vraiblonde said:18 days of crying infant and uncaring husband is a LONG time. Most women can't even stick to a diet for 18 days.
My son was a cryer. Even my friends said that they'd never seen a baby who slept so little and cried so much. Nothing was wrong with him - he just had an immature nervous system and he outgrew it.
But it was hell, let me tell you. My Mom came to visit when Doug was 2 weeks old, and by that time I was half insane. I was never so glad to see anyone in my whole entire life.
HA! Bring him on! I am a 42 year old veteran now, not a 19 year old newbie. I think unreasonable 4 year olds are cute and interesting - which is very different than how I felt about my first experience with unreasonable 4 year olds.pixiegirl said:I have a visitor for you Vrai....
My son slept in those too..He had one of those bouncing swings too..he slept in that too...was soo cute to see him hanging there sleeping! I feel for the parents of kids that didnt sleep My son was 10 LBS 1.4 Oz and started sleeping through the night at 2 weeks old.pixiegirl said:Noah would not be put down. Would not. He slept for the first 18 hours then it was on like Donkey Kong after that. I $hit you not the nurses had to come take him from me before we even left the hospital so that I could get a couple hours rest because we would not sleep. Things got no better when we got home. I ended up with one of those front backpack thingies to wear around the house because I could not even put him down long enough to make myself something to eat. You, just like I adjust, you walk away, you don't throw your kid.
You're probably right. Empathy is knowing how someone feels, right? And sympathy is feeling sorry for them.citysherry said:I think you might be confusing sympathy with empathy.
vraiblonde said:You're probably right. Empathy is knowing how someone feels, right? And sympathy is feeling sorry for them.
So it's more empathy, with a little bit of sympathy thrown in.
vraiblonde said:You're probably right. Empathy is knowing how someone feels, right? And sympathy is feeling sorry for them.
So it's more empathy, with a little bit of sympathy thrown in.
vraiblonde said:HA! Bring him on! I am a 42 year old veteran now, not a 19 year old newbie. I think unreasonable 4 year olds are cute and interesting - which is very different than how I felt about my first experience with unreasonable 4 year olds.![]()
Yeah buddypixiegirl said:Yeah at 42 at 52 (the age my mom was w/ grandkids) you learn it's easier and more fun to just give them the damn gummies and they like you a whole lot freaking better too. "Hey mommy, can we go see that nice lady that gave me the gummies again? hu? hu? can we? can we?"
You rang?vraiblonde said:Yeah buddy
vraiblonde said:Yeah buddyI can't WAIT for grandchildren!
When you've done this for awhile, you've had so many more important battles with your kids that gummy bears are like
ff:. Who cares? Give 'em the friggin' gummy bears.
Actually, I was thinking of my girlfriend's unreasonable 4 year old, who decided he didn't like his snowboots and didn't understand why she couldn't just conjure up a new pair right then and there.She's an older Mom and not some teenage knucklehead, so she was fairly calm about the whole incident. But she wasn't laughing and enjoying it like I was.
pixiegirl said:I have a visitor for you Vrai....
I agree with the finally snapped theory though... The dumb bia got knocked up to keep or control the man. It didn't work. She finally snapped and took it out on the babe.
After 4.5 years of putting up with my ex husband's b/s I flicked off on him. I don't condone that sort of behavior and the stress of being a new mother certainly weighed in on it. About 5 seconds before I told him not to come back I cleaned his clock. Mind you he'd just come home after a couple days and cleaning out the checking account. I'd never imagine taking out my anger on my son.
And you know this because??????bygeorge said:The husband is the one who fed, diapered and cuddled the baby. He did ask for help from the authorities and was not given it in time. He didn't run around or leave her in the lurch. He was gone from the home for 1 1/2 hours helping a friend. The baby was asleep when he left and he returned home immediately after recieving a phone call from wifey that the baby was having trouble breathing.
Don't condemn people without knowing the whole story.
Also, I don't think anyone condemned the husband or really said anything too much about him.bygeorge said:The husband is the one who fed, diapered and cuddled the baby. He did ask for help from the authorities and was not given it in time. He didn't run around or leave her in the lurch. He was gone from the home for 1 1/2 hours helping a friend. The baby was asleep when he left and he returned home immediately after recieving a phone call from wifey that the baby was having trouble breathing.
Don't condemn people without knowing the whole story.
bygeorge said:The husband is the one who fed, diapered and cuddled the baby. He did ask for help from the authorities and was not given it in time. He didn't run around or leave her in the lurch. He was gone from the home for 1 1/2 hours helping a friend. The baby was asleep when he left and he returned home immediately after recieving a phone call from wifey that the baby was having trouble breathing.
Don't condemn people without knowing the whole story.