I think everyone should be sent back to their own country, especially Muslims. If you were born here and your parents weren't, they gotta go and they are more than welcome to take you with them.
In all honesty, we dont owe them a damn thing. We dont owe them a safe place to live. We dont really owe anyone crap.
Then they need to shut ALL of our borders and not let a damn person in who isnt a NATURAL citizen.
They should then proceed to blow up all the dirty filthy little third world POS countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.)
When they're done with that, they should take a poll, who is with us, who isnt. Whoever isnt, gets all trade in and out of the USA shut down for 6 months. After 6 months, they can reevaluate and see whether or not its REALLY worth it for them to be pissing us off. If they still arent with us, blow them up too.
Some people would say, its a good thing I dont rule the world. The point is though, I would kill the chit out of a WHOLE lotta people, if it meant keeping myself and my family safe. Politics are overrated, dropping bombs works, like a charm I might add.