You're a LOON :)
Good God I can't remember that last time I bought for her in the "girls" section and she is only 11. Doc says she is just a little chunky it's just that she has big bones. This child has been huge from day 1! She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. at birth and 21 and 1/2 inches long. She was HUGE. Can we say OW!!!!
See my kids are the opposite. My 8 and a half pound baby is my skinny tiny one. The other two who were much smaller at birth are the bigger ones.
My just turned 8 year old son is huge. He is taller then my 10 year old and weighs about 15 pounds more. Alot of the time people mistake them for twins, especially when the 10 year old wears her brothers clothes.