19 Y/O Woman Charged w/Attempted Murder Due to Abuse of Newborn


Working for the weekend
dems4me said:
Where does post pardon (?) syndrom/hormones play in this? Arn't women supposed to experience mood changes and irrational behavior and thoughts after giving birth and some need medications, etc... wouldn't that be a defense for the mother if she's up against attempted murder? She had just popped this baby out 2 and a half weeks at the time of this incident :shrug:
Post partum depression is a valid psychological condition. I experienced it myself. Did I ever think of hurting my baby when he would not stop crying?? Sure, but I had an awesome suport system, and was intelligent enough to get the help I needed. Even Brooke Shields in her book thought of hurting her child. It should not lesson her punishment, but maybe make folks more aware of the condition. Heck, my baby is now almost 16, I guess it would be too late to use that as a defense if I hurt him........ :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

But I CAN understand how a person could take it to that next level. I don't condone it or approve of it, but I do understand. I'm sure this girl feels horrible and she's going to have to live with this for the rest of her life.

I don't think she's some heinous killer, who'll beat the rap and go out looking for another innocent victim to murder. I think this was a momentary loss of control and her punishment should reflect that.
Her punishment should include sterilization.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
At what point to people become responsible for their actions?
I haven't suggested she shouldn't be held responsible for her actions. I simply said I understand and have some sympathy.

I also haven't suggested she shouldn't recieve punishment, or that what she did was okay or justifiable.

I only said I understand why she did it. The rest is just you all being reactionary and putting words in my mouth.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
Having not thrown my child in anger, I have the right to snub my nose at ignorant people that can't hold their temper and take it out on a baby.
And, because I don't have multiple babies from multiple Bebe Daddies who are no longer around, I have the right to snub my nose at ignorant women who spread their legs for any guy that comes down the pike.


Some of you "perfect Mommies" shouldn't be throwing stones.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
camily said:
Her punishment should include sterilization.
If she had killed the child 18 weeks earlier, it would be called "abortion" and would be perfectly legal.

Which is worse - throwing a child on the floor and smashing its skull, or chopping it in little pieces and throwing it in the trash?


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
And, because I don't have multiple babies from multiple Bebe Daddies who are no longer around, I have the right to snub my nose at ignorant women who spread their legs for any guy that comes down the pike.


Some of you "perfect Mommies" shouldn't be throwing stones.
Hmmm...how many kids do I have? :lmao:

I'll be the first to admit my mistakes, but I own up for them and take responsibility. And I don't see how someone having more than one child, by however many people, is relevant to the discussion of someone injuring their baby in a fit of frustration. Is it considered child abuse to have multiple kids? :confused:


pretty black roses
vraiblonde said:
And, because I don't have multiple babies from multiple Bebe Daddies who are no longer around, I have the right to snub my nose at ignorant women who spread their legs for any guy that comes down the pike.


Some of you "perfect Mommies" shouldn't be throwing stones.

Where did anyone say they were "perfect Mommies"?


wandering aimlessly
Vrai- It's not the word "understand" everyone is taking issue with,

it's the word "sympathy" as expressed below.

vraiblonde said:
I have some sympathy for this girl.

I know, I know. It's no excuse. But I remember what it was like to be 19 years old with an infant that wouldn't stop crying and a husband who worked long hours.

Granted, I didn't throw my son around, but I did leave him to cry in the crib while I went out front to smoke a cigarette and drink an iced tea, and calm down. And I remember thinking, "This is why these girls shake their babies or smother them to death." I was literally afraid to touch him when we were both jacked up like that.

And don't any of you try to pretend you were some Mother of the Year who never got frustrated by a crying baby.

Ideally this young woman would have been taught what to do when this sort of thing happens (and it WILL happen) so that she could deal with it more effectively and not lose her mind. Call your Mom. Call your friend. "PLEASE come over here and sit with the baby for a few minutes while I get myself together!!!"

I feel sorry for her.

Yes we all understand that some people feel this way at some time, but we have no sympathy for those that act on it. That is why everyone is questioning your statement.

And yes if it was temp insanity or PPD, living with the knowledge she committed this attrocity will be quite an emotional burden.


vraiblonde said:
Where did I say this girl shouldn't be punished for her actions?

You didn't say she shouldn't be punished, but you did say that her punishment should reflect the fact that this was a momentary loss of control. (meaning it should be a smaller punishment, correct?)


bresamil said:
it's the word "sympathy" as expressed below.

Yes we all understand that some people feel this way at some time, but we have no sympathy for those that act on it. That is why everyone is questioning your statement.

And yes if it was temp insanity or PPD, living with the knowledge she committed this attrocity will be quite an emotional burden.

thank you, I don't know why I couldn't put that in words. I understand her "loss of control" Like you said, no one is perfect and we've all probably blown our tops with our kids. But sympathy? I have no sympathy for her. I could care less about her


Lem Putt
bresamil said:
it's the word "sympathy" as expressed below.

Yes we all understand that some people feel this way at some time, but we have no sympathy for those that act on it. That is why everyone is questioning your statement.

And yes if it was temp insanity or PPD, living with the knowledge she committed this attrocity will be quite an emotional burden.
:yay: Well said.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
(meaning it should be a smaller punishment, correct?)
Smaller than someone who commits a premeditated murder, yes.

I don't know what punishment I would give her, but I do know I am an American. And unlike some of the more Islamic types on here, I don't think that bashing peoples' heads in or shooting them or beating them or dismembering them is an appropriate punishment.

Some of you have this mental picture of a soulless demon who beat her infant repeatedly and threw it to the ground because she's a heartless wretch. And PS, she takes a terrible mugshot. :rolleyes:

My mental picture is of a young mother who was under a lot of stress and finally snapped. I have a picture that she feels horrible and is very sorry for her loss of control.

But I could be wrong. :shrug:


vraiblonde said:
My mental picture is of a young mother who was under a lot of stress and finally snapped.

You say finally snapped, like she's been struggling with this for a long time. The child was only 18 DAYS old. If she can't handle a little newborn crying, makes me wonder what she'd do to a 3-4 year old that whines and whines and whines because you won't stop and get him a bag of gummy worms.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
You say finally snapped, like she's been struggling with this for a long time. The child was only 18 DAYS old.
18 days of crying infant and uncaring husband is a LONG time. Most women can't even stick to a diet for 18 days.

My son was a cryer. Even my friends said that they'd never seen a baby who slept so little and cried so much. Nothing was wrong with him - he just had an immature nervous system and he outgrew it.

But it was hell, let me tell you. My Mom came to visit when Doug was 2 weeks old, and by that time I was half insane. I was never so glad to see anyone in my whole entire life.


:Jeepin' in NC:
I had my hubby and my mother in law with me for 2 weeks after I had my son. Everything was good, then the MIL left and hubby went back to work...I yelled at him threw stuff at him but never did I do anything to my son. He sat in my arms and cried and cried. I just dont understand how you can be holding your child in your arms and throw it to the ground like a bag of trash! I mean for gods sakes throw a rock through his car window or something.
I do feel bad for people like this because they are not all there. Doesnt mean I still dont wanna tear her apart. What I would give to know what she was thinking at that moment, and after for that matter. Just seeing that in my head as I read it, i cant even begin to understand. I dont think that I could drop my son on purpose even if I wanted to. My mind wouldnt let me do it. Just like holding a cigarette even if you wanna drop it on the carpet its really hard to open your fingers and let go!!


Cleopatra Jones
nomoney said:
You say finally snapped, like she's been struggling with this for a long time. The child was only 18 DAYS old. If she can't handle a little newborn crying, makes me wonder what she'd do to a 3-4 year old that whines and whines and whines because you won't stop and get him a bag of gummy worms.

:yeahthat: I have a visitor for you Vrai.... :whistle:

I agree with the finally snapped theory though... The dumb bia got knocked up to keep or control the man. It didn't work. She finally snapped and took it out on the babe.

After 4.5 years of putting up with my ex husband's b/s I flicked off on him. I don't condone that sort of behavior and the stress of being a new mother certainly weighed in on it. About 5 seconds before I told him not to come back I cleaned his clock. Mind you he'd just come home after a couple days and cleaning out the checking account. I'd never imagine taking out my anger on my son.


New Member
Somdmommy said:
Just like holding a cigarette even if you wanna drop it on the carpet its really hard to open your fingers and let go!!
WTF, are you sure it's just a cigarette that you're smoking. :confused: