15 year old boy......

river rat

BuddyLee said:
A perfect fit.:biggrin:

That's exactly what this thread is about!
Kid's being disrespectful....why don't ya'll go make out behind the corn crib and get off this thread?

Stop the name callin' Nikel it is unbecoming


Football addict
river rat said:
That's exactly what this thread is about!
Kid's being disrespectful....why don't ya'll go make out behind the corn crib and get off this thread?

Stop the name callin' Nikel it is unbecoming
If only I had a knife...


New Member
river rat said:
That's exactly what this thread is about!
Kid's being disrespectful....why don't ya'll go make out behind the corn crib and get off this thread?

Stop the name callin' Nikel it is unbecoming

We are all off topic.

The kid was beyond disrespectful with a knife. :ohwell: The counselor fled and you got upset with it. People disagreed :shrug: You have yet to say how YOU would have handled this, all I've gotten was blah... blah...romperroom... blah.. blah... med-hole...blah ...blah? Be part of the solution not the problem :yay:

river rat

meds4me said:
We are all off topic.

The kid was beyond disrespectful with a knife. :ohwell: The counselor fled and you got upset with it. People disagreed :shrug: You have yet to say how YOU would have handled this, all I've gotten was blah... blah...romperroom... blah.. blah... med-hole...blah ...blah? Be part of the solution not the problem :yay:

Okay meds-hole it' deal...
you go and find the fifteen year old and i'll show ya!


I've met several 15 year olds there were freaking HUGE......hell, Timmy was over 300 lbs at 15 and could mount tires on rims without using the machine. :lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
river rat said:
For those of you who heard or read about the 15 year old boy who pulled a knife on his counselor......and the counselor fled, leaving the boy and the minivan, COULD YA PLEASE TELL ME.... why does a 37 year old man run from a 15 year old?? (psssst not to mention he is/was responsible for the safe delivery of the 15 year old child)
:yeahthat: he should have slapped the punk.

Of course he probably would have lost his job, gotten arrested for assualting a minor and sued by the punk's parents. After his house got foreclosed on because he lost his job, his wife would leave him and we all know how unfair the child support laws are in MD. so he'd be in deptors prison where he'd be gang raped because his crime was against a minor.


professional daydreamer
meds4me said:
GFY Azzhat...and keep up... missperky said the counselor wasn't scared. Get that ever widening head out that ever widening azz and try to keep up with your own thread please. TIA

That, coming from someone with ever flapping lips. :snort:


Well-Known Member
river rat said:
My 18 year nephew is 5' 11" and 311 pounds. I weigh 120. He stays in line. I won't tolerate it.
I hope your children don't know ya'll are skeered.

And what are you gonna do when the 18 year old decides that he's had enough of you? Whooooo!(Sorry. A soon as I typed it I could see Flair yelling at Hogan)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are correct...

kwillia said:
What a grand story of yester year... should this happen today, poor ole Mr. Howie would be flat broke after being sued in civil court and with a sore arse of his own after becoming bubba's playtoy in prison.

...and therein lies the problem. The horse has left the barn.

Regaining broad based control of the young males in our society by the older males is not something I can see our way back to.
Larry Gude said:
...and therein lies the problem. The horse has left the barn.

Regaining broad based control of the young males in our society by the older males is not something I can see our way back to.
There has been a disruption of the "alpha male" force. It is natural for the young males to challenge authority, but the natural response should of been to grab them by the throat and put them back in their place thus reinforcing that their disrespectful and disruptive behaviour was unacceptable. That is no longer allowed in our society. It is seen as child abuse.


Set Trippin
:roflmao: :lmao:

"I would have done this.... I would have done that.... He should have done this... He should have done that...."

:roflmao: :lmao: Some people in this thread are hilarious, I have been stabbed and I have been robbed at gunpoint (twice)... You wouldn't have done ####, but what you were told to do...:lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes but no...

meds4me said:
Are we all in agreement that if the kid had the proper upbringing to begin with this would never have happend?

...there was, is and always will be tough situations so, it's not the kids home life per se. It would be utopian to expect all kids will be raised like Wally and Beaver.

What I am talking about, what I lament, older guys help me here, is the loss of the day when pretty much all dads were your dad in that 'he' would do anything from correct you, say something to you, say something to your dad or flat put a foot in your ass himself as the situation required.

It's what Hillary meant in "It takes a villiage". She should know. Mindsets like hers where kids can sue parents (she proposed that let's not forget) is what helped tear down the village to begin with.

Troubled kids used to be able to find a firm but guiding hand at school or down the street or at church or the local cop or, if it came to that, reform school or group homes.