15 year old boy......


1. You are just as dead from a stab wound inflicted by a 15 year old as you are one inflicted from a 95 year old.

2. If you managed to get the knife from the 15 year old he would be prohibited by law from inflicting the ass whoopin the kid needs so what is the point.
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
All growth calculators have always said he will stop at 6' 3". I guess we'll find out in a few years.

You know me (5'2") and Bug's Daddy (6'2"). She is calculated at about 5'6". She is almost there already there. :ohwell:
river rat said:
My 18 year nephew is 5' 11" and 311 pounds. I weigh 120. He stays in line. I won't tolerate it.
I hope your children don't know ya'll are skeered.
I think you miss the point. The point is that there are some 15 year olds, and some younger, that one has a right to fear. Not all children fear authority.

The story is about a 15 year old that already has an assigned counselor and a knife he's willing to use. You are not talking about just a kid that will fear you because you expect him to.


Lem Putt
onebdzee said:
He was in a group home as part of his probation for assualt....the questions that run through my mind are....first, why didn't hi counsler have correct directions to the school where he was supposed to be going....second, what was a 15 yr old on probation for assault getting a knife....and lastly, why didn't the male counselor restrain this boy like he was supposed to be trained to do

I was working in a "group home/level 5 school"(emotional and behavioral problem teens) in Towson and we had to go through training in restraining those kids....they are also taught to "chase them" as long as it is not endangering themselves or others....the counslers went through a more intense training than the admin dept did...but, we all had to go through it....it was state mandated in order for a person to work around any of those kids....and from what I understand the mandates are just the same or more stricker

Wouldn't the knife threat be enough?


tomchamp said:
Can we get the whole story? Like a link or something?
Post Office and Leonardtown Rd. yesterday... Transport, kid gives bad directions pulls knife steals car. That's about it.


New Member
I do have a question to pose in your thread if I may, what if it was a gun. Should he have ran then? Is age the factor of your disbelief or the fact that the counselor wasn't prepared and doing his job dutifully?


Working for the weekend
meds4me said:
I do have a question to pose in your thread if I may, what if it was a gun. Should he have ran then? Is age the factor of your disbelief or the fact that the counselor wasn't prepared and doing his job dutifully?
I love your name!! :killingme

river rat

I obviously have touched a sore spot with a few of you (could care less)
It is just that when I heard this then read it I reflected to my own teen age years and know that had I tried a stunt like this....well, it would be in the news all right. Something like this.....15 year old gets his Azz kicked at light on corner of post office and leonardtown road by 37 tr old counselor after trying to play thug!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

river rat said:
For those of you who heard or read about the 15 year old boy who pulled a knife on his counselor......and the counselor fled, leaving the boy and the minivan, COULD YA PLEASE TELL ME.... why does a 37 year old man run from a 15 year old?? (psssst not to mention he is/was responsible for the safe delivery of the 15 year old child)

...that 37 year old grew up in a world telling him violence is wrong. Asserting yourself is wrong. Being what we used to call a man is wrong. He was trained to get into the kids feelings with words, not his ass with his foot when called for. That 15 year old has it even worse; he's learned a lesson in intimidation and threats.

We had a salty old bastard principal at my Jr High. Billy Reynolds was our big, dumb, hardcore #### up, anti social and bane of authority.

Well, Mr. Howie says "Bill, meet me out back after school, bring your friends."

So, after school, Billy and all 6' 4", 250 pounds of his 5th year of 3 year junior high ass gets showed how the hogs ate the cabbage by Mr. 5' 10", 160 pounds of I'm Here to teach you, whatever it Takes. Howie gave Billy first shot. Billy missed. Howie beat his ass, but good.

Boys need men. They need ass whippings followed by a man to man talk. They need breaking down and building up. Not alot. Once is often enough.

Not all boys. Mostly just the ones with no dad. But they need it before it's too late, before they pull a knife on someone.

Billy got his act together and learned to say things like "Yes, Mr. Howie...No, Mr. Howie" and so forth and moved on to greater things, like 10th grade. He was a hero to us because he took his whipping and became one of Mr. Howies kids, an honor.

Todays kids are so disfunctional they'd take that as DIS respect and go get a gun and kill people.


Lem Putt
river rat said:
I obviously have touched a sore spot with a few of you (could care less)
It is just that when I heard this then read it I reflected to my own teen age years and know that had I tried a stunt like this....well, it would be in the news all right. Something like this.....15 year old gets his Azz kicked at light on corner of post office and leonardtown road by 37 tr old counselor after trying to play thug!

Maybe if you were a decent parent, your son wouldn't have threatened the counselor and stolen the van.


river rat said:
I obviously have touched a sore spot with a few of you (could care less)
It is just that when I heard this then read it I reflected to my own teen age years and know that had I tried a stunt like this....well, it would be in the news all right. Something like this.....15 year old gets his Azz kicked at light on corner of post office and leonardtown road by 37 tr old counselor after trying to play thug!
I truly pray... That you never know, how stupid you are

Love, Kain


New Member
Kain99 said:
"Raised with such anger and disrespect for others." Not! The little bastards have minds of their own! :lmao:

He's a 15 year old boy, not a 55 year old man. When I was that age and still at this age, I respect my elders.


off the shelf
MMDad said:
Wouldn't the knife threat be enough?

would for me!

I was just asking questions....and giving my input on my past experiences with this type of kid

I went through the admin training at that place in Towson and never had to use it(thank God!)....those kids get rather violent at times....and they aren't scared of anything or anyone....there was one kid that was there for a month and he ran across the beltway(695!) several times....sometimes in the middle of the night

might I also add that most of these kids are usually on one form or the other of psychotropic meds


Working for the weekend
river rat said:
I obviously have touched a sore spot with a few of you (could care less)
It is just that when I heard this then read it I reflected to my own teen age years and know that had I tried a stunt like this....well, it would be in the news all right. Something like this.....15 year old gets his Azz kicked at light on corner of post office and leonardtown road by 37 tr old counselor after trying to play thug!
Sounds to me like the kid might have Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Granted, he should have been searched before getting in the van. If the counsler could have had the opportunity to restrain the teen, then yes, it should have been done. But, if the child is in a manic emotional state, "talking them down" is what I was trained to do. If that did not work and my life was in stake, I would say bye-bye also, and run away.