening up surveillance both at home and abroad is something I'd give my tax bucks for.

The big one would be to fight this war like we actually want to win. Execute every single one of the prisoners we capture, after we torture them for information. "Here's your lawyer, ####### - *ka-BLAM*"

Of course, none of these things will actually happen because politicians are in charge and they listen to the Leftists in the media who are on the side of the terrorists. Harry Belafonte has more clout in terms of our foreign policy than Condoleeza Rice does. And we allow it.

Agreed.. if it's Muslims that are doing all the killing, and ALL the terrorists of our current concern are Muslim.. it sounds like it's time for Muslim Internment camps.. say how unfair the Japanese internment camps were, but guess what, they worked..


bresamil said:
How's the spider?

He's gone.

I strapped my #### on, and I climbed under my desk to destroy it. Looked behind all the equipment, and gee-gaws on and around my desk - but he's nowhere to be found.

I would have preferred to have his smashed little ass outlined in chalk, but out of sight, out of mind. I just hope he's gone for good.


I bowl overhand
Purplefox said:
Now that is one of my $64,000 questions. Never understood it.
The terrorists and the world then, and even still now, believe we are a weak people, no backbone.. show a few dead Americans on TV and they will high tail it out of there.. Somalia another good example..

It used to be you sunk a ship.. attacked an American consulate, it was grounds for all out war.. now you kill 200, 400.. no big deal, we'll just do what they want, and they won't kill anymore of us..

Larry Gude

Strung Out

itsbob said:
You forgot one good one for today.. WHAT if we did something in Lebanon when the terrorists killed 241 Marines, instead of putting our tail between our legs and leaving??

...but damn, it's hard enough for us, as a people, to remember all the way back to Kuwait and 17 UN resolutions. I thought OBL's 1996 fatwah was as far back as I dared.

Black mark against Reagan in my book. There should have been NO response to the Marines getting wiped out because they should not have been hurt in the first place because they should have been locked, loaded and in full defense posture OR not there in the first place.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
bdh802 said:
Looks like I'm not the only one who was thinking about racial profiling. We definitely shouldn't be going into 7-11s and harrassing the middle eastern people working there but we had all better be keeing an eye on them when we run into them. Most of the Muslims here are really good hard working people but if our threat today consists of Muslims who want to kill us then it should be common sense that we need to watch Muslims. The he** with the crazy ACLU or other idiots who have a problem with racial profiling. If you see a middle eastern person in a hardware store buying lots of chemicals, you should be copying down a tag number. If you see a middle eastern person taking pictures of a bridge, you should be getting the tag and paying close attention to what he is doing. It's only common sense and we can't let the lberals scare us into ignoring these things. Time to work together. These idiots aren't going away anytime soon and they are not done trying to hurt us. Keep your eyes open and report things that just don't look right. You may save a life or many.

What if they aren't even muslim? I'd bet you can't tell the difference between a jewish guy and a muslim guy. And when the FBI stops by my house wondering why I bought a few gallons of bleach and a cell phone, I'm going to want to punch you out. Reporting that is a bit ridiculous.

On the other hand, I don't mind the extra scrunity I get at security check points by any security guy that has more two functioning braincells, too much. Yeah, I wish that they could tell that I was jewish, but I feel worse when I don't make them nervous. Sometimes I wonder if security is blind. Wouldn't a guy with a dark "olive" complexion, long hair, and in need of shave tip you off?


I bowl overhand
Chain729 said:
What if they aren't even muslim? I'd bet you can't tell the difference between a jewish guy and a muslim guy.
It can't be too hard.. the Muslims seem to have no problem distinguishing one form the other..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Chain729 said:
Wouldn't a guy with a dark "olive" complexion, long hair, and in need of shave tip you off?
No. What tips them off is the 15 year old American girl, with her nail clippers, and 80 year old grannies with knitting needles.

You can't be too careful, you know. :coffee:


Chain729 said:
What if they aren't even muslim? I'd bet you can't tell the difference between a jewish guy and a muslim guy. And when the FBI stops by my house wondering why I bought a few gallons of bleach and a cell phone, I'm going to want to punch you out. Reporting that is a bit ridiculous.

On the other hand, I don't mind the extra scrunity I get at security check points by any security guy that has more two functioning braincells, too much. Yeah, I wish that they could tell that I was jewish, but I feel worse when I don't make them nervous. Sometimes I wonder if security is blind. Wouldn't a guy with a dark "olive" complexion, long hair, and in need of shave tip you off?

It's all about common sense. Personally, all of my jewish friends don't look the same as most of the people I see who look middle eastern. I think I can generally tell the difference. Again, common sense. I won't be calling anyone if they buy 5-6 gallons of bleach. Start taking pictures of the Solomons bridge and you may get my attention. Sorry if someone knocks on your door but we can't ignore this kinda activity. I wouldn't suggest punching me out either. You may get hurt. Have a nice day.


residentofcre said:
I have a friend that came here from Iraq or Iran years and years ago. They came here because they were Christians and in their home country... that was a death sentence....

Should we allow those people to come in to the country under your new plan?
Nope, sorry. Life isn't fair.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
itsbob said:
It can't be too hard.. the Muslims seem to have no problem distinguishing one form the other..

They don't and we don't- the rest of the world (for the most part) seems to be clueless. I've gone to busy places with friends and started picking people out in a crowd and saying which they were. They had no idea. I've actually been asked, "how do you keep a tan in the winter?" And "you're jewish? Really?" Not to mention, I've tried showing them the differences (after we got into this discussion) using photo's from the news- they couldn't tell the difference.


Chain729 said:
Not to mention, I've tried showing them the differences (after we got into this discussion) using photo's from the news- they couldn't tell the difference.

It's easy:

ALL jews look exactly like the first picture.
ALL muslims look exactly like the second picture.


  • profil.jpg
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  • egypt-p-013.1.jpg
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Lobster Land
Toxick said:
It's easy:

ALL jews look exactly like the first picture.
ALL muslims look exactly like the second picture.

Ain't true. The 1st is Amish and the 2nd is from the Sahara.


Well-Known Member
oldman said:
Ain't true. The 1st is Amish and the 2nd is from the Sahara.

Hassidic Jews would disagree with your characterization of the first gentleman. The second is probably an Afghani.


Larry Gude said:
They seem very, very serious about all of this.

Yes. They are moreso than we are. Herein lies the problem.

We got ourselves into this crap, now how can we fix it?

If we blow up Asia, and all middle-eastern countries, we are also dead meat.

Bye-bye all of our enlisted guys, bye-bye next, all of us.

We have been paying for years to all of the deadbeats here (not talking about people who need a few years of WIC or such) and neglecting blowing these crazy people out of the water.

We have to stop thinking that we are the ones with the solutions and the ones to control the world. China actually had a great idea with the 1 child thing. The parents who kept trying for a son, and killed the females...well, I guess they didn't care to live with an extended-extended family. A girl is a blessing, any healthy child is...there I go judging again.

The US thinks that it is the best, and that we are beyond reproach. In reality, our system is as corrupt as others.


New Member
I think everyone should be sent back to their own country, especially Muslims. If you were born here and your parents weren't, they gotta go and they are more than welcome to take you with them.

In all honesty, we dont owe them a damn thing. We dont owe them a safe place to live. We dont really owe anyone crap.

Then they need to shut ALL of our borders and not let a damn person in who isnt a NATURAL citizen.

They should then proceed to blow up all the dirty filthy little third world POS countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.)

When they're done with that, they should take a poll, who is with us, who isnt. Whoever isnt, gets all trade in and out of the USA shut down for 6 months. After 6 months, they can reevaluate and see whether or not its REALLY worth it for them to be pissing us off. If they still arent with us, blow them up too. :cheers:

Some people would say, its a good thing I dont rule the world. The point is though, I would kill the chit out of a WHOLE lotta people, if it meant keeping myself and my family safe. Politics are overrated, dropping bombs works, like a charm I might add. :dance:


b*tch rocket
Wenchy said:
Yes. They are moreso than we are. Herein lies the problem.

We got ourselves into this crap, now how can we fix it?

If we blow up Asia, and all middle-eastern countries, we are also dead meat.

Bye-bye all of our enlisted guys, bye-bye next, all of us.

We have been paying for years to all of the deadbeats here (not talking about people who need a few years of WIC or such) and neglecting blowing these crazy people out of the water.

We have to stop thinking that we are the ones with the solutions and the ones to control the world. China actually had a great idea with the 1 child thing. The parents who kept trying for a son, and killed the females...well, I guess they didn't care to live with an extended-extended family. A girl is a blessing, any healthy child is...there I go judging again.

The US thinks that it is the best, and that we are beyond reproach. In reality, our system is as corrupt as others.

Have you ever considered a good dose of lithium? :jet: :jameo: